Looking at the secular old aunt, Sheng Jingyao said, "old aunt, don't ask. You don't know that man, and you haven't seen him."

At this time, her mother couldn't help but be a little excited and said, "since your aunt is asking, tell me who the man is? Does it make my mother happy?"

However, Sheng Jingyao was a little shy and said, "Oh, mom, don't you know then?"

Listening to this, her father suddenly said, "first, let's say that the Sheng family won't accept those who are not upright in three views! Also, if he doesn't have a proper career, we won't accept them!"

It's true that such a family now works in various organs and units or state-owned enterprises. No matter how bad it is, her old uncle is also a technician of CSCEC, so if she finds a little gangster in the society in the future, how can the family accept it?

At this time, master Qi suddenly looked at his granddaughter Sheng Jingyao and said, "Jingyao, I usually spoil you, but this thing... The boy you said, I will never agree!"

Suddenly, hearing that old man Qi said so suddenly, Sheng Jingyao wanted to focus on old man Qi because of her father, mother, uncle, aunt, aunt and uncle

"Dad, have you seen the boy mentioned by Jingyao?"

"Yes, yes, Dad, have you seen that boy?!"


Suddenly, when they were all asking, master Qi said, "yes. That boy is a soldier."

Suddenly, Sheng Jingyao heard that she was a soldier. Her old uncle hurriedly said, "it's good to be a soldier. It's very stable to change jobs and work in organs and units in the future. Besides, it's good to be a soldier and have a strong sense of responsibility."

Then, Sheng Jingyao said to her uncle, "just be a soldier. It's good to be a soldier."

Even Sheng Jingyao's father couldn't help saying, "it's acceptable to be a soldier."

Because they are all soldiers. Can you say that it's bad to be a soldier?

But master Qi suddenly said, "you know a fart? I know I'm a good soldier, because I'm a veteran! You used to be soldiers in the army. Aren't you all my soldiers? The key is... The boy mentioned by Jingyao is Lin Jiaren's son, understand?"

Suddenly hearing this, they were stunned one by one

At the same time, they were all very surprised

Because they all know about Lin Jiaren

But they have long ignored that Lin Jiaren has a son.

After waiting for a while, Sheng Jingyao's father aligned with the old man and said, "Dad, don't all the things about those years have passed? Why do you object to Jingyao's being with Lin Jiaren's son?"

Master Qi said, "it's over. But there's another thing you may not know. That's that Lin Qiu and his granddaughter Zuo Qing were engaged to marry. So, tell me... Can two women marry a man at the same time? If so, I don't object to it!"

Suddenly listen to this, they are completely stupid one by one

At the moment, Sheng Jingyao's heart also paused

In order not to come to Shudu in vain, the next day, that is, the first day of the first month, with the help of aunt Yun, Lin Qiu had to accompany her to Jinli, Shudu.

As for Jinli, the former Jinguan City, it was later restored by the Wuhou Temple Museum in the capital of Shu. Now it is a famous Pedestrian Commercial Street in Shu City, known as the first street in Western Shu.

That day, while playing, aunt Yun told Lin Qiu about Ma Kui's case

Thinking of Ma Kui, Lin Qiu's first impression was his fierce Zhang Fei image.

However, Ma Kui is definitely kind enough and loyal enough!

Besides, Ma Kui is definitely a man and a man!

Therefore, recalling the incident in the poplar forest on Lantau Island in Qingyun city last year, Lin Qiu couldn't help asking aunt Yun, "Ma Kui should not be sentenced to death?"

Aunt Yun said, "Min Wenbin, Min's lawyer said he was certain that he should not be sentenced to death?"

Listening to Aunt Yun's words, Lin Qiu was stunned again

Then, he couldn't help saying to Aunt Yun: "by the way, you told lawyer Min that when Ma Kui was sentenced to prison, when he went in, remember to write my name, because then... When I retire, I'm going to see him in prison."


At this moment, when Lin Qiu was walking with aunt Yun in Jinli, suddenly, another familiar figure appeared in the crowd

She is Sheng Jingyao!

Sheng Jingyao was in a bad mood that day, so she came to Jinli alone

Mainly last night, what her grandfather said made her feel a little uncomfortable

Although she didn't say anything, she thought that she and Lin Qiu might not succeed. Therefore, she was particularly depressed.

Think about it. As a big girl, it's really frustrating to meet the man she likes, but she can't be with him.

However, Sheng Jingyao always thought in her heart that she met the girl named Zuo Qing years ago?

Didn't she say she was just Lin Qiu's cousin?

