Two days later, Guangzhu airport.

Sheng Jingyao finally came to Guangzhu

Due to telephone contact in advance, when Sheng Jingyao got off the plane at Guangzhu airport, our director Lin Qiulin had already been waiting at the airport exit, waiting to pick up the plane.

After a while, when Dong Lin watched Sheng Jingyao walking out of the airport exit channel with a red suitcase, he was not very excited.

On the contrary, he is very quiet

Although I haven't seen you for a long time, according to common sense, we Lin Dong should be surprised and excited at the moment, but we Lin Dong can't be surprised or excited

On the contrary, my heart is inexplicably heavy.

At the same time, Dong Lin felt ashamed of her


After a while, when Sheng Jingyao looked at Lin Qiu who was waiting at the exit, she was a little excited

Because in her heart, the feeling is still hot.

This man is still the love in her heart.

But she knows that she may not be with him in this life?

But she came to Guangzhu.


After a while, when Lin Qiulin and Dong watched Sheng Jingyao approaching him, he finally said with an excited smile, hey

Sheng Jingyao couldn't help laughing

Immediately, she still handed the suitcase to Dong Lin as she had been in love in Shudu before

Seeing her like this, we Lin Dong didn't deliberately appear unfamiliar, but reached out and took the suitcase in her hand

They just looked at each other and smiled, but they were speechless for a moment.

After a while, Dong Lin said, "let's go to the parking lot first."

Hearing him suddenly just say such a sentence, Sheng Jingyao said that she was embarrassed and smiled

Because in her opinion, they feel a little strange to each other.

Later, on the way to the parking lot together, Sheng Jingyao finally couldn't help saying, "you don't seem to talk as much as before?"

Suddenly, when she said this, Dong Lin also said that he was a little embarrassed and smiled

After a while, Dong Lin said, "by the way, how long are you going to stay in Guangzhu?"

Listening to what he said, Sheng Jingyao looked at him thoughtfully, and then deliberately joked, "all my life."

a lifetime!

Suddenly listening to this sentence, Dong Lin was stunned secretly

Obviously, Dong Lin understands her mind.

It's just that we Lin Dong have to think about how to reply to her

If you can, to tell the truth, Dong Lin wants to be with her all his life.

It's just... Some things are hard to say.

It's obvious that we Lin Dong won't answer. In fact, Sheng Jingyao also sees the difficulties in our Lin Dong's heart

Therefore, she was not in a hurry to say anything.

But she was thinking that if she could, she wouldn't mind waiting for him to divorce Zuo Qing.


After a while, when we arrived at the parking lot, Dong Lin still didn't say anything, but silently put Sheng Jingyao's suitcase in the trunk of the car.

When it was over, he motioned her to get on the bus.

The memory of Shudu is beautiful.

But now it's more or less inexplicable embarrassment to meet each other again.

Then, when we got on the bus, Dong Lin only looked at the motor car, as if he didn't dare to see Sheng Jingyao sitting in the co driver's seat

Because the woman he once called Jingyao sister gave him everything she had, including her first time.

But now, he can't give her a future.

Although he knew she might understand, he still felt ashamed of her

He didn't know why she had to come to Guangzhu this time?

He was just thinking that she might still be looking for something

After a while, when Dong Lin started the car and drove out of the parking lot, Sheng Jingyao couldn't help looking at the street view outside the car window

For her, after all, she came to Guangzhu for the first time, so she naturally had some novelty about everything about Guangzhu.

Therefore, next, she was not in a hurry to talk about their feelings.

She didn't want to rush to mention these things anyway.

While looking at the street view outside the window, she couldn't help asking, "yes, they said... Guangzhu's morning tea is the most famous. Is it true?"

Suddenly, when she asked, our director Lin replied with great ease: "it's not just morning tea? It can be said that Guangzhu's tea restaurant is a great food culture. It's not only morning tea, but also afternoon tea and evening tea."

"Evening tea?!" Sheng Jingyao felt surprised and puzzled.

Therefore, Mr. Lin explained: "the so-called morning tea, afternoon tea and evening tea are not really tea. In fact, the main thing is tea. Tea restaurants here are quite rich in tea. For example, chicken feet, barbecued pork buns, fried noodles, etc. in short, there are many kinds of products, dozens of kinds, which is also the characteristics of Guangzhu's food culture."

After hearing Lin Dong's explanation, Sheng Jingyao was really interested in it

Therefore, she couldn't help saying, "it's afternoon. Do you have afternoon tea?"

