At noon that day, Lin Qiu had lunch at Aunt Feng's house.

After lunch, he had a rest for a while. Then when he left aunt Feng's house, he suddenly received a call from Pang Shanshan.

This time, when he got through, Pang Shanshan said to him with a heavy voice, "where are you? I want to see you."

Suddenly, when Pang Shanshan called and said this, Lin Qiu was also a little stunned

However, a hunch told him that Pang Shanshan should know something?

After thinking about it, Lin Qiu said, "sorry, I have something to do in the afternoon and maybe in the evening."

So Pang Shanshan said, "can I see you later that night?"

There was no way. Lin Qiu had to say, "well, when I'm finished, I'll call you."


As soon as the phone hung up, Pang Shanshan had to drive straight to the headquarters base.

Because she wants to find her father.

She has to ask her father what's going on?


That afternoon, Pang Tong Nian was still in his office wondering how to deal with Lin Qiu and Xu Lin. suddenly, the door of the office was pushed open by his daughter.

Pang Tong wanted to get angry and wanted to say that anyone came in without knocking, but when he suddenly saw his daughter, he had to be stunned

Pang Shanshan, standing at the door of the office, suddenly saw that the office was full of smoke. She was stunned. Then she slapped her hand in front of her nose, and then covered her mouth and nose

Pang Tong looked, got up and said, "I'm going to open the window and put the smell of smoke."

It can be seen that Pang's love for his daughter is true love.

But Pang Shanshan looked, but suddenly said, "No."

As she spoke, she resolutely walked in

And she didn't forget to turn back and close the door.

When Pang Tong looked at his daughter coming towards his desk, he hurriedly asked, "by the way, why did you come suddenly?"

Pang Shanshan said, "because I have something to ask you."

Pang Tong had to smile and ask, "what's up?"

Pang Shanshan said, "why do you have to kill the Lin family?"

Suddenly listening to such a sentence, Pang Tong was stunned immediately

Suddenly, Pang Tong Nian was also a little silly

Because facing his daughter, he doesn't seem to know how to answer?

Besides, he is guilty after all.

Moreover, he also realized that his daughter should know something.

This shows that her father didn't answer for a long time. Pang Shanshan's heart almost understood that her father was absolutely guilty, so she didn't dare to answer.

At the same time, she also believed that what her mother said was true.

After staying for a long time, there was no way. Pang Tong had to smile and say, "by the way, sit down first."

Pang Shanshan said angrily, "I won't sit!"

Obviously, it's not difficult to see that Pang Shanshan is angry

Because in addition to anger, she didn't know how to express her emotions at this time.

Seeing that her daughter was so angry, Pang Tong Nian was a little silly

Immediately, Pang Shanshan looked at her father and asked, "why do you have to kill the Lin family?"

This shows that his daughter is like this. Pang ketnian is suddenly a little angry

Because Pang ketnian suddenly thought, how long did the boy surnamed Lin appear in his daughter's life? His daughter turned to the boy surnamed Lin like this?!

Think again about the father's love and everything he gave her, Pang Tong Niang's heart is not a taste

The more I think about it, the more inexplicable Pang Tong's anger

But he didn't know how to express his anger

After a while, Pang Tong Nian had to say to his daughter, "don't forget I'm your father!"

Pang Shanshan said, "a father with blood on his hands!"

"You..." Pang Tong Nian was really anxious and couldn't help glaring at Pang Shanshan

However, in the end, he didn't dare to get angry. After all, he was still guilty. After all, his hands were really covered with blood.

In desperation, Pang Tong Nian had to say, "no matter what Dad did, dad just wanted to tell you that all dad did was to create better living conditions for you."

Pang Shanshan also said, "but I don't feel happy!"

Suddenly listening to her daughter say such a sentence, Pang Tong Nian was stunned again

After a while, Pang Tong Nian said to his daughter, "Dad wants to be quiet now."

Pang Shanshan said, "you haven't answered my question."

Pang Tong had to pretend to be stupid and replied, "what's the problem?"

Pang Shanshan said, "why do you have to kill the Lin family?"

There was no way. Pang Tong was stunned. After his eyes, he had to ask, "these are what Lin Qiu told you?"

Pang Shanshan said, "don't care who told me. Just answer my question!"

Pang Tong Nian said, "don't forget I'm your father! So please pay attention to your tone when you talk to me! Also, dad doesn't have to answer you for some questions!"

