Anyway, for their three brothers, their hearts are finally beginning to be a little down-to-earth. After all, if the transfer is successful, they will have something to do.

Men seem to be born cheap. They just can't stay idle. When they are idle, they will panic.

Of course, there is an exception for men, that is, rich men.

After returning to the Huaxi Hotel, the three brothers took a rest, smoked and farted for a while, and then after summing up, if the transfer is completed, they will rent a house or something in Xingang.

For their three brothers, they also gradually entered the life state of little fart people.

Because as the little fart people we struggle for, life is not like this. We have to calculate and calculate carefully everywhere.

After all, the days have to pass day by day, and the business also needs to be done step by step.

The three brothers are officially saying goodbye to their previous life.

Now, the three brothers also want to be good people formally.

After a total and a feeling, the three brothers went out to eat.


After a while, when the three brothers sat down in a large stall nearby, they just ordered food. Then, inexplicably, Miao Guodong pretended to come over inadvertently

At first, Lin Qiu didn't notice Miao Guodong, but Hou Qiyi recognized Miao Guodong.

Miao Guodong smiled in surprise: "waiting for boss?!"

For Hou Qi, when he suddenly saw Miao Guodong, he was really surprised, because he really didn't expect to meet Miao Guodong in Guangzhu this time

Thus, Hou Qi was so busy that he was surprised and said, "aren't you... The fifth master before?!"

Miao Guodong nodded and smiled: "boss Hou has a good memory."

Then, Miao Guodong hurriedly called Lin Qiu, "brother Qiu!"

Until then, Lin Qiu expressed some surprise and looked at Miao Guodong

Miao Guodong smiled again and hurriedly said, "brother Qiu, I didn't expect us to meet again!"

Immediately, Miao Guodong hurriedly pulled a chair over, put it in front of their table and said, "by the way, this tonight... I invite ha!"

Seeing Miao Guodong look like a dog, Hou Qi was thinking, it seems that this guy is doing well in Guangzhu now?

Miao Guodong could not help but say excitedly, "it's a coincidence tonight. Unexpectedly, I met boss Hou and brother Qiu here! Let's... In Fan Wei's words... Fate!"

Listening to Miao Guodong's words, Lin Qiu said, "by the way, have you been in Guangzhu since then?"

"Yes." Miao Guodong nodded busily.

Then Miao Guodong pretended not to know and asked, "by the way, brother Qiu, when did you come to Guangzhu?"

"Just these days." Lin Qiu replied.

So Miao Guodong pretended not to know and asked, "so... Is brother Qiu going to develop in Guangzhu next?"

Lin Qiu also said, "what about development? We can't get along anymore. So we came to Guangzhu to make a living, can't we?"

Miao Guodong hurriedly said, "brother Qiu is modest to say so! With brother Qiu's ability, where can't he be a person at the level of princes?"

Hearing what he said, Lin Qiu said, "last time I saw you, you didn't have so many routine words. Now why do you still have one set?"

Miao Guodong was embarrassed and said with a smile, "look what brother Qiu said. Let's... Cough... Cheng Cheng. Let's talk about the things in Qingyun city before."

At this time, Hou Qi said, "by the way, I think you're doing well in Guangzhu?"


Looking at Miao Guodong, he was full of cliches. After a while, Lu Hao expressed some disgust and asked Lin Qiu in his ear: "brother Qiu, this man... What's the origin?"

Lin Qiu replied in Lu Hao's ear, "can't you see that?"

Lu Hao was stunned for a moment, glanced at Miao Guodong roughly, and then said in Lin Qiu's ear, "he is also a Jianghu bastard?"

Lin Qiu said in Lu Hao's ear, "do you still need to ask?"

Therefore, Lu Hao also said in Lin Qiu's ear: "then he pretends to be like, always talking?"

Lin Qiu said in Lu Hao's ear, "this shows that he is doing well now. He should be in the top position, watching the field for a big man or something?"

Brother Lu Hao has the final say, and Miao Guodong is busy. He is busy, and he is busy, he says, "yes, Qiu Ge, Hou Da, and this brother Lu, go to the Ming Huang Bath City for a while. It's our site now. I have to say what I want to do when I want to play."

When Miao Guodong said this, Hou Qi was stunned. Then Hou Qi asked, "where is Minghuang Bath City?"

Miao Guodong hurriedly said, "it's over the Tianhe river."

"What's fun in there?" Hou Qi asked again.

Miao Guodong said happily, "there are all kinds of fun. It depends on the elegance of my brothers. Whatever you want to play anyway."

Suddenly hearing this, Lu Hao said he was interested in the goods and asked, "is there a girl in it?"

