Relatively speaking, Hou Qi and you san are still a little dangerous

Because, after all, the yangshulin incident at that time. Finally, Hou Qi and you San's cars were at the scene.

Of course, as long as Hou Qi and you san don't go back to Qingyun city and don't commit crimes all over the country, it's estimated that this will be the case?


About why old Zuo asked Zuo Qing to visit Lin Qiu in Shudu, it was because old Zuo still wanted to promote the marriage between his granddaughter and Lin Qiu.

After all, there was an engagement.

Master Zuo is also an old traditional thought. He feels that if he doesn't do this, he will be a little sorry for the Lin family.

Although Lin Qiu is the only one left in the Lin family, some things still have to be done according to the agreement at that time.

So that's why old Zuo had to go to Shudu to see Lin Qiu.

Old man Zuo thought, after all, Zuo Qing has an engagement with Lin Qiu. After all, she is Lin Qiu's fiancee, so she doesn't go to see him at this time, so who will go to see him?


But now, someone is going to Shudu to see Lin Qiu.

She is Yunchuan's aunt Yun.

At the moment, aunt Yun is asking her third aunt. She asks, "how's the connection?"

The third aunt said, "Qin Youguo basically promised me. He said, after you arrive in Shudu, I'll contact him and ask me to tell him your location in Shudu."

Then the third aunt said, "but this... We have to keep it a secret."

Aunt Yun said, "don't worry. I'm not a three-year-old girl."


At the moment, Villa 8, yuebanshan, Qingyun city.

Shen Mei is reporting to Aunt Bai, which means that the dust has basically settled on the side of Hefa real estate group. She is sure to be acquired by Yuntian group of Yunchuan.

Yuntian group of Yunchuan will hold 51% of Hefa real estate group.

Hearing such news, aunt Bai's heart was a little heavy

Because she knew she probably shouldn't have secretly put Lin Qiu together?

As the saying goes, a just cause has more help than an unjust cause.

Now if you really want to fight Yuntian group in Yunchuan, I'm afraid her aunt Bai will feel a little powerless

Because if aunt Bai's jiaoguang group is a ship, then Aunt Yunchuan's Yuntian group is an aircraft carrier.

So... How to fight?

More importantly, Xu Lin is about to leave the focus group.

For the capital operation expert who dug up from Yanjing, now she is going to announce the end of the honeymoon period with her aunt Bai.

Moreover, aunt Bai knew that her own means were useless to Xu Lin.

So Xu Lin wants to leave, but her aunt Bai can't stay if she wants to.

And her aunt Bai also knew very well that it was not a matter of treatment for Xu Lin to leave.

Later, aunt Bai didn't mention Hefa real estate group, but suddenly said to Shen Mei, "help me book a private room in Yunlai Hotel later."


In the evening, aunt Bai entertained Xu Lin alone in Yunlai hotel.

In fact, Xu Lin knows very well about this meal. Aunt Bai just wants to fight for and play emotional cards to see if she can retain him.

However, for Xu Lin, his intention to go has been decided, so even aunt Bai can't play the emotion card again.

At this time, Xu Lin and Bai Yi were in the private room of the restaurant of Yunlai hotel.

They sat face to face around a big round table.

Although there was a large table of dishes on the table, neither of them moved their chopsticks much.

At the moment, they smile at each other. It seems that each other knows some thoughts in each other's heart at the moment

Finally, aunt Bai broke the silence and said, "well... Xu Lin, there's no need for us to tease and laugh, so... Let me get straight to the point and frankly... Is it because of Lin Qiu that you suddenly want to leave jiaoguang group?"

Suddenly, when Aunt Bai said this, Xu Lin smiled and said, "since aunt Bai said so, then... I also want to ask aunt Bai. If I told you frankly that I was leaving jiaoguang group because of Lin Qiu, what would you think?"

Listening to Xu Lin's words, aunt Bai was secretly stunned

Then, aunt Bai's heart suddenly felt a little heavy

Because she was thinking that Xu Lin really wanted to leave jiaoguang group because of Lin Qiu

Thinking about it, after a while, looking at Xu Lin, aunt Bai couldn't help asking, "in my impression, you don't seem to have too much contact with Lin Qiu at ordinary times?"

