Turn back to the hotel.

Now, after Huang Jinfeng led her daughter Zuo Qing downstairs, she was asking Xu Lin and Lin Qiu where the boy had gone?

Xu Lin was stunned, and then hurriedly said, "his boy has gone. Didn't he tell you?"

"No," replied Huang Jinfeng.

Did you hear that? Xu Lin thought about it for a while, and then hurriedly explained for Lin Qiu: "I guess the boy forgot? But I'm noisy here, and the arrangement of the wedding banquet is not very considerate, so... Forgive me!"

Hearing Xu Lin's words, Huang Jinfeng said, "yes, I forgot to congratulate you. I wish you two and Meimei ha!"

Then Huang Jinfeng said, "yes, when you look back, you see Lin Qiu, tell him, and say that Zuo Qing and I are ready to go back to Yunchuan."


After a while, after coming out of the hotel, Zuo Qing glanced at her mother, which meant that she was blaming her mother for mixing up. Otherwise, she would have sneaked to Lin Qiu's room last night.

It's too late to say anything now.

At this moment, listening to my mother nagging about preparing to go back to Yunchuan, Zuo Qing replied unhappily: "go back first. I'm still playing in Yanjing for a few more days."

Listening to her daughter's words, Huang Jinfeng said, "mom knows your mind. However, it's no use even if you stay in Yanjing for a few days, because Lin Qiu is afraid to leave Yanjing."

Suddenly listening to my mother, Zuo Qing is a little silly

Then she was depressed and speechless.


At the moment, Lin qiuzheng and Su Lin are eating and chatting in the spicy supreme restaurant

But as far as Lin Qiu is concerned, he seems to have no appetite.

Because he is still thinking of a person in his heart, that is Pang Shanshan.

Of course, Sulin didn't know what he was thinking.

After dinner, Su Lin went to the bathroom. When she came back, she suddenly said in Lin Qiu's ear, "you don't have to worry. I just came to the moon. Fortunately, I have a cushion, otherwise it would be embarrassing."

Hearing what she said, Lin Qiu was suddenly relieved

In fact, last night, Su Lin teased him because she knew she was safe.

Because she knows that she should come to the moon these days.

Obviously, she knows her own body.

She knows exactly what day of the month she will come.


After a while, Su Lin asked, "are you really leaving Yanjing?"

Lin Qiu replied, "maybe he will leave tomorrow and the day after tomorrow?"

"So fast?"

"Yes." Lin Qiu answered.

So Su Lin asked, "where are you going next?"

Lin Qiu thought for a while, then replied, "I haven't thought about it yet. Maybe I'll go to Guangzhu first? But before I go to Guangzhu, I may also go to Shudu?"


In the afternoon, after returning to Mingdu KTV in Peking University, Lin Qiu said he didn't drink when you waited for a few more drinks.

Because he also wants to get out of that drunken state.

So after that, when you san and others were drinking, he stayed aside.

After staying for a while, he suddenly got up and said to them, "drink, I have something to do when I go out."

Lu Hao hurriedly got up and said, "brother Qiu, do you need me to accompany you?"

Lin Qiu also said, "No."

It seems that Hou Qi can see Lin Qiu's mind, so Hou Qi also said to Lu Hao: "yes, let's continue to drink the bar. Let brother Qiu go alone. Anyway, Yanjing is peaceful now, isn't it?"


After that, Lin Qiu drove to Xidan by himself

Because at first, his first date with Pang Shanshan was here.

He wanted to follow their footsteps again.

For him, it's easy to sleep with a woman now, but it seems difficult to really love a woman?

Only Pang Shanshan let him find the feeling of love

As for whether he can see Pang Shanshan again in the future, he doesn't know, but he knows that he will leave Yanjing soon.

Later, he checked and found that Pang Shanshan had gone to Sydney.

However, he hesitated to ask him to go to Sydney now.

After all, going abroad doesn't mean you can think of it.

First of all, you have to go through the cumbersome formalities of passport and visa before you can go abroad.

Moreover, he was also thinking, what can he do when he gets to Sydney?

After all, pangshanshan is pangdongnian's daughter.

After all, Pang Shanshan watched her father be brought down by Lin Qiu.

After all, Pang Shanshan also said that she would hate him all her life.

So, they may be doomed to this life?

Some people say that time is a good medicine for healing, hope so?


