As for Lin Qiu, now he drove directly to Guishan manor.

Originally, the journey was very smooth. Who knows, a Porsche Panamera gave a hard farewell on Tianhe Road.

If Lin Qiu hadn't been good at driving, he would have almost hit it.

This was not his responsibility, but the Porsche Panamera seemed a little angry and rampant. Therefore, it suddenly blocked Lin Qiu's car behind the car.

Maybe it's because it saw that Lin Qiu's car was Yanjing, bullying students?

Then, a fashionable man in his thirties came down from the Porsche Panamera. He actually copied a big pickaxe in his hand.

Suddenly seeing this situation, Lin Qiu was stunned, then pulled on the handbrake in a panic, and then hurriedly pushed the door open and got off

Mainly worried that that silly bee would smash his car.

This thing... After all, it's in Guangzhu. His car is Yanjing brand, so if anything happens, please.

Suddenly, Lin Qiu got out of the car. The silly ratio angrily pointed at Lin Qiu with his pickaxe and said, "grass! Can you Tamar drive? You think your car is very competitive with a Yanjing card? I tell you, it's in Guangzhu!"

Suddenly hearing this, Lin Qiu wondered. He felt depressed for a while. But he had to say, "man, don't talk like this? Just now you robbed me and said goodbye in front of me. I'm not angry, but you're still angry?"

The silly bize said, "lying in the trough! What's the matter with me? Is your speed as fast as mine? Tamar's, don't you know how to avoid it?"

Listening to this, Lin Qiu was even more puzzled. She thought that silly is everywhere. Why are there so many Guangzhu?

Then he said, "man, even if it's cheating, don't you bring such cheating?"

Unexpectedly, the silly bize said, "you return Tamar's beep again. Believe it or not, I smashed your car?"

As the saying goes, what can be tolerated is unbearable.

I can't help it. Lin Qiu is also a little angry: "lying in the trough! Man, if you want to do this... It's obviously cheating, isn't it?"

Just then, fortunately, that silly mobile phone suddenly rang

Suddenly, he was stunned when his mobile phone rang. Then he had to take out his mobile phone and take a look at the caller ID

It seemed that someone more important called, so he put it through immediately.

After that silly ratio talked on the phone, he pointed at Lin Qiu with his pickaxe and said, "Tamar, you're lucky! I'm busy now! If I meet you again in Guangzhu later, how can I deal with you?"

As he spoke, he turned back and got on the bus

But Lin Qiu looked, still depressed, thinking whether this silly ratio had mad dog disease?

This feeling, it really feels that silly than has mad dog disease.

Then, after watching that silly ratio drive away, Lin Qiu had to be depressed again, and then got on the bus.


At the moment, just after that silly ratio drove away, he was still calling. It seems that he called his own men

I only heard him say, "look back and help me pay attention to a BMW X5 with Yanjing license plate. As long as you see the car, help me smash it! Sleeping slot, Tamar's, what's wrong with Yanjing license plate? Is it very competitive? Here is Tamar's Guangzhu!"


As for Lin Qiu, after being depressed for a while, he forgot about it.

Because he met a mad dog, he had no choice.

Besides, he was also in a hurry to go to Guishan manor. Otherwise, he wanted to cure the mad dog.

After a while, when he arrived at Guishan manor, he just drove into the villa compound No. 18. The car hadn't stopped yet. He saw Nini running out with crazy excitement

"Father Lin......"

Seeing Nini, Lin Qiu forgot everything and couldn't help being happy

To tell the truth, when Lin Qiu first adopted her, she was still a little confused. After all, she was not married, but now she feels very gratified to see that she has such a big daughter.

Although he is still poor and has nothing, it is also a comfort to think that he has a daughter.

After getting off the bus, he couldn't help picking up Nini

At this moment, Lu Huijiao also came out of the door of the villa

At this moment, Lu Huijiao looked at Lin Qiu's daughter. She was more or less inexplicable. Therefore, she looked at Lin Qiu with a white eye and didn't forget to hum

Listening to Lu Huijiao's hum, Lin Qiu turned to look at her and smiled at her: "hey..."

Lu Huijiao approached him and still gave him a white look like dissatisfaction: "hum!"

Nini couldn't help asking, "what's the matter with you, mother Huijiao? What are you humming?"

Hearing Nini's question, Lu Huijiao realized that she had better not have too many emotions in front of Nini.

