Xu Lin smiled again and said, "maybe you are developing too fast in Guangzhu? No problem. People suspect you have a problem. Now there are many people with red eye disease in this society, so there is no way."

Then, Xu Lin added: "it may also be that you are too close to those people in the underground circle. They always doubt what benefits you have gained in the underground circle."

Our Lin Dong said, "it's really good. Because we don't get so close to the fourth master, can we get the development right of three pieces of land at once?"

Xu Lin hurriedly said, "it's not too early to be complacent. It's estimated that the relevant departments of the Z government have to verify whether there are any problems in the formalities with respect to the three plots of land under the Sifang group? Perhaps the relevant departments are verifying?"

Immediately, Xu Lin said, "but I think there should be no problem. If there was a problem, someone would have spoken."

Dong Lin said, "it's all right. It's not urgent. Anyway, let's finish the Yunding Lanshan project in liaojiawan first. It can also relieve the financial pressure, can't it?"

Listening to what Lin Dong said, Xu Lin said, "if so, Guangzhu... I'll fix it myself for the time being."

We Lin Dong said, "whether you can handle it or not, I have to go to Xihang the day after tomorrow, because Hou Qi and Lu Hao are still waiting for me there."

Xu Lin asked, "is there really a play in Xihang?"

"Didn't they say there was a play anyway?" our director Lin replied.

So Xu Lin said, "if there is a play, then we must seize the opportunity. No matter what, we have to open the situation first."

Our Lin Dong said, "I know what you mean. That's what I mean."


The next day, we Lin Qiulin and Dong were preparing to go to Xihang. Suddenly, Shen Xinying called us again.

It's obvious that Shen Xinying is still obsessed with Dong Lin.

Although she already knew that Dong Lin was married, she just didn't give up or be reconciled.

After the phone was connected, Shen Xinying said bluntly, "I want to see you."

Suddenly, when Shen Xinying called and said this, Dong Lin couldn't help frowning. Then he didn't know what to say?

Because of this... Dong Lin really has a headache.

After all, it should be clear. He has told her.

However, she is like this. She just never forgets him.

In desperation, Dong Lin had to say to Shen Xinying at the other end of the phone, "will it be all right to be late?"

Shen Xinying replied, "yes. Call me when you're busy. I'll wait for your call."


Then, as soon as the phone hung up, Dong Lin frowned again. At this moment, he didn't know what to say.

He was just thinking that Shen Xinying really gave him a headache.

After all, he really liked her.

For now, he still has that feeling for her.

He just understood that he couldn't do anything with her now.

After all, he is already married.

Moreover, there are so many women around, and their emotional world is in a mess.

So he felt he couldn't bring Shen Xinying in again.

For now, Lu Huijiao... He doesn't know what to do?

As for Ling Yayun or Su Lin, it's better.

Thinking, Dong Lin thought, we'd better pack our bags first. I don't know how long we'll stay in Xihang this time?

On the West Hangzhou side, we Lin Dong still have some small yearning.

After all... How to say, I heard that the scenery in Xihang is good? How beautiful women are?

So naturally, I have some inexplicable yearning. I hope this trip to West Hangzhou can have a different experience

It was not until almost evening that Lin Qiulin and Dong called Shen Xinying back.

After receiving a call from Dong Lin, Shen Xinying said that she had a rest today and was a little bored. It's good to be alone and don't know where to go?

Anyway, that means he wants to go with her.

This has made Dong Lin frown. It's neither going nor not going?

Finally, Dong Lin thought about it and thought it was all this point. Then go and invite her to dinner.

So when we hung up, Dong Lin drove to Rongchang hospital.


After a while, I met at the gate of Rongchang hospital. After Shen Xinying got on our Lin Dong's car, she said, "the last tea restaurant was good."

Suddenly, when she said this, we Lin Dong naturally understood her meaning. Therefore, we Lin Dong also said, "let's go for evening tea."


After that, I found a tea restaurant nearby.

After sitting in the tea restaurant, Shen Xinying couldn't help waiting for something better to eat. Shen Xinying couldn't help looking at us, Dong Lin

Obviously, it is not difficult to see from her eyes that she has a deep affection for Dong Lin.

Looking at her opposite, in the face of such a quiet and gentle woman, Dong Lin really doesn't know what to do?

After waiting for a while, Dong Lin had to say, "Xinying, actually... You should try to forget me. I don't think we should meet often."

