This evening, at four o'clock in the night, Pang ketnian, who was in Jinghua manor, suddenly received a phone call.

This is Shang zaigung from Yangshen branch.

After the phone was connected, Shang zaigung said nervously, "Pang Dong, something's wrong!"

Suddenly, Pang Tong sat up and asked, "what's the matter?"

Shang zaigung at the other end of the phone said, "Ma Lijuan is dead, but Luo Ximing was rescued. Moreover, in the middle of the night, Yang Shen branch rushed out and was highly involved in the matter. Less than half an hour later, Yang Shen branch arrested Liu Shaoming in Tiexi, so I'm afraid it's big?"

Then Shang zaigung hurriedly said, "now the key is what I do? If I were still in Yangshen, I would be caught in the end!"

Suddenly hearing this, Pang Tong's head was big again

He didn't seem to think that every decision to do something recently would eventually lead to trouble.

If so... I'm afraid he'll be tossed in?

Thinking about this, there was no way. Pang tongnian had to hurry and decide, "you go back to Yanjing now! I'll arrange everything after you return to Yanjing!"


At the moment, Yang Shen is on a familiar Audi Q7 in the suburbs.

Yes, this is the car Minna Jones rented temporarily in Yanjing.

Now it appears on Yang Shen's side.

In the car at the moment, Luo Ximing is still a little scared and nervous sitting in the co driver's seat

Mina Jones, sitting in the cab, turned her head and looked at Luo Ximing in the co driver's seat, and then said, "I think you should understand now that Pang dongnian asked you to come to Yangshen to kill you?"

Listening to this, Luo Ximing is still sweating

Because the bloody scene tonight really scared him.

He watched Ma Lijuan be killed.

And he, if this foreign woman hadn't appeared in time, I'm afraid he would have lost his life?

After staying for a long time, Luo Ximing regained consciousness and calmed down a little

Seeing this, Mina Jones had to hand him a cigarette and said, "have a cigarette."

After Luo Ximing took the cigarette, his hand was still shaking

After shivering and lighting the cigarette, he turned around and looked at the foreign woman around him

Then he finally couldn't help asking, "who are you and why did you save me?"

Mina Jones said, "you haven't seen me before, but you should have heard of me. Because when you arranged for he Wang to go to Guangzhu, he Wang was looking for me."

Suddenly, Luo Ximing was shocked

"Are you... Huofeng from... International underground killer organization?!"

"That's right. I'm Huofeng," Mina Jones nodded back.

Then Luo Ximing asked, "why did you save me? What do you want to do?"

Mina Jones said, "I don't do anything. I just want you to see the real face of ponone."

Hearing her say this, Luo Ximing was even more confused

Because he was thinking, she's just a killer. What does she care?

However, when he suddenly thought that Pang Tong Nian would do this to him, he suddenly looked ferocious

In that way, it seemed that he wanted to tear up the ponchone twist.

Then, after another two mouthfuls of smoke, he turned and looked at the foreign woman beside him

At this moment, Luo Ximing is also a little confused.

Because he doesn't know what her purpose is?

After thinking again and again, he suddenly said, "I'll give you all my possessions, as long as you kill ponchone, how about it?"

Hearing this, Mina Jones said, "do you think I'm short of money?"

"Then you..." Luo Ximing was completely confused.

Because he really doesn't understand what her purpose is?

Then Mina Jones turned to look at him and said: "Now is not the time for you to talk about terms with me, but the time for me to talk about terms with you. But as long as you do it obediently, I can protect you from death. Otherwise... Even if I don't do anything to you, Pang ketnian will want you to die. There is a common saying in China, it's called... Don't do it twice. So since Pang ketnian has done it and revealed his true face, think about it, Can you still live? "

Listening to the foreign woman, Luo Ximing had to ask, "what do you want me to do?"

Mina Jones said, "you don't have to do anything for the time being. I'll put you in a safe place."

Luo Ximing asked curiously, "why did you do this?"

Mina Jones replied, "in fact, you don't need to know why. You should understand that I'm a killer. I'll say what I should say. You'd better not ask what I shouldn't say. I can save your life or kill you."


At this moment, Shang zaigung is driving back to Yanjing all night.


The next morning, Yanjing.

Lin Qiu suddenly received a call from Mina Jones.

When the phone was connected, Mina Jones said, "the task has been successfully completed. How can I be rewarded? You can do it."


