At the moment, Longwan club.

The fourth master was taking a foot bath, and Zhao Shi, who accompanied him, couldn't help saying, "fourth master, you said... Just Lin Qiu... He doesn't want to mix with the underground world, so he wants to incorporate AQI's gang. What does that mean?"

Listening to Zhao Shi's words, the fourth master frowned thoughtfully, and then said, "well... Let's see? Maybe his company is really short of manpower now? Or..."

Hearing what the fourth Master said, Zhao Shi said again, "I think the boy still has an idea?"

So the fourth Master said, "he has ideas. He has ideas, but now he is playing business, so... He can't do anything."

Zhao Shi said, "but sooner or later it will be a future trouble!"

The fourth Master said, "I know. But now I can only see."

Then the fourth master changed his words: "yes, don't always think about him. In short, I know. It's a friend or an opponent. We'll talk about it then."


To tell you the truth, it's also a long dream.

The fourth master knows this very well.

So... For now, the fourth master doesn't want to think about it.

After all, he hasn't seen through Lin Qiu.

I don't know what Lin Qiu thinks.

If Lin Qiu really wants to compete with him for territory in Guangzhu, it will be said at that time.

But now, people are engaged in companies and doing business, which is not good.

Besides, the fourth master also knows that the three brothers Lin Qiu are not so easy to deal with.

So... Don't fight if you can.

After all, there is no need to lose both.

Moreover, even in the Jianghu, it's a matter of harmony to make money.

After all, fighting and killing is really a little out of date.

Moreover, for now, the fourth master is also worried about gain and loss.

After all, it's not easy to lay a country.

If you lose it again because of your blind tossing, isn't it a silly comparison?

Anyway, his fourth master is now a master worth more than one billion, so as long as he keeps it steady, he won't worry about anything in his life.

Therefore, the fourth master naturally has his ideas and plans.

It's just that Zhao Shi around him is still a little radical.

Maybe I haven't met my opponent for a long time. Is it a bit lonely?

So Zhao Shi still hopes to fight with brother Lin Qiuna.

But now the fourth master is suppressing, so... Zhao Shi doesn't dare to do anything.


This night, Zhao Shi met Ma Wu privately.

About Ma Wu, let's give a general introduction. He is a capable general around the fourth master.

It can be said that Ma Wu is in charge of the outside and Zhao Shi is in charge of the inside.

They are the right-hand men of the fourth master.

But such Jianghu people are also easy to change.

How to say, when it comes to guarding rivers and mountains, they are too comfortable. If they are idle for a long time and have nothing to do, they are easy to suspect each other.

Or it's easy to think about something.

However, Ma Wu's private relationship with Zhao Shi is good and iron.

Because they both have a common goal, that is to kill the fourth master.

Although they didn't say it clearly, they both knew it.

How to say... Isn't it that a soldier who doesn't want to be a general is not a good soldier?

Therefore, after serving the fourth master for so many years, who would like to be a slave all his life?

Therefore, they naturally want to kill the fourth master and win the first place.

It happened that the appearance of Lin Qiu's three brothers in Guangzhu was like a fuse, which triggered Ma Wu and Zhao Shi's dissatisfaction with the fourth master

This night, when they met privately, Ma Wu couldn't help asking, "what's the fourth master's attitude towards Lin Qiu's three brothers?"

Zhao Shi also said, "cough! You don't know. For now, the fourth master just wants to stabilize, so naturally he doesn't want to do so many things, so... You must understand?"

Listening to this, Ma Wu frowned with dissatisfaction

Then, Ma Wu said, "the three brothers Lin Qiuna are always hidden dangers."

Zhao Shi said, "but the problem is... Now the fourth master is suppressing, who dares to move Lin Qiu's three brothers?"

Listening to this, Ma Wu couldn't help saying, "if we can't, we'll..."

Ma Wu also deliberately said half, and then stopped. The rest depends on Zhao Shi's meaning.

Zhao Shi naturally understands Ma Wu.

Therefore, after a while, Zhao Shi said, "it's easy to reverse, but after the reverse... We don't necessarily get anything. Besides... Some assets... Are still in the name of the fourth master's wife. What do you say... How do you do this?"

However, Ma Wu said, "grass! What else can his wife do if the four bald men are gone? Isn't that something we can sleep and kick if we want? It's just a woman. It's always just a plaything under our men's crotch!"

