Suddenly hearing this sentence, their four brothers were stunned, and then the three brothers had to look at Lin Qiu

Lin Qiu wondered, wondering why he asked me to stay?

However, the three brothers did not dare to ask more questions, so they had to turn around and go back to the dormitory first.

After the three recruits left, Mr. Pan said to Lin Qiu, "come with me."

Suddenly, Lin Qiu was stunned again. He thought, what's the situation?

However, he didn't know what to ask, so he had to follow Mr. Pan all the way

It was not until he followed Mr. Pan to another living area of the military region that Lin Qiu knew that the military region also had military hostels.

Later, when he followed Mr. Pan to the military Hostel, Lin Qiu was completely stunned

Horizontal trough——

What's the rhythm?!

Why come to the military hostel?!

Is it... Is it... Mr. Pan has a special hobby

Thinking of this, Lin Qiu suddenly felt that his chrysanthemum was tight and trembled all over.

After Mr. Pan walked up the ladder to the third floor and came to the door of Room 305, I saw that Mr. Pan suddenly raised his hand and knocked on the door. Lin Qiu was stunned again


What's the situation?

Is there a chief in it?

Do you want a 3P rhythm?

Thinking of this, Lin Qiu suddenly feels that his chrysanthemum is tight

After a while, when the door was opened with a "click", I suddenly saw that Sheng Jingyao came to open the door. Lin Qiu was stunned

It's her?!

Sister Jingyao?!

Suddenly, seeing Lin Qiu, Sheng Jingyao couldn't help smiling in surprise

However, in front of Mr. Pan, Sheng Jingyao tried to appear very reserved.

Then she said to Mr. Pan, "thank you, uncle pan!"

Mr. Pan replied, "that's it. Let's talk."

After that, Mr. Pan turned and left

After turning around and watching Mr. Pan go, Lin Qiu turned to Sheng Jingyao and smiled: "sister Jingyao, why are you here?"

Sheng Jingyao smiled happily, "I came to see you."

As she said this, she was busy and said, "well, come in."

Suddenly listening to such a sentence, Lin Qiu frowned and was stunned

Because he doesn't go in or not?

Seeing that Sheng Jingyao gave way to the door, he had no choice but to go in

After Lin Qiu went in, Sheng Jingyao hurriedly closed the door.

Then, as soon as Sheng Jingyao turned around, he was busy and said with a smile, "sit down."

It's just that Lin Qiu feels some inexplicable restraint

After looking at it, he walked towards the tea table in front of the window, then turned and sat down on the chair next to the tea table.

Sheng Jingyao looked very casual. Smiling happily, she turned around and sat down at the edge of the bed, facing Lin Qiu.

Nevertheless, Lin Qiu's goods still feel constrained.

Because he was thinking, sister Jingyao, I don't know what she meant?

However, he knew very well in his heart that he should never easily do something that shouldn't happen with sister Jingyao.

Otherwise, it would be... A little complicated.

In fact, every time Lin Qiu's goods are called by sister Jingyao, so Sheng Jingyao doesn't know what to say to him?

Because she wanted to develop in the direction of lovers with him, and he always pretended to be cute and always shouted by sister Jingyao, which made her feel a little confused.

But for some topics, Sheng Jingyao asked, "have you just come back from the fog city?"

"Yes." Lin Qiu replied hurriedly, and then asked, "how do you know I've gone to fog city, sister Jingyao?"

Sheng Jingyao smiled: "as long as I want to know, is it still difficult?"

Suddenly hearing her say this, Lin Qiu couldn't help thinking that she was right. After all, she was the granddaughter of master Qi's son, so

Seeing Lin Qiu suddenly stunned, Sheng Jingyao couldn't help saying, "what's the matter? Don't you have anything to say with me?"

Suddenly, hearing her say so, Lin Qiu's goods had to be busy and embarrassed and said with a smile, "No."

"Then why are you always absent-minded?"

"I didn't."

Sheng Jingyao had to pout at him pretending to be angry: "hum! Haven't you said yet?"

Suddenly seeing her like this, Lin Qiu's goods had to be busy and embarrassed and said with a smile: "by the way, sister Jingyao, you... What's the matter with you coming to me?"

Sheng Jingyao pretended to be angry and said, "can't I come to you if it's all right?"

"No. I just asked." Lin Qiu had to smile.


Obviously, it is not difficult to see that Sheng Jingyao is still more active.

However, as she is approaching the age of older leftover women, she also has some own opinions.

So what should be pursued, she will naturally take the initiative to pursue.

Then, looking at Lin Qiu, she couldn't help saying, "yes, ask you a question?"

Hearing her saying this, Lin Qiu replied, "ask."