Immediately, Pang Tong Nian said, "the boy surnamed Lin has only appeared in your life for more than ten or twenty days, and what I... Give is far more than what the boy surnamed Lin gives, so please think about it. Is he important or dad important?"

Pang dongnian suddenly threw out such a question, which really stunned Pang Shanshan

Because suddenly, Pang ketnian gave her father's love that no one can match.

But now, in front of her, one is the one she loves and the other is her father.


That afternoon, instead of driving back to Yayuan community, Lin Qiu drove to Jing'an Li. He wanted to find Xu Lin.

When he was about to arrive at Jing'an Li, suddenly Tang Jun called him.

After the phone was connected, Tang Jun hurriedly asked, "boss Lin, is boss waiting with you?"

Suddenly hearing this, Lin Qiu was stunned, and then hurriedly said, "he... Didn't he go back to Yayuan community this morning?"

Tang Jun hurriedly said, "No. not in Yayuan community. I just went back to Yayuan community to have a look. Boss Hou is not in Yayuan community."

Suddenly hearing this, Lin Qiu was stunned again, and then said, "did he go to Peking University to find you and you san?"

Tang Jun also said, "in the morning, he said he came to Peking University to find boss you and me, but then he lost contact. Then his mobile phone was turned off. We can't contact him now."

Listening to this again, our boss Lin is a little puzzled

Then, helpless, he had to say, "then I'll call Hou Qi again."


Later, when our boss Lin called Hou Qi, Hou Qi's mobile phone still prompted to turn off.

At the moment, our boss Lin seems to realize something

What should have happened?


After a while, our boss Lin's mobile phone rang. It was Wang Dade.

Looking at the caller ID, Lin Qiu immediately understood what was going on.

Sure enough, when the phone was connected, Wang Dade said, "Dong Lin, are you looking for Hou Qi?"

Listening to this, our boss Lin said directly, "what do you want?"

Wang Dade on the other end of the phone smiled with a strange smile, and then said, "it seems that Dong Lin is really a sensible person. In that case, I won't talk nonsense. If you want to see Hou Qi, you may have to trouble Dong Lin to come to Huairou himself?"

So, Lin Qiu said directly, "go ahead, where?"

Wang Dade at the other end of the phone also said, "Huairou Valley God lake."


As soon as the phone hung up, our boss Lin turned around in front without saying a word, and then drove straight to Huairou

At the same time, he was setting a navigation route and navigating directly to the direction of Yougu Shentan.

Maybe he took some risks alone, but when he thought of waiting seven, he couldn't care so much.

After a while, Tang Jun called him again.

When the phone was connected, Tang Jun hurriedly asked, "how about boss Lin? Did you contact boss Hou?"

Our boss Lin replied, "it's all right. Boss Hou is all right. I've contacted him. He's all right."


As for our boss Lin's unwillingness to tell Tang Jun the truth, it's because he also has his own considerations.

Maybe the more people know about Tamar, the less good it is?

Besides, Wang Dade also explained that he was only allowed to go alone.

As for why Wang Dade did this, there may be many possibilities?

But no matter which kind, since you dare to go, you must rescue Hou Qi!


As for the moment, Wang Dade is talking on the phone with Pang Tong.

Pang Tong, who was questioned by his daughter, was even more angry at the moment.

So listening to Wang Dade's report, he said that Lin Qiu was willing to go to Yougu Shentan, so Pang tongnian said, "you must not miss it, understand? You must kill the boy surnamed Lin, understand?"

"Don't worry." Wang Dade replied, "anyway, Huairou is also my boundary, isn't it? So if he comes to my boundary and I let him out alive, how can I mix in the future?"

Then Wang Dade changed his words: "by the way, what... As long as Pang Dong's money is no problem."

Pang Tong Nian said, "do you think a mere one or two million is money for me?"


Due to the emergency, Pang Tong ran to the bathroom with Miao Changting, the Secretary of the board.

When she got to the bathroom, she hurriedly called Xu Lin.

When the phone was connected, Miao Changting hurriedly said, "something's wrong."

Xu Lin on the other end of the phone couldn't help but be stunned and hurriedly asked, "what's the matter?"

Miao Changting hurriedly said, "Lin Qiu seems to have gone to the deep valley God lake over Huairou alone? This is a trap set by Pang tongnian! After he went, it is estimated that... More or less bad luck?"

Suddenly listening to this, Xu Lin on the other end of the phone couldn't help but be worried. Immediately, he had to hurry and say, "OK, I know. Let's do it first."


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