Generally, in private, Ma Wu usually calls the fourth master four bald.

Because the fourth master himself is bald.

Of course, calling the fourth bald man has expressed Ma Wu's dissatisfaction with the fourth master.

In fact, Ma Wu is also dissatisfied with the fourth master.

After listening to Ma Wu's words, Zhao Shi said, "although you say so, some things are not so simple. If we don't get the assets through legal procedures, we will be in vain. Because you think, what can we do without the fourth master? What can we get? That's the key to the problem."

Ma Wu also said, "grass! Since it's going to be reversed, I'm afraid I can't get assets? Special means must be taken for special things!"

Zhao Shi hurriedly said, "I know what you mean. But special means may not work well. In short, we are busy in vain if we can't get the assets of the group. In the end, we only get more brothers. But now, it's not so easy for us to take our brothers to fight the world."

Then Zhao Shi said, "do you think the fourth master is really unprepared? He has already designed it. No matter what we do, we can't get assets, understand?"

Listening to Zhao Shi's words, Ma Wu frowned a little angrily, and then asked, "what do you say?"

Zhao Shi said, "I don't know what to do. If I know, I'll wait now?"

Hearing this, Ma Wu was even more upset, so he couldn't help scolding: "lying in the trough!"

Then, Ma Wu complained again: "we Tamar's rivers and mountains for the four bald men, and now we can't get anything together, grass!"


The next morning, Yuankai unknowingly drove into villa 17 of Lihu Haoting.

About villa 17 of Lihu Haoting, that is, the fourth master's nest.

The fourth master knows about yuan Kai's arrival. At this moment, the fourth master is also waiting for him in the villa.

As for yuan Kai, let's briefly introduce him. To put it bluntly, he is a chess piece arranged by the fourth master long ago.

The fourth master had unconsciously arranged him with Ma Wu.

To put it simply, he is a confidant arranged by the fourth master around Ma Wu.

When Yuankai got to the second floor of the villa, he saw the fourth master and immediately reported: "Ma Wu and Zhao Shi were plotting against each other last night."

Hearing this, the fourth master didn't seem to have any big reaction. He still looked like he was not surprised or angry

He just frowned thoughtfully.

Because of these, in fact, it was expected by the fourth master. It's not surprising.

He also knew Ma Wu and Zhao Shi's thoughts for a long time.

In his opinion, it is not surprising that Ma Wu and Zhao Shi have such thoughts.

Because the Jianghu is so easy to change.

Besides, it is driven by interests.

Moreover, the fourth master likes studying the Three Kingdoms best, so he has long seen through those things of separation and combination.

Before we fought together, the fourth master had expected such a day.

Therefore, he had already arranged yuan Kai around Ma Wu.

But now it seems that this day is coming.

For the fourth master, now it's just how to crack the game?

The reason why the fourth master was not in a hurry to make enemies with Lin Qiu's three brothers was that the fourth master knew that there was no turning back in this kind of thing. Once an antagonistic situation formed, there would be absolutely no friends to do in the future.

For his fourth master, if he wants to crack this situation now, he may have to rely on the power of foreign aid?

To put it bluntly, when he had to, maybe his fourth master asked Lin Qiu's three brothers?

Therefore, only by maintaining a good relationship of friends, can we talk about some things.

If there is no such premise, then at that time, his fourth master may be asking for no response every day and shouting no work?

At this moment, listening to Yuan Kai's report, the fourth master still felt a sense of urgency

There's a sense of urgency.

However, the fourth master had an idea in his mind.

Then, the fourth master looked at Yuan Kai thoughtfully, and then asked, "what did Ma Wu and Zhao Shi say last night?"

Yuan Kai also replied, "specifically, it means that we are talking about assets. Zhao Shi means that if we blindly oppose, we will not get assets, and if we oppose, we will be in vain."

Listening to this, the fourth master looked at Yuan Kai again, and then asked, "did they mention what action to take against brother Lin Qiu?"

Yuan Kai was stunned for a moment, and then hurriedly said, "this seems not to have been mentioned yet? It seems not to have been mentioned in terms of action? It's just that brother Lin Qiu's three are a hidden danger sooner or later. Then they talked about their dissatisfaction with you, and then they mentioned the conspiracy. Ma Wu has been calling you four bald."

Listening to these, the fourth Master said he couldn't help laughing. Hey

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