Xu Lin said, "I think aunt Bai should understand that it's not more contact and deeper friendship."

"So... Do you think it's worth making such a decision for Lin Qiu?"

When Aunt Bai asked, Xu Lin replied, "in fact, there is nothing worth or not worth in this world. Only if I think it is worth it, and if I think it is not worth it, it is not worth it."

"Do you think it's worth it or not?" aunt Bai asked again.

Xu Lin said, "if it's not worth it, then I won't leave jiaoguang group."

Hearing this, aunt Bai's heart suddenly felt a little heavy

But she still couldn't understand what Lin Qiu had in the end?

Why did Xu Lin make such a decision?

Did I really do something wrong?

At this moment, aunt Bai was silent, and Xu Lin was silent. He just looked at Aunt Bai with a smile.

After staying for a long time, aunt Bai looked at Xu Lin again and asked, "can you tell me... What's the matter with Lin Qiu?"

Xu Lin smiled and said: "Aunt Bai, actually... How can I answer you this question? I can only tell you that sometimes the feeling between brothers is like that between lovers, so you have to ask what love is between lovers. I think... In this world, no couple can understand why they love each other. To put it bluntly, it is one A feeling thing, that thing... How to say... Just like air, it exists and we breathe it every day, but we have never seen it and don't know what it looks like. "

Such an answer is also perfect.

Aunt Bai had to admire Xu Lin in her heart!

This man is not ordinary!

No one has such a strong language expression ability?

No wonder this guy can handle all kinds of social occasions!

Such eloquence made her aunt Bai speechless.

Finally, aunt Bai had to say, "in fact, compared with you, I don't think Lin Qiu is anything at all, really. Because in addition to his powerful Kung Fu and unfathomable, I don't see anything extraordinary about him."

Xu Lin smiled again and then said, "that's just because Aunt Bai hasn't calmed down to find out. Maybe aunt Bai is too impatient? Maybe aunt Bai has been afraid? But then again, if Lin Qiu really doesn't have anything outstanding, then I want to ask aunt Bai... Why are you so afraid of him?"

"...." aunt Bai looked embarrassed and said she was speechless.

In fact, Xu Lin got the point.

Because about whether Lin Qiu is outstanding or not, in fact, her aunt Bai still knows.

Looking at Aunt Bai's embarrassing appearance, Xu Lin couldn't help laughing

At the moment, Xu Lin knew that it was difficult for each other's topic to continue?

Sure enough, aunt Bai suddenly said, "well, let's not talk about this. Let's talk about something else."

Xu Lin said, "aunt Bai can talk about whatever she wants."

So aunt Bai said, "so... Have you decided to go?"

Xu Lin said with a smile: "doesn't Aunt Bai want to sign my resignation letter?"

Aunt Bai was embarrassed again, and then asked helplessly, "can you tell me what your plans will be?"

Xu Lin said, "isn't it the end of the new year soon? I want to go back to Yanjing first and wait for the new year. In a detailed calculation, I have been here in Qingyun city for several years and haven't been back to Yanjing for the new year for several years, so... I suddenly miss Yanjing and want to go back for the new year."

"Then what?" aunt Bai asked again.

Xu Lin said, "then take a look. See if any big group trusts me? If not... It's a big deal that I start my own business. Of course, I know I'm not suitable for starting my own business, so I'm still willing to work in other people's groups. Maybe I'm born to be a slave?"

The famous working emperor suddenly said such a remark, which was somewhat self deprecating.

Therefore, aunt Bai had to open the window paper and said, "yes, I've heard that you're going to want me Yuntian group, so don't put it here to laugh at yourself."

Xu Lin smiled: "but it hasn't been finalized yet, has it?"

So aunt Bai said, "what do you mean you don't want to enter Yuntian group and deal with me in turn, or..."

Xu Lin smiled again and said, "aunt Bai, let's be honest. After all, you used to be my boss, so... I really can't bear to deal with you right away. Of course, if there is such a day, please understand. After all... Aunt Bai knows that each is his own master."


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