Suddenly, when she asked, Dong Lin hurriedly said, "of course. What? Do you want to go to afternoon tea? Then I'll take you to afternoon tea."

Sheng Jingyao said, "listen to what you say, I really want to go to afternoon tea."

So, we Lin Dong also said, "that's right. I'll take you directly to a tea restaurant. First, I'll take you to feel Guangzhu's afternoon tea."


We Lin Dong and Sheng Jingyao are talking about afternoon tea. Suddenly, Lu Hao's goods called us Lin Dong.

Listening to the phone ring, Dong Lin had to say to Sheng Jingyao, "sorry, I'll answer the phone first."


After a while, when Dong Lin got on the phone, Lu Hao at the other end of the phone said, "brother Qiu, tonight, the people of Huizi gang are going to attack the fourth master on Jinfeng Road."

Hearing this, Mr. Lin couldn't help but be stunned. Then, Mr. Lin hurriedly asked, "is this news accurate?"

Lu Hao on the other end of the phone replied, "it's basically accurate. Because they have mastered the whereabouts of the fourth master. The fourth master will go to Lijing hotel through Jinfeng Road at more than 10 o'clock every night. The fourth master is basically living in Lijing hotel now."

After listening to Lu Hao's words, Dong Lin frowned and thought about it, and asked, "this... Does the fourth master know the news?"

Lu Hao replied, "I don't know? I don't know if the fourth master knows about it? But I think the fourth master himself may not know?"

So, Dong Lin asked, "how did you know this?"


After hanging up for a while, Lin Qiulin and Dong thought about Lu Hao's sudden report. He was thinking that it was going to rain after such a long time of thunder and wind

Think about it. It has been a long time since master Bai got out of prison and then the emergence of Huizi gang.

It is rumored in the Jianghu that master Bai wants revenge and Huizi Gang wants to kill the fourth master

But... These rumors have always been just rumors.

Because I've never seen serious action or anything.

The fourth master has been hiding all the time.

Everyone even felt at peace.

However, just now, Lu Hao suddenly called to report that Huizi gang was going to attack the fourth master tonight

At this moment, Dong Lin is thinking, and I don't know whether the news is accurate or not?!

However, Dong Lin doesn't doubt Lu Hao.

It's Dong Lin who doubts... I'm afraid Huizi Gang is thundering again?


At this moment, Sheng Jingyao, sitting in the co driver's seat, looked at us. After Dong Lin answered the phone, she had been absent-minded. She couldn't help but ask, "is there any trouble at work?"

Suddenly, when she asked, Dong Lin was stunned, and then he quickly recovered

Then he turned and looked at Sheng Jingyao sitting in the passenger seat

After that, he said, "it's nothing. We'd better have afternoon tea as usual."


After that, Dong Lin did drive Sheng Jingyao directly to a tea restaurant in Liwan.

After arriving at this tea restaurant, Dong Lin chose a tea table, then asked Sheng Jingyao for advice and ordered some tea or something.

When he finished, he went to the bathroom on the pretext.

But he did go to the bathroom.

However, he didn't really go to the bathroom, but put it in the bathroom and lit a cigarette. Then he wondered whether to disclose the news reported by Lu Hao to the fourth master

It's just a matter of pondering. Dong Lin thinks... It's better not to disclose anything easily when we are not completely sure about the news.

Because of this, it will cause panic.

So... Dong Lin finally called Hou Qi.

What we Lin Dong mean is to trouble Hou Qi and Lu Hao tonight and ask them to lurk in Jinfeng Road in advance tonight

As for the purpose of lurking, that is, if you see anything bad, you can do it in time.

Of course, it's best to do it secretly.

Don't let Huizi Gang know who it is, and don't let the fourth master know who it is.

Of course, even if the fourth master doesn't know who it is, he will guess who it is.

The most important thing is not to let Huizi Gang know who it is.

After all, Mr. Lin doesn't want to involve the underground circle openly.

Hou Qi naturally understood what Dong Lin meant. Therefore, Hou Qi said on the phone, "don't worry, brother Lin, I know what to do."


At the moment, Wang Mawu and Zhou Dachuan in the underground circle are also talking on the phone

Wang Mawu also learned the news that Huizi Gang attacked fourth master on Jinfeng Road this evening.

Zhou Dachuan is asking whether the news is accurate or not?

Wang Ma Wu said, "eighty percent. It can only be said to be basically accurate. Unless four bald people suddenly know the news and suddenly change their itinerary tonight... Then the news is accurate."

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