In the evening, after returning to Peking University, I went to Mingdu KTV to find Hou Qi and Lu Hao. Lin Qiu said to them, "go back to Yayuan community to clean up in the evening, and then we'll go to Guangzhu tomorrow."

While you san listened, he hurriedly said, "so urgent?!"

Then, Tang Jun on one side hurriedly said, "yes, boss Lin, is it so urgent?!"

Lin Qiu turned around and looked at them, then said: "Because there's nothing here in Yanjing now. Didn't Liao Youde also say about you two? These entertainment venues in Peking University will belong to you two in the future. Don't worry, old Yue also promised me, so they won't treat you badly. In short, you two should hang around in Yanjing. At least when we come back to Yanjing in the future, we'll have a place to belong, right?"

Listening to what he said, you san hurriedly said, "boss Lin, here... Always belongs to you! Tang Jun and I are always just helping you watch the field!"

Tang Jun said, "yes, yes! Without boss Lin, we can't have our current territory!"

Lin Qiu said, "well, I won't say this. Since I'm a brother, I don't have to say so far."

Later, Hou Qi couldn't help but say to you san, "you san, I won't say anything else, but if you can have today, you really have to remember boss Lin forever!"

Lu Hao couldn't help saying to Hou Qi, "brother Hou, we're not afraid, because with brother Qiu, it's spring everywhere we go."

At this moment, Tang Jun suddenly looked at Lin Qiu apologetically, as if he wanted to say something, but he didn't know what to say?

In fact, Tang Jun still wants to leave with him.

After listening to you Sanlao nagging in his ears, he didn't have an idea for a moment.

After thinking about it, Tang Jun said, "boss Lin, do you want to stop playing in Yanjing for a few more days?"


The next day, Lin Qiu resolutely left Yanjing, took Hou Qi and Lu Hao, drove his BMW X5 all the way to the southwest, because he planned to go to Shudu first.

About the house in Yayuan community, he left it to you san and Tang Jun.

Because about the house in Yayuan community, Liao Youde has already given it to him and transferred it to his name.

In other words, although he left Yanjing, he still owns a house in Yanjing.

About the BMW X5, he wanted to leave it to you san and Tang Jun, but later he thought, isn't there a popular self driving tour now?

So, he suddenly came up with an idea that he would also come to a self driving tour by the way

In this way, stop and go all the way, look at the scenery along the way, and maybe forget something?

In fact, what he wants to forget... Is only Pang Shanshan.

Hou Qi and Lu Hao understand that Pang Shanshan really occupies a very important position in Lin Qiu's heart.

As for whether he can really forget Pang Shanshan, no one knows?

The only drawback of this self driving tour is that there are three old men together, and there is no woman in the car.


It was not until the three of them had driven out of Yanjing and Xu Lin called Lin Qiu that they knew that the three of them had left Yanjing.

Thus, on the phone, Xu Lin couldn't help saying, "you're a grass egg! Just go, but you can't say no? Really!"

Listening to Xu Lin's words, Lin Qiu said apologetically: "sorry, uncle! I left in a hurry in the morning, so..."

After hearing what he said, Xu Lin said, "get it! It's done! It's all right anyway! In a word, you just remember to contact!"

So Lin Qiu hurriedly said, "don't worry, uncle! Everyone can forget, but we can't forget you, Uncle Xu, can't we?"

Listening to what he said, Xu Lin had to say, "well, it's okay. Hang up. What... I may go back to Yunchuan in a few days?"


After a while, when Lin Qiu hung up, Hou Qi, sitting in the co driver's seat, couldn't help turning his head and said to Lin Qiu, "are you tired? Why don't... I drive for a while?"

Suddenly, Lin Qiu was stunned when Qi said this, and then replied, "wait a minute and talk in central Shaanxi."

Listening to this, Lu Hao, sitting in the back seat of the car, couldn't help saying, "by the way, brother Qiu, aren't we known as self driving tour? Then when we arrive in central Shaanxi, we'll have a rest and play by the way? It's said that there are many beautiful women in central Shaanxi!"

Hou Qi couldn't help laughing, and then said, "you're young. You can play wherever you go. I'm... No!"

At this time, Lin Qiu also couldn't help joking: "don't worry, no, it's because you haven't arrived yet. When you arrive at the place, a woman will take it off in front of your brother Hou. You'll be sure, ha!"

Hou Qi couldn't help laughing, and then said, "that's not necessarily OK? At my age, once or twice a week is enough. You're not old yet. When you get old, you'll know."

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