After listening to Dong Lin's ideas, Xu Lin smiled with satisfaction: "yes, it seems that your boy has made rapid progress! Now he knows resource integration, which is powerful! And he knows how to dilute Liao Youde's share in qiude group through resource integration, which is powerful!"

Seeing that Xu Lin was like this, Dong Lin asked, "is there anything wrong with this?"

Xu Lin said, "no problem! Entrepreneurs play like this! Otherwise, how can the group become bigger step by step?"

However, Mr. Lin worried: "now I just don't know whether Liao Youde agrees or doesn't agree? After all, qiude real estate group is funded and he is an investor, so..."

Xu Lin said: "In the end, all problems have to be solved through negotiation. It's a Jianghu habit for brothers to return to brothers, but as a businessman, everything can be maximized. Anyway, if resources are integrated... Lotte entertainment company and Qianqiu catering company are packaged here, naturally... Liao Youde's share proportion will change. So... In the end, just talk to Liao you If the German negotiation is passed, then we can integrate resources. "

Then, Mr. Lin said: "Well, let's try to win the land owned by Zhou Dachuan first. As for the land resources on the fourth master's side... Don't worry now. Because Sifang group is still inexperienced in real estate development, they dare not develop it alone. The fourth master... Still knows himself. So the fourth master's side must be with our qiude real estate Group joint development. "

Therefore, Xu Lin also said, "about Liao Youde, I'll communicate with him in advance and set up his words. After all, Liao Youde and I are small and have something to say."


Two days later, in Qingyun City, Zuo's old house.

Huang Jinfeng is chatting with old man Zuo

Huang Jinfeng said: "now the idea of Lin Qiu's boy in the enterprise is more and more mature. I don't have to worry about his subsequent development, but... Now... What I'm worried about is the relationship between his boy and Zuo Qing."

The left old man said, "what are you worried about? Anyway, he and Zuo Qing have registered for marriage? Are they legally married? His son is now our Zuo family's son-in-law, isn't he? So why worry?"

Huang Jinfeng said, "you still don't understand the emotional changes of young people now. For now, go to the Civil Affairs Bureau and you will understand that there are as many marriages and divorces in line. Therefore... If you don't get along with each other, it's not impossible to divorce in the end."

Master Zuo said, "do you think I really don't understand? If Lin Qiu dares to divorce now, he will score half of his property in the group, so... Do you think his boy will be so stupid?"

Huang Jinfeng was stunned when old man Zuo said so

However, think about it. If there is a divorce now, it really hurts for Lin Qiu.

Because the property after marriage is the joint property of husband and wife, if there is a divorce, there must be half of Zuo Qing.

Thinking of this, Huang Jinfeng couldn't help looking at old Zuo with some admiration, and then said, "so you've always calculated and waiting?"

The left old man said, "that's right! It has to be like this, isn't it? As the saying goes, one thing comes down to one thing! Besides, the couple... What feelings are not feelings? Don't they all make do with each other? In fact, it's all make do with who, so... Now this young man just doesn't understand this truth!"


Now, Guangzhu.

Taking advantage of his free time, Xu Lin called Liao Youde far away in Yanjing to set up Liao Youde's ideas

After listening to Xu Lin's thoughts about Lin Qiu, Liao Youde smiled bitterly, and then half talked to himself: "qiude real estate group? Qiude group? Resource integration? Together... What's Lin Qiu waiting for?"

Think about it. We should integrate resources and change qiude real estate group into qiude group. In this way... We must virtually dilute his share proportion of Liao Youde

Therefore, Liao Youde suspects that Lin Qiu is normal even if he is waiting.

However, if it's really Lin Qiu, even if he's waiting, Xu Lin is not sure.

Anyway, according to the operation rules of the group, you can play like this.

Then, Xu Lin said on the phone: "anyway, I don't know what you talked about before. But... If resources are integrated, the group can expand its scale invisibly. In this way... The group can gradually grow. In fact, it doesn't matter to dilute the proportion of shares. The key is that the group will grow in the future, and its profits may be more considerable."

Liao Youde said, "the key is that after dilution, Lin Qiu's three brothers are the absolute shareholders."

Xu Lin said, "according to the current shareholding ratio, it is also the three holdings of other people's brothers, isn't it?"

