The sanitation aunt was stunned for a while, but she was really holding her left chest tightly with one hand, because it was always painful, but she had been trying to bear it.

But when Lin Qiu just said that the third rib on her left had been broken, she naturally felt a little flustered. This flustered was not worried about her life, but about money

So, at the moment, she was thinking, since the guy can see his illness just now, should he also be able to cure it?

But when she looked around, Lin Qiu was gone.


Sanitation aunt can only sigh secretly.

However, Lin Qiu's heart is full of gratitude for meeting by chance and being able to do this.

I just don't know if I can meet this guy in the future?


At the moment, the little beauty with suspenders in the red BMW hurriedly drove after Lin Qiu's just gone direction.

But I didn't catch up.

As a result, the little beauty with the sling couldn't help crying out: "hum, that guy was immortal just now? Why didn't he see anyone in a flash?"

The quaint little sister in the co driver's seat beside her said anxiously, "well, sister Tingting, you'd better go to the work sports quickly. You won't see Yangxing later!"

"Dead girl, I know sheep are happy all day. What can I do when I see them? He can be your boyfriend? Hum!"

"But he's always more handsome than the guy just now? He looks better than the guy just now?"

"But I like that guy's domineering style just now! I don't like that kind of cream bunny. It's useless to see, hum!"

"How can he be domineering? As long as he dares to stay in Qingyun City, he will be killed by Zheng Tianyuan sooner or later? Do you think Zheng Tianyuan will let him go?"


Zheng Tianyuan, who was just cleaned up by Lin Qiu, was placed in the Qingyun second generation circle. Everyone called him Zheng Shao.

This Zheng Shao dares to be so arrogant and domineering. Naturally, he has a great background.

But think about it and know that a guy who can drive a limited edition Ferrari is obviously not good.

His father is Zheng He Nian, a real estate tycoon in Qingyun city! These days, if you want to work in the real estate industry, you can't just have money.

Therefore, in Qingyun City, his father is a famous big man.


As the limited edition Ferrari sports car stopped across the Boulevard, blocking the traffic, a traffic police car was coming at the moment.

Without waiting to get close, just glancing at the license plate number, a traffic policeman frowned with headache and said, "shit! It's Zheng Shao's car again?"

"How do you do this?" asked another traffic policeman.

"Madder, go down and have a look."


At the moment, Zheng Tianyuan was sitting on the concrete floor with a white complexion and a cold sweat. He couldn't get up.

The third rib on the left is also broken. The sanitation aunt can resist the pain and get up, but Zheng Tianyuan can't.

Suddenly, a traffic policeman came, and Zheng Tianyuan shouted, "Hey, call 120!"

Although it's like calling a dog, and there's not even a word of thanks, the two traffic policemen are still busy running here

Hum, that little smelly beggar just wait!

Even if I dig three feet back, I Zheng Tianyuan will have to dig you out, and then see how I deal with you! Madder!


At the moment, Lin Qiu is on the No. 22 bus, ready to go to Changqing bridge.

Under the Changqing bridge in Qingyun city is a temporary casual labor distribution center well known to citizens.

These migrant workers waiting for work under the bridge are really the owners who have to bargain for pancakes and fruits for a few dollars.

They don't pay much attention to their own image. They are basically bearded and sloppy. When they are free, they smoke and fart in groups.

Looking around, it's also a bit spectacular, because they each hang a sign in front of them, which reads such as: professional sewer, licensed electrician, qualified welder, senior plasterer, and so on

After a while, Lin Qiu also looked around and came towards the bottom of the evergreen bridge.

There are three or two migrant workers sitting on the road, smoking and farting. When they turn their heads and watch Lin Qiu coming, they can't help frowning slightly

"Lying in the trough, another one grabs the living place?"

"Although the boy doesn't dress well and is similar to us, can he... Do our work?"

"Grass, what can't he do if he's hungry for a few days?"


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