After giving an account to Shen Xinying, Lin Qiu suddenly felt light.

In fact, at present, he has to ask which girl in Qingyun city he can't rest assured about. Maybe it's the beautiful nurse?

If you can't give her happiness and future, the best choice is to let go.


Later, when a taxi left near the driving test center, Lin Qiu suddenly said to the taxi driver, "master, please, I want to go to No. 7 Defang street."

The taxi driver listened and responded very dry: "OK!"

At this time, he chose to go to No. 7, Defang street. Obviously, Lin Qiu has his own consideration.

After all, the only thing that the old man in the mountain gave him before he died was the address on the note, that is, No. 7, Defang street.

Although he didn't know what it meant, he felt it necessary to go.

Because, to tell the truth, after accompanying aunt Bai to Yunchuan this afternoon, he didn't know whether he could come back tomorrow.

But when it comes to this, we have to face it.

So, he thought, no matter what, after all, he has arrived at Qingyun City, so it is still necessary to go to this place.


As for No. 7 Defang street, it is actually the left old house near the suburb in the north of the city.

When Lin Qiu left here and got off the taxi, he was stunned when he looked at this seemingly shabby and ancient quadrangle

Although he had never been here before, he smelled something familiar.

Suddenly, after the taxi turned around, the driver suddenly looked out and asked, "young man, will you go back to the city later?"

Lin Qiu was stunned first, and then he was busy. He nodded his head: "go back."

So the taxi driver asked, "well, young man, do you want me to wait for you here for a while? Because it's difficult to take a taxi here."

Hearing the taxi driver's question, Lin Qiu replied, "will you wait for me for half an hour?"

"Yes. No problem." the taxi driver replied quickly, and then said, "young man, I'll stop under the banyan tree in front and wait for you. There's a shade and cool."


Then, Lin Qiu walked forward and patted the door of the courtyard

At the same time, he did not forget to shout inside, "is anyone there?"

Soon, there was a "click" behind the door, like the wooden latch was pulled open. Someone came to open the door?

Sure enough, soon, the wooden door made a 'squeak', and the door on the left was being opened from inside

However, after Lin Qiu saw the man who came to open the door, he was stunned

How could it be her?!

Isn't she... Isn't she Zuo Qing, Yu Tingting's little sister?!

In fact, it was Zuo Qing who came to open the door.

When Zuo Qing looked at Lin Qiu at the door of Qing, she was also stunned

"Why... Is it you?!"

Lin Qiu also had to look embarrassed with a smile: "is this... No. 7, Defang street?"

As soon as the words fell, the left old man sitting under the pavilion in the hospital shouted, "is it Qiuzi

Suddenly listening to the voice, Lin Qiu was stunned again. It seems that the voice is a little familiar?

Thus, he looked inside curiously

When he looked at master Zuo sitting under the pavilion in the yard, he panicked and was surprised: "Grandpa Zuo?!"

At this moment, Zuo Qing was stunned again

"Do you know my grandpa?"

The left old man saw Lin Qiu snooping at the door. He shouted, "come in, Qiuzi!"

Hearing grandpa's shouting, Zuo Qing had no choice but to turn aside and signal Lin Qiu to go in

To tell the truth, although she has known Lin Qiu before, as a sheep xingnaocanfen, she doesn't seem to be interested in Lin Qiu.

Because Lin Qiu is not the cream type.

Therefore, when watching Lin Qiu walk into the hospital, Zuo Qing didn't have much expression.

Lin Qiu rushed all the way to the Pavilion

However, when he approached the left old man, he suddenly felt a little restrained and stopped.

At the moment, old Zuo is not too excited, but he is looking up and down at Lin Qiu

"Your boy has really grown into an indomitable man now!" old Zuo suddenly said, with some little excitement and some little feeling.

Lin Qiu was embarrassed and said, "Grandpa Zuo, you... Aren't you in Yanjing? Why... Why are you here?"

The left old man said, "when people are old, they fall leaves and return to their roots."

Lin Qiu couldn't help but be stunned: "you... Are you from Qingyun city?!"

"Yes." the left old man nodded.

After that, Lin Qiu didn't know what to say. He could only smile

After all, I haven't seen him for more than ten years. At that time, he was just a carefree little boy. Now he has grown up. At first glance, he is already an indomitable man. Therefore, for a moment, although there is incomparable excitement and surprise in his heart, he doesn't know where to start?

