"Just the two of us?" after Shen Yin got on the bus, Tang Shengrui directly drove away, ignoring the bodyguard who was still dragging Xiao Lin.

Hearing the sound of the car starting, Shen Yin immediately felt that she couldn't climb down on the thief ship. She flashed regret on her face. It was to ask her to die and see through Jiang Feiyao's plot. It was impossible for Shen Yin to come back safely.

Holding the steering wheel and looking ahead, he drove the car fast, "where are we going?"

"Where are you going? I don't know. I'm not a kidnapper. The kidnapper has contacted you."

Tang Shengrui was stunned. He had just watched the video for three times. He didn't believe the smart woman. He didn't find anything. He was suspicious, but he didn't expose it. At this time, he began to think that this matter really had nothing to do with Shen Yin.

The car was parked in the underground parking garage of Down's office.

Looking around, Shen Yin soon knew where it was, "Why are you here?"

After giving Shen Yin a look, Tang Shengrui asks her to experience it. Shen Yin glances at Tang Shengrui and directly opens the door to get off. She thinks that I don't have time to serve you. Bye.

Shen Yin thought, but she couldn't open the door anyway.

"Do you want to escape? Believe it or not, I'll call the police now. Can you get rid of it? Just released on bail for arson and now trapped in kidnapping?"

He spoke slowly. His voice was full of threats. He didn't even know it. When he saw Shen Yin standing with Xiao Lin, he began to be inexplicably upset.

"I don't mind. It doesn't matter. President Tang, you open the door. This is a farce directed and performed by Jiang Feiyao. I don't have time and energy to play with you." her indifferent voice.

How ridiculous! Just now she wanted to clarify her innocence in front of Tang Shengrui, but she suddenly realized that Tang Shengrui never believed her. She ran out with him to save people. My God

Tang Shengrui's face was full of disbelief. He elongated, "Oh? Why did Jiang Feiyao frame you?"

Hearing Shen Yin say this, Tang Shengrui soon understood the meaning of her words.

"I think you'd better ask yourself about it. I have no obligation to tell you."

Shen Yin turned her face to the outside of the window angrily. She saw Jiang Cheng coming.

Standing in front of Tang Shengrui's car, Jiang Cheng stopped with a suitcase in his hand. It looked very heavy. Shen Yin guessed that it contained a ransom, 100 million yuan? She directly judged the amount of money in the box according to the size of the box.

If Shen Yin did the kidnapping, she would at least ask Tang Shengrui for $1 billion. At least she could embarrass Tang Shengrui.

"Mr. Tang, this is the money prepared for you. Pay attention to your safety."

When Jiang Cheng saw that there was no bodyguard around president Tang, he whispered a reminder.

"Well, good."

With these words, Tang Shengrui drove his car and left the underground parking lot of the Tang building. The door was automatically locked. Shen Yin couldn't escape at all. She had no choice but to sit in the co pilot's position.

"You've watched that video three times. Don't say there's no clue." his voice was cold. He was sure that Shen Yin must see something from it, but he didn't want to tell him.

Shen Yin smiled seductively and moved her vision outside the car to Tang Shengrui.

"I do know, but I don't want to say."

"Tell me again."

Tang Shengrui believes that Jiang Feiyao, a charming woman, will certainly not direct and play the kidnapping. If Jiang Feiyao is not in Shen Yin, but in the hands of others, the situation is even more critical.

She said coldly, "don't say."

No, really? He had 10000 ways to make Shen Yin speak. Tang Shengrui stepped on the fuel door to the end. He stepped on the brake. He was wearing a seat belt. There was nothing wrong with him. Shen Yin sitting in the co driver was not so lucky. She fell on the console and had a headache.

"Say it or not." he drove on, looking at Shen Yin from the corner of his eye.

She put her hand over the swollen bag on her forehead, bit her teeth and shook her head.

"Tang Shengrui, what else can you do besides using violence?"

Every time she meets Tang Shengrui, she always adds new injuries to her old injuries. For Shen Yin, a broken head is no longer a big deal.

When the car drove into the highway, he directly opened the car for 180 miles, and the surrounding scenery sped by. He took his seat belt, directly wrapped around Shen Yin and opened the door on Shen Yin's side.

Shen Yin could hardly breathe because of the strong wind around her. The bun on her head was messy, and there was a cut in her shirt. I don't know when one was missing,

"Say it or not." he put his hand on the safety buckle.

She smiled sadly, shook her head and slowly closed her eyes. At this speed, she would die miserably if she fell out of the car.

He just closed the door.

"If Jiang Feiyao has something to do, you'll wait for the funeral."

The car stopped at the gas station that had been abandoned for many years. Tang Shengrui walked out of the car with the password box and turned his head to look at Shen Yin. "You stay in the car and I'll deal with them."

Shen Yin gets out of the car and stands next to Tang Shengrui.

"Don't get me wrong. I'm not trying to save Jiang Feiyao. I'm just worried that if you have something, no one will collect the body for you."


Tang Shengrui takes a deep look at Shen Yin. He strides forward. The phone in his pocket suddenly rings and takes out a hidden number.

"Hello... I've arrived. Where are you?"

A husky man's voice came from the phone.

"Didn't you agree to come alone? Why is there another woman?"

The kidnapper took a telescope in his hand and looked out not far from Tang Shengrui. When he saw Shen Yin appear, his eyebrows were locked.

In Tang Shengrui's words, the kidnapper soon didn't care about Shen Yin next to Tang Shengrui.

"Put the money down. Jiang Feiyao is in the abandoned house at the next intersection." the kidnapper said and hung up the phone.

He put the box on the ground. "Why don't you get in the car."

"You go first. If I want to see who it is, I dare to frame me."

Tang Shengrui took a meaningful look at Shen Yin and drove away. She deliberately covered her body with the car and hid in the bushes.

At the next intersection, Tang Shengrui saw the building described by the kidnapper. He got off and trotted all the way to the building. At a glance, he saw Jiang Feiyao tied to the stool. She was covered with scars.

It's the kind that looks very serious, but it won't endanger life at all. Shallow wounds won't leave scars.

Tang Shengrui untied the rope from Jiang Feiyao. She was paralyzed on him, but a smile flashed in her eyes. Shen Yin, I'm afraid the misunderstanding between you can't be solved in your life.

"Wake up, Feiyao, are you okay?" he gently shook Jiang Feiyao.

She snorted, opened her eyes and immediately began to cry.

"Sobbing, brother Shengrui, you finally came to save me. I thought I'd never see you again."

Jiang Feiyao nestled in Tang Shengrui's shoulder. She cried bitterly and smiled at the bottom of her eyes. Tang Shengrui patted Jiang Feiyao on the shoulder and comforted her with good words.

For a long time, Jiang Feiyao stopped crying.

Tang Shengrui picked up Jiang Feiyao and walked towards the car. "Do you know who kidnapped you?".

Jiang Feiyao rubbed her tearful eyes and shook her head.

"I don't know who kidnapped me, but I heard them talk and knew that there was a leader named Zhang Hu."

Zhang Hu? It's the man in the picture.

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