If so, it means that her engagement with Lin Qiu is invalid, doesn't it?

Thinking of this, Sheng Jingyao felt better at last

Because at least there's a glimmer of hope.


Originally, there were many tourists in Jinli on the first day of the first month, so at the beginning, Sheng Jingyao didn't find Lin Qiu in the crowd.

At the beginning, Lin Qiu did not find Sheng Jingyao.

Because Lin Qiu's goods are talking with aunt Yun about some things in Qingyun city at the moment, he is also very attentive. Therefore, he doesn't care about the surrounding people.

Just as they walked, they accidentally bumped into each other in the crowd

It's really a bit of a dog blood plot.

However, in real life, such a dog blood plot does often happen.

This may be why people often say that the earth is round, because walking, they find that they collide with each other again.

Lin Qiu wondered. He thought his chest was so soft. Did we hit a woman? And... How can this aroma be so familiar?

When they looked at each other, they were stunned

Then, Sheng Jingyao couldn't help but have a surprise and knowing smile, oh!

It feels like it's destiny

I met him here again?!

Besides, I just ran into him?!


But Lin Qiu's goods were stunned. After a while, he said that he was surprised with an embarrassing smile

"Why are you?!"

"Sister Jingyao?!"

They asked questions almost at the same time, so they had to look at each other and smile, oh!

At this time, aunt Yun was also very surprised. She couldn't help asking, "do you know each other?"

Suddenly, when Sheng Jingyao looked at the woman beside Lin Qiu, she was stunned

In particular, seeing that woman is still so beautiful and beautiful, her figure is also so tall, her temperament is so noble and elegant, and she is definitely a first-class beauty in the eyes of men. Therefore, Sheng Jingyao was stunned secretly

At the moment, she was thinking, who is this woman? Why is she with Lin Qiu? Is Lin Qiu with her

When she was thinking about this, Lin Qiu, who felt abrupt, said with an embarrassing smile, "she, aunt Yun."

Suddenly listening to Lin Qiu's explanation, Sheng Jingyao had to say hello: "Hello, aunt Yun!"

But aunt Yun was also busy with an embarrassing smile: "No. my name is Ling Yayun. Just call me sister Yun."

Suddenly hearing this sentence, Lin Qiu couldn't help but panic. She turned her head and looked at Aunt Yun and said, "she called you sister Yun, then I..."

Before he finished, aunt Yun said, "didn't I want you to call me sister Yun long ago?"

"All right, sister Yun." Lin Qiu's goods responded helplessly.

But Sheng Jingyao looked at Ling Yayun and was still at a loss

After all, it's too abrupt. I don't know what relationship she has with Lin Qiu. I just feel that there seems to be some AI ambiguity between them.

Therefore, Sheng Jingyao was somewhat jealous.

It's just that she's embarrassed to say it. After all, she hasn't determined any relationship with Lin Qiu.

After a while, Ling Yayun asked Lin Qiu freely, "yes, she is... Your friend?"

Lin Qiu said, "she's my sister, too. Sister Jingyao."

At this time, Sheng Jingyao was busy and introduced herself to Ling Yayun: "yes, I, Sheng Jingyao."

"That's... Yao Mei." Ling Yayun smiled.

But Lin Qiu hurriedly said, "sister Yao? Isn't it good? In Shudu dialect... It sounds like calling sister Yao."

Sheng Jingyao couldn't help laughing, and then said to Ling Yayun, "sister Yun, just call me Jingyao."

Suddenly, Ling Yayun said anxiously, "yes, yes, today is the first day of the new year. Happy New Year! Happy New Year! I wish sister Jingyao more and more beautiful and charming!"

Suddenly hearing aunt Yun say so, Lin Qiu panicked and said to Sheng Jingyao, "Happy New Year!"

So Sheng Jingyao had to laugh and say, "Happy New Year!"


After greeting and blessing each other, Lin Qiu said to Sheng Jingyao, "by the way, sister Jingyao, that... My aunt Yun came to see me from Yunchuan City, so... I have to go around with her to let her feel the urban culture of Shu capital and taste the flavor snacks of Shu capital."

Suddenly hearing this, Sheng Jingyao couldn't help saying to Lin Qiu, "about the capital of Shu... You don't seem to know it well?"

Taking the opportunity, Ling Yayun said, "he's not familiar with me yet. I don't know when I ask. I still found it here through Baidu on my mobile phone."

So, taking the opportunity, Sheng Jingyao said enthusiastically, "let me be a guide. Do you need my free guide?"

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