Moreover, it seems that Lin Qiu didn't expect to see such a scene at No. 7, Defang Street

This seems to be a little different from what he thought.

Looking at him, the boy was a little restrained, so old man Zuo said, "sit down."

So Lin Qiu turned around and saw a small chair behind him. He stepped back two steps, then put it on the small chair and sat down.

Then, old Zuo said, "I was going to find your boy. I didn't expect your boy to finally come."

Lin Qiu smiled again, but she was thinking about something

Suddenly, his boy finally couldn't help asking, "by the way, Grandpa Zuo, my father..."

Before he finished, master Zuo hurriedly said, "come on, smelly boy, don't hurry to ask about the things of that year. Besides, those things are over. In fact, you asked me for nothing, because I don't know much, just a few words."

Suddenly, when old man Zuo asked, Lin Qiu had to smile

Then, the left old man shouted at his granddaughter: "Qing'er, come here!"

So, Zuo Qing came under the pavilion as if she were a little awkward

Seeing that Lin Qiu turned and looked at Zuo Qing, Zuo Laozi asked, "smelly boy, do you remember Qing er?"

In fact, as early as hearing the name Zuo Qing, Lin Qiu suspected that she might be the Qing Er of that year. Unexpectedly, she was.

But now, even if he knows each other, he doesn't seem to know what to say?

Because he can feel that Zuo Qing is not cold to him now, he doesn't want to ask for trouble.

Just when Zuo Qing came near, old man Zuo smiled and joked, "Qing'er, he is your fiance who has been determined for a long time."

Qing'er, he is your fiance.

Suddenly listening to this, don't say Zuo Qing was stunned. Even Lin Qiu was suddenly stunned. He thought what a mess it was?

What's the age? Is there such a stereotype?

Therefore, before Zuo Qing said anything, Lin Qiu was busy and asked with an embarrassed smile, "Grandpa Zuo, why don't I know about it myself?"

The left old man said, "smelly boy, do you think you don't like qinger?"

These words seem to stir up the flames.

Sure enough, Zuo Qing immediately gave Lin Qiu a white eye and didn't forget to hum: "hum! I don't like him!"

However, old Zuo said with a smile: "you two are really a happy enemy. When you were young, you two liked to compete for toys and quarrel with each other. Unexpectedly, you two began to quarrel as soon as you met."

Zuo Qing said anxiously, "Grandpa, is this not a quarrel? Is it that I really don't like him?"

The left old man said, "little girl, you haven't tried. How do you know you don't like him?"

At the moment, Lin Qiu doesn't seem to know what to say except embarrassed smile?

After waiting for a while, he had to get up with an embarrassing smile and said, "Grandpa Zuo, I came today... It was a little sudden. I didn't know you lived here, so I didn't bring any gifts to honor you. I'm really sorry! Well, I'd better come to see you next time! And... I have something to deal with this afternoon!"

Suddenly he saw that the boy was about to leave as soon as he came, and old man Zuo said, "are you going to accompany the woman Bai Lan to Yunchuan this afternoon?"

Suddenly hearing this, Lin Qiu couldn't help being stunned

Then he had to say, "you old... Know this?"

Master Zuo smiled: "smelly boy, don't think I'm really old. In fact, I know exactly when you arrived in Qingyun city and what you're doing now. I even know exactly what you're thinking."

Suddenly, Lin Qiu was stunned again

Later, master Zuo said: "As the saying goes, there are eight hundred side doors and three thousand left, so I won't ask about what your boy is doing now. However, I have to tell you, boy, that is, the past is over after all. Moreover, as for why your boy was sent to Jiangyu village in those years, it's also your family. I hope you can grow up carefree and happy. You should understand your family I don't want you to carry too much. People's life is actually very short. Maybe it will pass in the blink of an eye, so... I hope you can understand me. "

Suddenly, after listening to master Zuo's words, Lin Qiu seemed to understand that this might be why the old man in the mountain asked him to come to Qingyun city to find No. 7 Defang street?

However, he knows some things after all, so he can't do the past and let it pass.

Besides, those things, after all, are related to the reputation of the Lin family.

Although the Lin family has long disappeared and no one mentioned it, after all, he is the only kind and torch of the Lin family.

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