It seems that Huang Jinfeng doesn't want to talk about remarriage. Our Lin Qiulin Dong has no choice but to think in his heart, uncle Zuo, we've tried our best, but aunt Feng insists, so we have no choice

Aunt Feng said that the broken mirror is difficult to reunite. I guess it's enough?!


Now, outside the lobby, the parking lot.

Zuo Qing is still talking to Yu Tingting on the phone

Yu Tingting means to get together at night.

Anyway, what Yu Tingting means is... Book a KTV room later and get together and play in the evening.

This is a little embarrassing for Zuo Qing

Because originally she and Yu Tingting were good sisters, but... Because Lin Qiu made it a little embarrassing for each other, so this thing... How embarrassing it is to make an appointment to get together and bring Lin Qiu

It's embarrassing to think about that scene.

Therefore, in desperation, Zuo Qing said, "later, later. Let's have dinner first."


After a while, Zuo Qing finally entered the hotel lobby. Her mother Huang Jinfeng was busy welcoming her and said, "how did you answer the phone for so long?"

Zuo Qing replied, "who... Doesn't want to hang up, what can I do?"

Seeing that her daughter was like this, Huang Jinfeng said, "get it, get it, don't say it, let's hurry upstairs."


Then, when the three of them took the elevator upstairs together, suddenly, Zuo Qing couldn't help living in Lin Qiu's ear and whispered, "guess who called just now?"

Suddenly, Zuo Qing said this in her ear. Lin Qiulin and Dong were stunned secretly, and then turned around and looked at her roughly

Seeing this, Zuo Qing simply said in his ear, "yes, I'd better tell you directly. The phone call just now was from Yu Tingting."

Suddenly listen to this, suddenly listen to the phone call just now, it was Yu Tingting, and Dong Lin was stunned

Then, I couldn't help but ask Dong Lin curiously in Zuo Qing's ear, "what did she say?"

So Zuo Qing said in his ear, "she said to get together tonight. She said to book a KTV room later."

Suddenly listening to this, Mr. Lin hurriedly said, "is it appropriate? Don't you feel a little embarrassed to get together later?"

Zuo Qing said, "what I said is, I don't think it's appropriate. So... I didn't promise her definitely. I just said it later."


After a while, after taking the elevator to the restaurant on the 5th floor, when we entered the private room, Lin Qiulin and Dong suddenly saw old man Zuo sitting in the private room in full spirit. He couldn't help but be stunned

I wipe——

Is the left old man recovering well?

Is he pretending to be ill at all?

The left old man looked at Lin Qiu suspiciously. He said, "why? Smelly boy, don't you know me?"

Suddenly, old man Zuo said that there was no way, so we Lin Dong had to say, "Grandpa, you... Recovered well?"

The left old man said, "it's OK. My old bone is still hard. I thought my old bone would really hang up this time, but I didn't expect it to live again."

Listen to what old man Zuo said. It's not good for us to say anything about it

Although he suspected that old man Zuo might be just pretending to be ill in order to force him to marry Lin Qiu and Zuo Qing, this thing... Old man Zuo is so old after all, so it's not good to say anything about it.


At the moment, Qin Youguo is going to Qingyun city.

Qin Youguo also rushed back to Qingyun city for the Spring Festival.

Because Qin Youguo's hometown is also Qingyun city.

After a while, after entering the boundary of Qingyun City, Qin Youguo couldn't help calling old Zuo

Old man Zuo heard that Qin Youguo came back, so he came directly to Yunlai hotel.

Originally, Qin Youguo didn't want to go, but when he heard that Lin Qiu was there, he agreed to go directly to Yunlai hotel.


Another half an hour later, when Qin Youguo arrived at Yunlai Hotel, as soon as they met each other, old man Zuo began to make arrangements and said that he would spend the Spring Festival together

It means that on the evening of new year's Eve, the reunion dinner is eaten together.

How dare Qin Youguo have any opinion about this?

Therefore, Qin Youguo can only accept it.


Wait a minute. When Qin Youguo went to the bathroom, Lin Qiulin and Dong went with him

When we got to the bathroom, Dong Lin couldn't help saying, "Uncle Qin, can I ask you something?"

As soon as he opened his mouth, Qin Youguo knew what his boy was going to ask.

Therefore, Qin Youguo said, "ask what you want."

So, we Lin Dong said: "it's not a problem, just... I think... The old man left recovers very quickly, huh? And..."