Lin Qiu said to Nini, "silly girl, don't you know that? Your aunt Huijiao is dissatisfied with me."

Therefore, Nini also asked Lu Huijiao, "Huijiao's mother, why?"

There was no way. Lu Huijiao could only say to Nini with embarrassment like a strict mother: "children, why do you ask so many questions? Besides, why do you ask so many questions about adults?"

Nini had to say, "Huijiao's mother is so fierce."

Lin qiubusily smiled: "is she usually so fierce?"

Nini said, "No. every time only when father Lin comes, Huijiao's mother will be so emotional."

Lu Huijiao hurriedly said to Nini, "child, what are you talking about?"

Lin Qiu smiled again and said, "well, let's go back to the house first."


After a while, after returning to the house, Lin Qiucai coaxed Nini to be happy. Then, Lin Qiucai went up to the third floor with Lu Huijiao and went to her bedroom.

When she got to her bedroom, when the door was closed and locked, she was a little uneasy

I can see that I haven't seen her for a long time. She really wants to make out.

This kind of thing between men and women can also be understood.

After all, normal physiology.

Seeing that she was so helpless, Lin Qiu had to cooperate with her.

While holding and kissing eagerly, they couldn't help moving towards the bed

Then, with a 'poof', they fell on the bed together.

After that, Lu Huijiao eagerly stretched out her hand and pulled away Lin Qiu's belt

Seeing that she was so eager, Lin Qiu couldn't help tearing her clothes

After that, the main play began to be staged, and the posture changed back and forth

After a while, Lu Huijiao said, "do you really plan to develop in Guangzhu in the future?"

Suddenly hearing her question, Lin Qiu turned her head and looked at Lu Huijiao lying next to her, and then gave a "um" in response.

After hearing his "um", Lu Huijiao said, "then I'll give you the Greenland shoe factory?"

Suddenly hearing her say this, Lin Qiu was stunned

After that, he said with a smile: "what do you mean? Do you want me to eat soft rice?"

Listening to him say so, Lu Huijiao looked at him angrily: "what is soft rice? Is it just your own opinion?"

Lin Qiu said with a smile: "it's not something I don't think so, but Greenland shoe factory itself is the industry of Lushi group, isn't it?"

This again listens to him to say like this, have no way, Lu Huijiao also had to ask a sentence: "then what do you want?"

So Lin Qiu said, "I don't want to do anything. It's just that I decided to come to Guangzhu for development because Nini is here. Although I'm adopted, I'm her father now, aren't I?"

Listening to his words, Lu Huijiao said, "you mean... What should you do?"

Lin Qiu responded, "that's almost what it means."

Lu Huijiao said, "but have you ever thought about it? Mixing in the underground world is not a long-term plan after all. Just like you were in Qingyun City, no matter how powerful you are, you can only live a life of escape and exile when both lose."

Speaking of this, Lu Huijiao added, "if your uncle Qin hadn't taken you into the army for a while, I don't know where you are now?"

Listen to Lu Huijiao saying this, Lin Qiu is stunned again

He didn't seem to think that the charming daughter of the Lu family would be so grounded.

It seems that she is a mature woman after all.

The boss, who used to be his own mixed race beauty, now talks to him like a beautiful wife.

Seeing that he was silent, Lu Huijiao said again, "I know you have great skills. If you mix with the underground world, you will soon be able to rise to the top, but have you ever thought about it? After all, it's licking blood on the knife to make a living. Besides, you also said that you are Nini's father after all, so you should always set a good example for your daughter?"

When Lu Huijiao said this again, Lin Qiu couldn't help saying, "I can't imagine you are the daughter of the Lu family."

Lu Huijiao said, "what? Am I very delicate?"

Lin Qiu also said, "in my imagination, it should be delicate, but you don't seem to have it."

Lu Huijiao hurriedly said, "why don't you just leave the subject alone? Let's talk about whether you're still going to continue mixing in the underground world?"

Listening to her saying this again, Lin Qiu finally couldn't help but confide: "to tell the truth, I want to open a small restaurant in Guangzhu first."

Suddenly hearing what he said, Lu Huijiao couldn't help but be stunned, and then hurriedly asked, "do you want to start your own business?"

Lin Qiu smiled and asked, "can't you? At least he's a little boss, isn't he?"

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