Liao Youde on the other end of the phone said that he smiled a little depressed and said: "Nevertheless, as far as qiude real estate group is concerned, it's more pure. At any rate, Lin Qiu has to tell me about the major affairs of the group. But after it is changed to qiude group... Their three brothers hold absolute shares, and I don't participate in the operation and operation. Maybe I don't have any right to speak?"

However, Liao Youde said, "however, I don't object to this. I also agree with resource integration, just... I just wonder if Lin Qiu designed it in advance?"

Xu Lin said, "I don't know this."

Liao Youde smiled sadly again, and then said, "come on. It's done. Anyway... Who calls him Lin Qiu, so... He said what to do, what else can I do?"

Xu Lin said, "in other words, do you still agree with him?"


This afternoon, a tea restaurant in Liwan.

The second meeting between Lin Qiulin and Zhou Dachuan, the big man in the west of the city, was here.

This time, they met alone. They no longer need the fourth master of the middleman.

This time, Zhou Dachuan finally talked about the land of Qingyuan with our director Lin Qiulin

Zhou Dachuan means that in his early years, he had an accidental opportunity to hoard a piece of land in Qingyuan.

Although the area of that land is only more than 100 mu, it is not a problem to be a medium-sized high-end community.

Now, according to the changes of the situation, Zhou Dachuan also admitted that he wanted to pass through the land safely.

As for the upcoming hurricane action, it still has a great impact on Zhou Dachuan.

Now, Zhou Dachuan means to make a complete transformation.

However, Zhou Dachuan has also calculated that no matter what happens to the land with Qingyuan, he will make enough money for the rest of his life, so he is not too worried now.

He was just worried that he couldn't safely avoid the wind.

At the moment, when talking about the plot of land in Qingyuan, we Lin Qiulin Dong also took Zhou Dachuan's words and asked him whether he wanted to sell the plot directly or participate in the joint development and wait for the share?

Obviously, Zhou Dachuan prefers the latter. He wants to share and make more money from it.

Therefore, Mr. Lin also expressed his ideas, which means that Zhou Dachuan can participate in the joint development, but qiude real estate group can give priority to the naming and publicity of the project.

In fact, what we Lin Dong mean is that we want to take the opportunity to build our group's real estate brand and make it a business card of our group's brand

Zhou Dachuan doesn't have much objection to this, because he doesn't intend to participate in anything except providing a piece of land. He just sits and waits for sharing.

So what do we Lin Dong want to do? He doesn't have a problem with Zhou Dachuan.

Now the problem is the proportion.

Zhou Dachuan has a little appetite and wants to get 50% of the final profit.

Of course, Mr. Lin will not do this.

Now, the two are arguing about the proportion.

We, Mr. Lin, mean to give him at most 20% of the profits.

Because, after all, He Zhou Dachuan just left a piece of land.

Others, He Zhou Dachuan no longer participated.

However, such a large project is fully invested, planned, constructed, publicized and sold by qiude real estate group, which is obviously a great credit to qiude real estate group.

Two people, now these are breaking and pulling

In the end, Zhou Dachuan also made a concession, saying that he wanted to get 35% of the profits.

However, Mr. Lin still did not agree.

Because Mr. Lin has to calculate the cost of buying this land.

This thing... Businessmen, of course, have to follow a reasonable algorithm.

Finally, we talked about it. Mr. Lin always adhered to the principle of 20%. Zhou Dachuan had no choice but to say, "I'll consider it. Anyway, there are other real estate groups talking with me now. I'd better compare it."

Hearing Zhou Dachuan's words, Dong Lin immediately said, "well, Mr. Zhou, consider it, and we'll stop here today."

Suddenly, when Dong Lin said this, Zhou Dachuan was stupid

Because he himself wants to create some sense of urgency and make Dong Lin give in.

But I didn't know that Dong Lin directly respected his wishes.

This thing... Dong Lin can see that Zhou Dachuan has only such a great skill.

With other large real estate consortia, he couldn't see the head of others at all.

Moreover, those large real estate groups of others operate according to the process. How can they have such ink with him?

Of course, some of the same small real estate groups may have contact with Zhou Dachuan.

However, the strength comparison is obviously that qiude real estate group has a certain advantage.

Now, the conversation between them has also entered the stage of deadlock. Helpless, Zhou Dachuan has to say, "that's right, Mr. Lin, let's... Talk next time?"

Dong Lin nodded and said, "Cheng Cheng. That's it. Let's talk about it next time."


In this way, the preliminary conversation about the land of Qingyuan ended.

As for when we will talk about it next time, we haven't set a specific time yet

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