Before he finished, Qin Youguo said, "can you not beat around the Bush? Can you go straight? Because you beat around the Bush, I don't know what you want to express, don't you?"

Listening to Qin Youguo's words, I couldn't help but say, "that's it. Then, uncle Qin, I want to know... Is old Zuo pretending to be ill? Is his purpose just to... Let us get married with Zuo Qing earlier?"

Listening to Lin Qiu's words, Qin Youguo doesn't know what to say?

But Qin Youguo was thinking that he was also cheated by master Zuo

Because at that time, Qin Youguo also felt that old man Zuo was dying.

Because of this, at that time, he Qin Youguo also went to Guangzhu, went to find Lin Qiu, and helped urge marriage

So now when it comes to this matter, Qin Youguo also feels that he was deceived at that time.

However, this kind of special thing, he Qin Youguo is also mute to eat Coptis

Because he was also embarrassed to expose old man Zuo. After all, he was his old leader.

Besides, there is no cultivation of the old chief, and there is no today of his Qin Youguo.

Therefore, thinking about this, Qin Youguo finally said to Lin Qiu: "Yes, you boy, don't think about those things that are out of tune all day. Besides, anyway, your boy is now registered and married with Zuo Qing at the Civil Affairs Bureau, so... Don't think about those things that are not. I also know that your boy is still a little naughty, but this is already the case. What else do you want?"

Listening to Qin Youguo's words, Dong Lin couldn't help but be stunned. After he understood the taste, he regretted and thought, sir, why did I forget that Qin Youguo was under Lao Tzu and cultivated him by Lao Tzu, so... How could he betray Lao Tzu?!

After a while, when he came out of the bathroom, Qin Youguo couldn't help patting our Lin Qiulin Dong on the shoulder, and then said, "just be a boy. It's almost the same in this life, so it's time to take heart now that you married Zuo Qing. Don't be so naughty."

When Qin Youguo said this, Dong Lin was stunned. He couldn't help thinking, what does uncle Qin mean?!

Later, Qin Youguo couldn't help living in Dong Lin's ear and asked, "by the way, I heard... Some time ago... Sheng Jingyao still went to Guangzhu to see you?"

Listening to Qin Youguo's question, Dong Lin said, "you know that, uncle Qin?"

Qin Youguo said, "this is not... I happened to hear it, didn't I?"

Then Qin Youguo said, "yes, let's talk... Is Sheng Jingyao still interested in you?"

Listening to Qin Youguo's question, Dong Lin didn't know how to answer him?

Because such a special thing itself can not be said clearly in a few words.

Then, Dong Lin could only say, "Uncle Qin, to tell you the truth, feelings are such a special thing... Very complicated. In fact... I can't say very well. Take Sheng Jingyao for example... In fact, she knows that she and I may have no future, but... She just doesn't want to be reconciled, but she still has fantasies, so..."

Hearing what he said, Qin Youguo said, "it's done. I still roughly understand what you said."

Then, taking the opportunity, Qin Youguo said, "by the way, your boy also told me the truth. Do you want to live well with Zuo Qing?"

Listen to such a question, to tell you the truth, Dong Lin is also a little confused

How to say... If you want to talk about men and women, he can do it. Now he can be regarded as an expert, but let's talk about husband and wife life... To tell the truth, director Lin really doesn't have this experience.

So what should we say to live well? Dong Lin really has no concept.

Then, we Lin Dong said, "Zuo Qing works in Qingyun City, and my career is in Guangzhu, so... Uncle Qin, you say... We really don't have any concept."

So Qin Youguo said, "according to what you said, you married Zuo Qing... Just to make old Zuo happy?"

Our Lin Dong said, "it's not to make old Zuo happy? It's... We owe the Zuo family... It seems that we really can't repay it? Besides, don't we have an engagement with Zuo Qing? So..."

Qin Youguo said, "yes, your boy talks and talks. In the final analysis, isn't he still trying to coax old man Zuo to be happy?"

Immediately, Qin Youguo said, "to tell you the truth, if it weren't for old Zuo, I know your boy couldn't have married Zuo Qing."

In fact, Qin Youguo still understands many things here.

Then, Dong Lin didn't want to talk about this topic anymore. Therefore, he couldn't help saying, "by the way, uncle Qin, there's another thing... I still don't understand, that's my mother... Even if she went abroad, why didn't she have any contact with you later?"


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