Suddenly, when he said this, Shen Xinying said, "but I have no friends in Guangzhu. I don't know anyone except you."

Our Lin Dong hurriedly said, "don't you have many colleagues in your hospital?"

Shen Xinying said, "colleagues are colleagues and friends are friends."

"But..." we Lin Dong looked at her in silence, and then said, "but you know, we... We are impossible now."

Shen Xinying said, "I don't want to hear this. Let's talk about something else."

So we Lin Dong said, "well, I'm going to Xihang tomorrow."

Suddenly hearing this, Shen Xinying was stunned, and then hurriedly asked, "are you leaving Guangzhu?!"

Seeing that she was like this, Mr. Lin had to answer truthfully, "it's only temporary. Because of the needs of the group's development, I have to deal with some affairs in Xihang. It's likely to set up a branch in Xihang."

Listening to what Dong Lin said, Shen Xinying was stunned with thought

At this moment, she feels that Dong Lin's group is growing stronger and stronger, and she suddenly has some inexplicable sense of inferiority.

Because she knew she was just a little nurse after all.

After a while, she looked at our director Lin and said, "as you say... You will soon become a big man, celebrity and rich in business, and I..."

Before she finished, we Lin Dong understood what she wanted to express, so we Lin Dong hurriedly said, "you don't have to think that, really, Xinying!"

Then, Dong Lin said, "I don't think you understand me. I mean, I'm married after all, so..."

However, before Dong Lin finished, Shen Xinying hurriedly said, "why did we talk about this topic again? Didn't we just agree not to talk about this topic?"

So, we Lin Dong had to say, "then talk about your recent situation."

Shen Xinying said, "my recent situation is like that. I've always been like that. I've always worked in the hospital. I won't do anything except being a nurse."

We Lin Dong couldn't help but say, "haven't you been in love for so many years?"

Shen Xinying shook her head and said, "because I remember you told me that when you could give me the future, we would talk again. Just..."

Before she finished, Dong Lin said with a sad smile, "we're back to that topic again."

Then Shen Xinying was silent and stopped talking.

Seeing that she no longer said anything, Dong Lin didn't say anything anymore and kept silent with her.

But Dong Lin suddenly felt that some things were really helpless along the way.

Maybe there were no conditions to talk about love, but when conditions are met, even if time has not changed, even if the person is still waiting in place, he has changed.

Feelings... There are always regrets.

Maybe we should do something right at the right time?

After waiting for a long time, Shen Xinying looked at Dong Lin thoughtfully. Then she asked, "what are you thinking?"

Suddenly listening to her asking, Dong Lin was stunned for a moment, and then didn't dare to mention the feelings. He just said, "I'm thinking about going to Xihang tomorrow."

Such an answer somewhat disappointed Shen Xinying.

Then she said, "why don't we go out together?"

Hearing her saying this, Dong Lin was stunned again, and then he could only reply: "OK."


After that, when Dong Lin settled his account, they went out of the tea restaurant together.

As Shen Xinying said she wanted to walk, Dong Lin had to park his car in the parking lot in front of the tea restaurant for the time being.

Now, it's almost ten o'clock at night.

In this way, Dong Lin accompanied Shen Xinying to stroll in the streets.

Both were aimless.

Just walking, while making each other find the memories of the past

Because when they were in Qingyun City, they also walked aimlessly in the streets.

There were still some green and astringent between them at that time.

Now that they are mature, they seem to be at odds.

Just two different feelings.

After waiting for a long time, Shen Xinying couldn't help looking at Lin Qiu beside her. Then she said: "I remember when we were walking along the streets in Qingyun City, a group of social ruffians suddenly appeared, and then you tried to protect me. At that time, I really felt safe watching you fight with those ruffians and beat them down. At that time, I felt that you were the only man who could protect me all my life."

Suddenly, when Shen Xinying said this, Dong Lin could only think about it thoughtfully

After that, Mr. Lin can only say: "At that time, I was young. Now when I look back, I suddenly feel a little ridiculous. Because now I understand that the value of force does not represent a man's ability. A man with real ability should be indomitable. He does not ask for attention, but at least he has to have a career. No matter how fierce the fight is, he will eventually be just a reckless man."

Hearing what Lin Dong said, Shen Xinying didn't know how to reply for a moment?

After thinking about it, she could only say, "time makes you mature, but I'm still the little woman."


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