"What's the situation between you and Zuo Qing? Because I heard that you and Zuo Qing are engaged to be married, but when I met Zuo Qing last year, she told me that she said she was your cousin, so... Can you tell me what's going on between you and her?"

Hearing this question, Lin Qiu was stunned. He was also thinking, what is the relationship between him and Zuo Qing?

To tell the truth, to really talk about the relationship with Zuo Qing, Lin Qiu's goods are really vague for a while.

This shows that Sheng Jingyao's eyes have been staring at him like that, as if expecting an answer from him, and he doesn't know how to answer her.

After thinking and thinking, when he wanted to answer, suddenly, inexplicably, he only heard the alarm bell of the military region suddenly ring

As a soldier, I'm very min impressed by the news.

Because if there is no emergency, the alarm bell of the military region will not ring easily.

Suddenly listening to the alarm bell of the military region, Sheng Jingyao was also stunned, and there was an inexplicable tension.

Then, I saw Lin Qiu's goods immediately get up and hurriedly say, "sorry, sister Jingyao, there should be an emergency. I have to rush to the emergency collection!"

While saying this, Lin Qiu's goods went away

At this moment, Sheng Jingyao looked. It's not right to stop him, or not to stop him?

Finally, she could only watch Lin Qiu open the door in panic, and then she went out in panic

In desperation, Sheng Jingyao was stunned. She had to pick up her mobile phone and prepare to call Mr. Pan.

After a while, after connecting with Mr. Pan, Sheng Jingyao hurriedly asked the military region what happened suddenly?

At the moment, Mr. Pan, who was busy, told her: "the Yuchuan earthquake, the military region needs to immediately organize soldiers to Yuchuan earthquake relief!"

Suddenly hearing such a sentence, Sheng Jingyao was completely stunned

Because under such circumstances, it is obvious that the love affair between children and women is insignificant.

Of course, she also understood her responsibility as a soldier and Lin Qiu's sudden rush away.


At this moment, Lin Qiu was running in the direction of the Third Battalion. At the same time, he saw the soldiers of each battalion and squadron gathering urgently.

However, for a while, he didn't know what emergency had happened?

It was just such an emergency that made his heart more and more puzzling

At the same time, he was more or less depressed, because he had just returned from his mission in the fog city, and there was an emergency gathering. It was really fatal!

Then, after he returned to the eighth squadron of the Third Battalion, he hurriedly asked Wang Dalong, "what's the situation?"

Wang Dalong said, "it seems that there is an earthquake. We need to go to earthquake relief now!"


After that, after the assembly, Yang Shuzhong, commander of the Third Battalion, began to lecture

It means that Yuchuan has a sudden earthquake. Now we need to go to earthquake relief, and then we emphasize discipline.

After a few brief instructions, they began to organize the soldiers to get on the bus.

In short, I felt a chaotic and inexplicable tension.

As the top soldiers of the military region, Lin Qiu, Wang Dalong and Yao Ronghao were first taken away by sun Decai, deputy battalion commander of the Third Battalion, and then got on a helicopter.

Because Lu Hao had just returned from fog, he didn't take him with him when he went to earthquake relief this time. He was left in the military camp.

When the helicopter began to take off, the whole atmosphere was a burst of inexplicable tension

At the moment, Lin Qiu, Wang Dalong and Yao Ronghao on the helicopter were also staring at each other. No one dared to say anything.

It seems that in the face of this sudden natural and man-made disaster, we can only respect Xiaoran.

However, for their three brothers, they have just returned and suddenly rushed to the front line of earthquake relief, but they suddenly feel a kind of military responsibility and bounden duty.

It can be said that... I am a brick, where I need to move!

And no complaints, absolutely obey the organization's arrangement and dispatch!

For Lin Qiu's goods, one second he was still talking about love with Sheng Jingyao, and the next second he was busy going to the front line of earthquake relief

This is really a double heaven of ice and fire.


At about 10 pm, Lin Qiu's helicopter finally reached the sky over the Yuchuan disaster area.

Because it is a big night, I can't see what the situation is in the disaster area for the time being?

It's just that they're ready to airborne.

As a soldier, you can only obey orders.

At this moment, Lin Qiu finally understood what a soldier is

In this way, some of their top soldiers were airborne overnight

When he got down to the ground, he took a general look with a flashlight. Suddenly, he saw the tragedy in the disaster area. One by one, he had to devote himself to the earthquake relief work immediately.

Listening to the cries for help from everywhere, they can only hate that they have lost their hands.

This seems to be the first time that Lin Qiu really felt that what is life?

In the face of such natural and man-made disasters, it's bullshit to talk about money.

Perhaps only at this moment will people realize the value of life.


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