Now, Jinghua manor.

Shang zaigung returned to Yanjing and went straight to Jinghua manor.

Because Pang Tong said, he was waiting for him at Jinghua manor.

When he arrived at Jinghua manor, Pang tongnian led him directly to the study on the second floor.

As soon as the door was closed, without saying a word, Pang Tong directly lost a bank card to him and said, "the password is six zeros."

Suddenly listening to this, and then looking at the bank card, Shang Zeguang also understood in his heart that Pang Tong wanted him to run away.

Immediately, Pang Tong Nian lost another ticket to him and said, "I've also booked the ticket for you. It's a direct flight to Hong Kong at 2 p.m. as for how you decide after you arrive in Hong Kong, it's your business. Don't worry, the money in the card is enough for you to live."


On this morning, Cai Kang also left Yanjing.

Cai Kang flew directly to Mexico.

Cai Kang's departure was somewhat embarrassing.

Because Wan Ming, who he trusted most, couldn't send him in the end.

About Wan Ming and others, Luo Weiming went to Hebei and failed to bail out.

Finally, Luo Weiming sent Cai Kang to the airport.

But there are some things that Cai Kang can't tell Luo Weiming.

How to say... Although Luo Weiming is the leading military strategist around Cai Kang, Luo Weiming has always kept a proper distance from him.

Although Luo Weiming is also doing many things, Cai Kang's heart is still a little against him.

So in the end, Cai Kang didn't tell Luo Weiming anything when he left

That afternoon, Pang ketnian had to call Du Qishan, the vice president of Yangshen branch, and temporarily appointed Du Qishan to take full charge of the affairs of Yangshen branch.

As for the others, Pang Tong Nian didn't dare to say too much.

After all, some things are top secret.

Now for Pang Tong Nian, his head is really big.

Because there are too many things to end all at once.

In particular, everything has the involvement of the police, which is really troublesome.

Although the power of the Pang family is great, Pang ketnian doesn't dare to intervene in some things.

Pang tongnian has a bigger headache. Now I don't know who saved Luo Ximing?

Now the urgent task is to know Luo Ximing's whereabouts?

But... Shang Zeguang, who is in charge of this matter, has been arranged to run away, so for a while, Pang tongnian has no way to start.

For Pang ketnian, he was even regretting that he had made these things.

If Luo Ximing is dead, it's better.

The key is that Luo Ximing didn't die and was saved. This matter... Pang Tong thought more and more.


In the afternoon, near the end of work, Yu Tianzhong, CEO of Jingyun group, came directly to the chairman's office.

Suddenly, Yu Tianzhong came in. Pang Tong, who was puffing, hurriedly asked, "what's up?"

Yu Tianzhong frowned and said, "Pang Dong, our group... I'm afraid we're in a business war now?"

Suddenly, Pang Tong couldn't help but be stunned, and then hurriedly said, "haven't Yuntian group of Yunchuan absorbed our group's shares through the secondary market been controlled?"

Yu Tianzhong hurriedly said, "here is under control. But now another mysterious group has appeared. This mysterious group is absorbing our group's shares through the secondary market."

Suddenly, Pang Tong asked: "what mysterious group?! what's the name of this group?!"

"Shanying group," Yu Tianzhong replied.

"Mountain Eagle Group?!" Pang Tong frowned in wonder and said that he had never heard of such a group before.

Immediately, Pang Tong asked, "what the hell is this group?"

Yu Tianzhong hurriedly replied: "I don't know the exact origin? I only know that this group is located in Guangzhu. And Guangzhu... Industrial land. There are too many unknown small groups like this. I have checked this group. This group has been established for a long time and has always been engaged in electrical appliances and OEM. Therefore, they don't have their own brand of electrical appliances. Generally, it's like Such a group should not have so much capital, but... They are really absorbing our group's shares through the secondary market, and the capital is still very abundant. After all, our group is listed, so people play according to the rules of the game, and we have no choice. "

Listening to Yu Tianzhong's words, Pang tongnian had to ask, "what percentage of the equity of our group does this group now own?"

"It's not five percent yet."

So Pang Tong said, "that can be completely controlled."

Yu Tianzhong said: "control can be controlled. The problem is... If Shanying group turns back and transfers all its shares to Yuntian group, Yuntian group will soon become a major shareholder. At that time, it will be in trouble."

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