At the moment, Yunlai Hotel, a private room in the restaurant on the fifth floor.

Sitting around the table are Lin Qiu, sister LAN, aunt Bai, Zhou Bing and Shen Mei.

Just them.

Shen Mei was called temporarily by Aunt Bai later.

Although aunt Bai's intention was to celebrate her victory over Yunchuan fat master tonight, the dining atmosphere was still a little dull at the moment.

Mainly because Aunt Bai doesn't talk much.

As for Aunt Bai, the main reason why she doesn't talk much is that she is afraid of Lin Qiu.

How to say... After all, I feel that this boy is not in the pool, so aunt Bai also feels that she is not sure to control him.

Shen Mei has been staring at Lin Qiu inexplicably, as if she is still dissatisfied with him, but as for what aspect of dissatisfaction, maybe she can't even say it herself?

In fact, to put it bluntly, it just doesn't look good.

Zhou Bing is now in awe of Lin Qiu.

However, Zhou Bing's heart was still somewhat unconvinced, but he didn't dare to say it clearly.

Sister LAN has always been an observant woman, so she feels the atmosphere is a little dull, and she doesn't make much noise.

After all, she was afraid of saying something wrong. In that case, aunt Bai would not be happy.

Therefore, feeling the dining atmosphere, Lin Qiu was more or less depressed, thinking that it was also called ma de celebration?

After a while, aunt Bai looked at Lin Qiu thoughtfully

After that, aunt Bai finally couldn't help saying, "Xiao Lin, that... The person behind this time is the wild seed of Li Yibo. What are you going to do?"

Obviously, aunt Bai is testing Lin Qiu's idea.

Sister LAN immediately understood what aunt Bai was thinking, so she looked at Lin Qiu with some worry, for fear that Lin Qiu would not answer properly.

In fact, after the problem was thrown out, Lin Qiu was stunned

He's also thinking about Aunt Bai. What does that mean?

However, before aunt Bai threw out the problem, Lin Qiu thought that he should go to Li Yibo's second ancestor to settle the account this time.

But now aunt Bai asks, he naturally has to wonder where Aunt Bai's intention is?

The woman doesn't seem to trust him completely

After thinking about it, Lin Qiu smiled: "Well... Aunt Bai, I don't want to bother you this time, because it's a personal grudge between me and Li Yibo's second ancestor, so I don't want to miss the overall situation or let aunt Bai break her heart for me because of this. So... Since it's a personal grudge, I'd better deal with it myself. Doesn't the saying say... You have to tie the bell to untie the bell? So no matter how outsiders explain it, it won't help, will it? "

This answer does not seem to be in aunt Bai's mind.

However, for such an answer, aunt Bai seems hard to say anything?

Therefore, aunt Bai can only roughly look at his boy again

This boy really has his own way of thinking!

At the moment, looking at Aunt Bai, sister Lan was very worried. She looked at Lin Qiu, and then at Aunt Bai

Suddenly, aunt Bai gave Lin Qiu a look in her eyes and said, "listen to your boy... You still take aunt Bai as an outsider?"

Taking the opportunity, Shen Mei glared at Lin Qiu angrily, and then snorted: "hum! I don't know the greatness of heaven and earth! I'm so conceited!"

Suddenly, aunt Bai was busy and whispered, "Shen Mei, it's not your turn to talk yet."

When Aunt Bai said this, Shen Mei suddenly looked embarrassed and didn't dare to make any more noise, but she still glared at Lin Qiu angrily.

Seeing such a scene, Lin Qiu said that she was helpless and stunned. Then she thought in her heart that these two women really lack love.

However, Lin Qiu smiled and said, "aunt Bai, I didn't treat you as an outsider. Besides, how long have I been in Qingyun city? How can I dare to treat you as an outsider? It's aunt Bai. If you don't dislike me and don't treat me as an outsider, I'll thank God!"

Listening to this, aunt Bai couldn't help laughing: "it seems that your boy can talk very well?"

Seeing this, sister Lan was busy and apologized: "sorry, aunt Bai, I'll teach him a good lesson later!"

Then, sister LAN stared at Lin Qiu with a false look: "smelly boy, can you speak? Don't speak if you can't speak!"

In fact, what aunt Bai sees is a kind of love, that is, you LAN loves Lin Qiu very much.

However, aunt Bai doesn't want to be embarrassed to swim blue.

After all, aunt Bai also wants to vigorously enter the entertainment venues in Qingyun city through Youlan.

Therefore, aunt Bai smiled and said, "Xiaolan, you don't have to be so nervous. I just want to test how Xiaolin wants to deal with the wild seed of Li Yibo?"

