In fact, after leaving the military area command compound, Lin Qiu suddenly felt that his mind was empty, as if he didn't adapt for the moment.

Even now, he was confused and didn't know what to do first.

Although he thought about going straight to Yanjing, he thought about Ma Kui, sister LAN, Nini and Lu Huijiao. He suddenly felt that he should go back to Qingyun city first, and then to Guangzhu. After that, he ran to Yanjing.

After waiting for a while, after calming down a little, he finally slowed down the speed of the goods and stopped racing.

At this time, Sheng Jingyao turned to look at him and asked, "why aren't you crazy?"

Lin Qiu turned and looked at Sheng Jingyao in the passenger seat

At the moment, looking at this woman, although he felt very warm, he didn't know what to say to her?

Seeing that he was looking at her like that, Sheng Jingyao suddenly asked uneasily, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

Lin Qiu finally said, "sister Jingyao, you are so beautiful!"

Suddenly hearing this sentence, Sheng Jingyao was surprised and stunned. At the same time, she was a little shy and blushed

Then she smiled again

After a while, she said boldly, "I'm so beautiful. What do you think?"

However, Lin Qiu said, "although sister Jingyao is beautiful, I have no idea."

Sheng Jingyao was so angry that she pouted and couldn't help humming: "hum!"

Suddenly seeing her like that, Lin Qiu said, "what's the matter, sister Jingyao?"

However, Sheng Jingyao had to reply: "nothing."

What she wants to say is that you don't understand.

In fact, Sheng Jingyao means that he can stop and kiss her now.

Because the plot of TV plays is like this.

But Lin Qiu doesn't understand it.

Then, helpless, Sheng Jingyao looked at him and had to ask, "yes, next... What are your plans?"

Suddenly listening to this, Lin Qiu asked, "by the way, can I book today's ticket?"

Suddenly hearing him say this again, Sheng Jingyao is really angry

But then she asked rationally, "Why are you in such a hurry to leave Shudu?"

Lin Qiu said, "because I still have a lot to do next."

Hearing what he said, Sheng Jingyao understood, but she said, "you'll go tomorrow!"

Lin Qiu was stunned and hurriedly asked, "why?"

Sheng Jingyao said, "I've done so many things for you. Shouldn't you invite me to dinner tonight?"

Suddenly, hearing her say so, Lin Qiu was stunned. After that, he turned his head and looked at her again

After waiting for a while, he finally said, "well, I'll leave tomorrow. I'll stay in Shudu for one night tonight."

After hearing what he said, Sheng Jingyao finally smiled with joy, hee!

Looking at her like that, Lin Qiu was stunned again

If he really didn't know her mind, he was definitely pretending to be stunned.

It's just... He really doesn't know what to tell Sheng Jingyao?

In fact, all the time, he refused so obviously, but she just wanted it. She really didn't know what to do?

To tell the truth, Lin Qiu really doesn't want to hurt this kind and gentle woman

At the moment, Qin Youguo is on the phone with Huang Jinfeng who is far away in Yanjing.

On the phone, Huang Jinfeng had learned that Lin Qiu had retired from the army and left the army.

Just listening to these, Huang Jinfeng was thoughtfully stunned. She looked in her eyes and didn't say anything for a long time.

Qin Youguo listened to Huang Jinfeng's silence on the phone, so he couldn't help asking, "what's the matter?"

Huang Jinfeng was stunned, and then replied perfunctorily: "no, nothing."

After a while, Huang Jinfeng said, "I guess his boy will come to Yanjing soon?"

Qin Youguo said, "with his boy's character, I think... He should go back to Qingyun city first, and then to Guangzhu."

Hearing Qin Youguo say this, Huang Jinfeng remembered that Lin Qiu had adopted a daughter.

Later, Qin Youguo said, "there are some things we want to stop, but we can't stop. After all, his boy has his boy's world. So I think... Even if master Zuo doesn't reveal anything to his boy, there's no way to stop his boy from going to Yanjing."

Huang Jinfeng replied, "it's just a matter of time."

Then Huang Jinfeng said, "maybe it's time for him to know something?"

But Qin Youguo hurriedly said, "the problem is that with his boy's current strength, I don't think it's time?"

Huang Jinfeng said, "don't worry. In fact, our worries are superfluous, because for this boy, the biggest advantage is that he has self-knowledge and knows how much energy he has to do."


