You Are My Entire World

Chapter 608: The one who talked up 4

"Run!! Run!!! Run!!!" Just when he was hesitant, the audience under the stage even started to chant the slogan, the uniform slogan sound, almost to overturn the roof of the auditorium.

This... this...

The boy glanced at the glorified eyes of the audience, and at the fox-like smile of the two presenters next to him. He suddenly looked at the sky at a 45-degree angle and burst into tears...

With a bite of his teeth, the boy shook his hand, waving the axe in his hand and waving the red handkerchief. He picked up his voice and ran around the venue, shouting: "Official~~ Come on~~!!!"

"Ha ha ha ha..." Deafening laughter erupted instantly from the audience.

Someone even replied in a loud voice: "Yeah will come soon!!!"

For a time, there was a lot of laughter in the entire auditorium. Many students took out their mobile phones, turned on the video function, and slammed towards the poor boy.

After a week of circling around, the boy returned to the stage with pity and exchanged the props in his hands with the host.

"Well... our classmates don't be so sad. Although you didn't get the grand prize today, we still have the participation prize for you!!" Tao Zi smiled and dragged the white long dress, and pointed towards him elegantly.

"Are there any participation awards?" The boy's eyes, which had been extinguished, suddenly lighted up again, staring at Peach, secretly guessing what this participation award is, if this beautiful host could give himself one Hug, then his lap around the field is worth it.

"There are seven kinds of participation awards, so please pick a number for classmates!!"

"I want number eight!" the boy shouted loudly.

"...Classmates...only seven..." Peach is full of black thread.

"Oh... Then I want number six!!"

"Well, let's see what is the No. 6 Participation Award?" Peach reached into the bag, flipped to the prize with the number six attached, and then took it out and handed it to the boy: "Congratulations on getting the sweet and lovely sunshine of Zhuyuanyurun One orange."

"What?" The boy was bluffed by the name of this high-end gift for a while, and it was only after Peach tucked the gift into his hand that he could see that the original No. 6 Participation Award... was Orange One only……

All his ethics in college four years... just changed this one... broken orange...


It's so gray...

Boy No. 1 went downstairs with grievances, and what he passed suddenly caused a commotion.

"Okay, let's see what is in the balloon of the second boy, will it be our grand prize tonight!?" Peach's big black-and-white eyes smiled like a crescent moon in the sky. The game was so tumultuous, the tension she had hosted for the first time suddenly disappeared without a trace, and she was only looking forward to something more funny in the future.

"..." Boy No. 2 suddenly regretted that he ran to the stage impulsively for the sake of beauty. After seeing the end of Boy No. 1, he suddenly felt an inexplicable tension.

When he carefully pierced the balloon, the note on the ground fell and wrote a few big words: Please use your hips to sit and explode ten balloons.

The No. 2 boy suddenly took a long sigh of relief. This requirement is much more disciplined than the first one.

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