Listening to this, you LAN scolded Lin Qiu again: "smelly boy, you don't thank aunt Bai for this! Really! If aunt Bai hadn't come forward, how could you resist the Li family in Qingyun city? Besides, if aunt Bai hadn't come forward, you would have been hacked to death by random knives tonight, okay?"

That's the truth.

In fact, Lin Qiu knew it in his heart.

As a result, his boy hurriedly said, "thank you, aunt Bai!"

Aunt Bai said with a slightly relaxed attitude: "no thanks. Besides, when you went to Daji restaurant tonight, your boy's performance was still good. He didn't lose face for me."

Lin Qiu was busy and smiled: "isn't Aunt Bai holding the scene behind me? If aunt Bai hadn't held the scene behind me, how could I have that ability?"

So aunt Bai said, "just know it in your heart."


Just talking here, suddenly, aunt Bai's cell phone rang.

Listening to the phone ring, aunt Bai was stunned. Then she didn't say anything. She just took out her phone and looked at the caller ID.

Suddenly, the phone was called by Li Changwu. Aunt Bai immediately turned black, and then directly pressed the reject key.

Obviously, this is meaningful.

Because she also knew what Li Changwu wanted to say, she deliberately refused to answer and let Li Changwu figure it out.

Sure enough, at the other end of the phone, Li Changwu suddenly heard that Aunt Bai refused to answer the phone. He immediately became nervous and worried

This time aunt Bai didn't answer his phone. He naturally felt that Aunt Bai was very angry and the consequences were very serious.

As a result, Li Changwu had to start thinking nervously about how to settle his own son?

Obviously, I can't let my son stay in Qingyun city recently.

Because Aunt Bai may start at any time?

Li Changwu also knows that Aunt Bai either doesn't do it or she dies

This night, when fat ye returned to Yunchuan, he finally dared to say loudly, "madder! I'll smash the boy named Lin Qiu! And I'll kill the smelly woman of Bai Lan! Hum!"


At the moment, master Kun of Qingyun city and monk Xuan are still staying in Daji restaurant. After dinner, they are tasting tea with a calm look.

Then, Lord Kun couldn't help lighting a cigarette, took a deep breath, and then spit out the smoke: "Hoo..."

After that, I saw that Lord Kun was also a little afraid and said, "Lin Qiu, that boy is really tricky!"

"HMM." Xuan monk agreed and said nothing else.

Because some words are not easy to say in front of Lord Kun.

Then, Xuan monk had to say, "but Bai Lan's woman is not simple."

Lord Kun said, "my mother is always a woman. I admire Lin Qiu more. Unfortunately, now the boy falls into the hands of Bai Lan."

Xuan monk said: "everything still has to pay attention to fate. It's yours sooner or later. It's useless if it's not your demand."

Lord Kun said, "I also know these. But... Fate sometimes has to be fought for."

Then, Lord Kun said again with profound meaning: "besides, you can't be a friend, so you may be an enemy in the future?"


At the moment, Yunlai hotel.

The dinner that Aunt Bai planned tonight is over now.

Although the meal cost nearly 10000 yuan, Lin Qiu felt hungry when he came out of the restaurant.

In fact, I really didn't eat anything. Take the hairy crab for example. It's full of shells. How much meat is there?

There are only a few pieces of fat cattle, which are known as the most expensive. One piece per person is gone.

So at this moment, Lin Qiu saw himself and sister LAN in the elevator. He couldn't help but say, "don't have enough."

"Oh -" sister LAN couldn't help laughing, and then said, "I'm not full. I'll take you to supper later."


Later, when Lin Qiu followed sister LAN out of Yunlai Hotel, she happened to put it at the door of the lobby and met Zuo Changqing.

However, Zuo Changqing doesn't seem to recognize Lin Qiu.

After all, at that time, Lin Qiu was less than ten years old. Now time flies. More than ten years later, Lin Qiu has also grown up, so his appearance has naturally changed.

Therefore, when meeting each other, Zuo Changqing didn't care much about the young man.

Although Lin Qiu recognized Zuo Changqing, he didn't say a word, but he was secretly stunned.

After all, considering sister Lan's presence, Lin Qiu still has some scruples about some things.

They passed each other like strangers, and no one looked back.

Of course, sister Lan also knows Zuo Changqing and knows that this is a real power faction in Qingyun City, but after all, ordinary people like her don't have any intersection with such people on weekdays, so she can only pass by as a stranger.

After returning to the Buick business car, sister Lan said, "just that... That's the one we just met at the entrance of the lobby. He's the fourth big man in Qingyun City, you know?"

Suddenly listening to such a sentence, Lin Qiu just 'Oh', and then didn't say anything about it.

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