At the moment, Jingyun group, located in Yanjing headquarters base.

As for Jingyun group, it is already a listed company with a market value of more than 100 billion.

As for the owner of this big consortium, it is Pang ketnian, the eldest son of the Pang family.

Of course, Jingyun group can do so much, which is naturally inseparable from their social relations.

At this moment, Pang Tong, sitting in the chairman's office, suddenly received a phone call.

This phone call is from Luo Ximing, who has been around him.

When the phone was connected, Luo Ximing was busy reporting: "Pang Dong, now the opportunity comes. Lin Qiu has retired from the army and left the army. So... If you want to do it now, it's a great opportunity."

Suddenly, listening to Luo Ximing's report, Pang Tong looked thoughtfully in his eyes, and then said, "let's leave it to you. Remember, it must be clean and clear?"


Obviously, for Lin Qiu at the moment, it is natural that everything is still in the dark.


We'd better go back to Shudu.

At about one o'clock in the afternoon, Lin Qiu and Sheng Jingyao drove back to the Shu metropolitan area.

Because she wanted to stay in Shudu for one night, when she got to the urban area, Lin Qiu thought, which hotel or hotel is good for one night?

Thinking about it, he couldn't help but ask Sheng Jingyao in the co driver's seat, "by the way, sister Jingyao, which hotel or hotel room in Shudu is cheaper?"

Suddenly hearing his question, Sheng Jingyao thought for a moment, then turned to look at him and said, "why don't you... Stay at my house tonight?"

Suddenly hearing this, Lin Qiu frowned and hurriedly said, "this... Is not good? Besides... Your house... Is not convenient?"

When I think about it, her father works in the city government and her family is in the family courtyard of the city government, I feel like some inexplicable depression.

So Lin Qiu naturally doesn't want to live in her house.

Besides, he hasn't decided to see her parents yet, so let it go.

Hearing Lin Qiu's words, Sheng Jingyao thought for a moment, and then said, "why don't you... Go to Jin'an hotel."

Suddenly listening to her talk about Jin'an Hotel, Lin Qiu thought it could be considered.

So he asked, "how cheap are the rooms in the Jin'an hotel?"

"OK." Sheng Jingyao replied.

She said it was OK. Lin Qiu thought about it again, and then drove directly to Jin'an hotel.


After a while, when he arrived at Jin'an Hotel and checked in at the front desk, Lin Qiu saw that there were people who booked tickets next to the front desk, so he booked a ticket directly here and flew to Yunchuan West Sichuan airport at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning.

Because there is no airport in Qingyun City, we have to fly to Yunchuan first.

However, Lin Qiu thought about it and happened to stop by to see Xu Lin.

Because Xu Lin is now in Yunchuan, Yuntian group under aunt Yun.


As a well-informed Xu Lin, he had a hunch that Lin Qiu might come to Yunchuan to find him these two days.

Thinking of this, Xu Lin couldn't help laughing happily

At the moment, Xu Lin was thinking that the boy finally came out of the army.

As for what will happen next, it's hard to predict.

But Xu Lin knew in his heart that if Lin Qiu didn't make any noise, he wouldn't be his boy.


Let's say that after Lin Qiu's goods check in at Jin'an hotel.

When the air ticket is booked, he will be ready to go upstairs.

He seems to have forgotten the existence of Sheng Jingyao.

Until he saw Sheng Jingyao follow him to the elevator, he was stunned and thought of her.

But now, she followed him upstairs, and he didn't know what to say.

Then, after the two entered the elevator together, Sheng Jingyao couldn't help blushing in the elevator

Because it was the first time she went to the hotel room alone with a man.

For her, she had to think of something else.

But Lin Qiu didn't think much about it.

He really didn't think much.

His only thought at the moment was to see if he could get Marquina out of prison?

Because now for him, it is about to be the time to hire people.

After all, he knows very well that the upcoming trip to Yanjing is not just a trip.

There, but there are enemies of the Lin family!

As for who?

Although he doesn't know yet, he believes he can find it out

Fortunately, you san and Hou Qi are already in Yanjing, so for him, the upcoming trip to Yanjing will not be so abrupt.

After all, there are brothers over there.

The only regret is that Lu Hao didn't retire with him.

If Haozi is around, my heart seems to have a bottom.

After all, there will be some variables about you san and Hou Qi.

Because Lin Qiu knows that you san and Hou Qi are not so reliable. It's almost Ma Kui

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