Miao Guodong hurriedly said, "can you succeed without girls in the entertainment?"

"So... How are the girls in there? Beautiful? Exciting?" Lu Hao asked again.

This time, before Miao Guodong answered, Lin Qiu hurriedly said to Lu Hao, "you know, girl, grass! Can you be a little promising?"

Miao Guodong was so busy that he said, "we are all men, isn't it normal to talk about girls? If there are no girls, we don't have a topic, do we? Besides, if there are no girls, what fun do we men have?"

Listening to Miao Guodong's words, Lin Qiu said, "it seems that you're doing really well in Guangzhu now."

Miao Guodong was busy and modest and said, "it can only be regarded as making do. Anyway, he's just helping others watch the show."

Then he hurriedly said, "but, brother Qiu, don't worry. Although I'm just helping people watch the show, I still count. So tonight... If you go, you can play as you want."

When Miao Guodong said this again, Lin Qiu couldn't help looking at Hou Qi

He means greeting seven. Do you want to play?

But Hou Qi was stunned with some concerns

Because I ran to guanchenglang last night, I was raided by the police - Huang was caught. Now I think it's embarrassing

Later, Hou Qi couldn't help asking Miao Guodong, "by the way, are you safe there?"

Suddenly listening to this, Lu Hao thought of the safety problem. Therefore, he also said, "yes, safety is the most important."

This shows that they say so. Lin Qiu can't help laughing, ha!

Miao Guodong said, "don't worry. I haven't had an accident yet."

Immediately, Miao Guodong said: "besides, brother Qiu and boss Hou should understand that this kind of entertainment... Dare to open, naturally there is a reason for its existence."

Taking the opportunity, Lin Qiu asked, "who is the boss behind the scenes?"

Unexpectedly, Miao Guodong was selling. He said, "brother Qiu, this... Will come to me later. I'll tell you again."

Seeing Miao Guodong saying so, Hou Qi said that he was stunned with thought

After all, he used to be wandering in the Jianghu, so Hou Qi probably knew what Miao Guodong was thinking.

Therefore, Hou Qi was thinking that Miao Guodong's appearance tonight was not an accident?

Then Hou Qi said to Lin Qiu, "since the Miao brothers are so kind, let's go to the Miao brothers to recognize the door? Anyway, we're out and meet in Guangzhu now. Are we also fellow villagers?"

When Hou Qi said this, Lin Qiu said, "well, since brother Hou is interested in elegance, let's go and have fun. Anyway, now that we have just arrived in Guangzhu, we have nothing to do."


Miao Guodong saw that their three brothers said they were going to Minghuang Bath City, so he was busy making arrangements to pay the bill.

After paying the bill, Miao Guodong said, "well, let's go now?"

As he spoke, he got up

Seeing that Miao Guodong was like this, Lin Qiu and his three brothers got up one after another

Immediately, Miao Guodong said, "by the way, are you taking my car or..."

Lin Qiu also said, "we have a car. Just drive ahead and lead the way."

In fact, Miao Guodong was ready to drive a business car.

This shows that the three brothers said they had a car, so Miao Guodong said, "that's it. I'll drive ahead."


After that, when they got on the bus, Lu Hao drove to keep up with Miao Guodong's car.

Lin Qiu sat in the back seat with Hou Qi.

At this moment, Hou Qi couldn't help saying, "I don't think Miao Guodong's appearance tonight is an accident?"

Hearing Hou Qi's words, Lin Qiu said, "it seems that ginger is still old and spicy?"

Hou Qi immediately scolded, "don't you talk to me? Our brothers still talk. Is it interesting?"

Lin Qiu couldn't help laughing, and then said, "from brother Hou's experience, what's Miao Guodong's purpose?"

Hou Qi also said, "I think Miao Guodong's purpose should still be you?"

"Not necessarily?" Lin Qiu replied.

Hou Qize said, "you started pulling with me again, didn't you?"

Lin Qiu smiled again and said, "well, let's get back to business. What do you think Miao Guodong wants to pull me to do?"

Hou Qi also said, "maybe the boss above him asked him to win you over?"

When Hou Qi said this, Lin Qiu smiled, as if to say that they both wanted to go together.

Later, Lin Qiu said, "it seems that it's difficult for us to open a small restaurant quietly?"

Hou qibian said, "it takes courage to say goodbye completely."

Listening to Hou Qi's words, Lin Qiu couldn't help saying, "so... Brother Hou has completely said goodbye?"

Hou Qize said, "are you testing my determination?"

Lin Qiu smiled and said, "I'm just thinking... Brother Hou, can you really make such a decision?"

Hou Qize said, "what can't be for me?"


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