An invitation for business entertainment was sent to Zhang Yueying. Zhang Yueying began to think about who to send.

In a moment, she called Shen Yin and asked her to come to her office.

After Shen Yin came, Zhang Yueying said straight to the point: "there is a business entertainment that can increase your social ability. I don't want to go. Just go. I especially agree with you."

Listening to Zhang Yueying's words, Shen Yin was a little tangled in her heart, but in front of Zhang Yueying, she was not easy to refuse. She hesitated for a long time and said, "what kind of business entertainment, who are there?"

Zhang Yueying smiled: "you've become a fool today. It's said that business entertainment must be the leader of various industries, as well as the chairman of some financial companies."

Shen Yin didn't want to meet Tang Shengrui. She suddenly felt that Tang Shengrui would be there, so she wrung her eyebrows and deliberately began to push off.

However, Shen Yin is not good at making excuses after all. She thought in her heart for a long time and said, "I have other work on hand, so I may not have time to go." Shen Yin's aura at the moment is not like the usual style, and she is rare to be weak.

"It's not like your usual style. Why don't you want to go? Since it's business, is it business? It's all social. Just perfunctory. What to do or what to do." Zhang Yueying told her in an orderly way that Shen Yin didn't know how to continue this.

"But recently, my body..." this reason is so bad that Shen Yin doesn't believe it. Zhang Yueying interrupted her: "I don't believe that Shen Yin is so decisive in doing things. Shen Yin is very lively and uncomfortable. How can she look sick?"

Zhang Yueying's attitude is firm, and Shen Yin can't shirk it again. Soon after she returns to the new world, business entertainment is inevitable. Even if she might meet Tang Shengrui, she still had to bite the bullet.

She had to answer, "OK, I'll go. I won't let you down, mom."


Night soon came slowly. Shen Yin was wearing a red skirt, pink high-heeled shoes loomed in it, long curly hair scattered behind her head, red lips slightly opened, making people unable to open their eyes.

At the reception, many people danced, talked about business, drank and chatted. Neon lights shone on everyone.

Shen Yin, as the representative of the new world, surprised the audience and attracted the attention of everyone, but her face was not nervous at all. She signed her name on the signature list and smiled at everyone.

"Wow, it's so beautiful."

"Indeed, this is the representative of the new world? It's really amazing."

"Yes, we are also famous. As expected, the representative did not disappoint us."


The people around whispered praises for Shen Yin's appearance.

Shen Yin hooked her lips and covered her eyes. When she first came out of prison, these were not such attitudes.

Ji Yuanhang recognized Shen Yin. Listening to these voices, he looked there. He was talking about cooperation. His eyes were completely attracted by the figure in the distance.

"I seem to see an acquaintance. Mr. Wang, I'm sorry, I have to leave." Ji Yuanhang smiled and had a hard to hide joy on his face.

Wang Dong nodded and joked: "Mr. Ji is so anxious that he doesn't like which lady he likes?"

"Dong Wang is joking. He just saw a friend I had been with for a long time." Ji Yuanhang explained.

Ji Yuanhang went up and held out his hand in a gentlemanly manner: "long time no see."

Looking at Shen Yin, she smiled: "would you like to have a drink with me and talk about something?"

Shen Yin didn't expect to meet Ji Yuanhang here. Naturally, she stretched out her hand and shook it: "of course, I haven't seen you for so long. Unexpectedly, your mouth has become sweet."

Ji Yuanhang is a friend whom Shen Yin has known for a long time. When he was in the orphanage, the skinny Ji Yuanhang was often isolated, but Shen Yin was the only one who smiled at him from beginning to end.

Ji Yuanhang didn't expect to meet Shen Yin here.

He has heard some stories about Shen Yin. They grew up together. Anyway, he doesn't believe Shen Yin will do the things rumoured.

"Well, I haven't seen you for so long. I miss you. How are you doing? Is it still the same as before? Be so... Vigorous and resolute?" Ji Yuanhang picked his eyebrow and said with a smile.

"I feel very good. I don't have anything. I'm thinking about work," Shen Yin said with a smile.

Although Shen Yin said it honestly, Ji Yuanhang still didn't put down her heart. No matter what she looked like, Ji Yuanhang knew that Shen Yin wouldn't easily show her fragile side, "even so, you should pay more attention to rest. As the saying goes, the body is the capital of revolution."

The two chatted for a long time, and the eyes around them gradually dispersed. No one expected that after the representatives of the new world arrived at the entertainment scene, they would not let go if they caught one person, and they just sat and chatted from beginning to end.

Soon Ji Yuanhang also realized that they met again after many years. It seemed a little bad to just sit and chat like this. After thinking about it, he stood up, "beautiful and generous Miss Shen Yin, can I ask you to dance with me?" Ji Yuanhang looked at Shen Yin with expectation in his eyes.

Ji Yuanhang slowly lowered his head and looked at the hand tightly held by Shen Yin. He felt the warmth from the palm, and his heart warmed up. It felt sweet and soft, which warmed his heart.

Over the years, he has never been so down-to-earth as he is now.

With the music, they dance, spin and jump... Neon lights hit their faces and covered their hearts with a layer of brilliance.

In Ji Yuanhang's heart, this is definitely a wonderful and happy night.

Before the music stopped, Ji Yuanhang stopped and stood where he was.

"What's the matter? Why did you stop?" Shen Yin asked suspiciously when she was suddenly pulled to a stop.

Ji Yuanhang turned her head and looked into her eyes. In her eyes, there was only his figure, as if there was only him in her heart.

Holding Shen Yin's hand, Ji Yuanhang felt a surge of emotion in his heart. He couldn't help but want to tell Shen Yin how much he missed her over the years and that he was not a simple friend to her. However, in the end, under Shen Yin's confused eyes, Ji Yuanhang opened his mouth and said: "Shen Yin, when we were separated, I always missed you and you. You are always special in my heart. Shen Yin, I......" I like you.

The music was playing and the two people looked at each other.

"Hmm?" Shen Yin paused. She seemed to understand something in her heart. But she didn't point it out. Then she smiled and said, "of course I miss you, miss you, and like you. Aren't we best friends?"

Ji Yuanhang didn't ask any more questions. He knew what Shen Yin meant. As a friend, he also occupied enough position in Shen Yin's heart.

"You're right. We are best friends," Ji Yuanhang said, rubbing Shen Yin's hair spoiled.

Just as the two were talking about the past, the last person Shen Yin wanted to see appeared.

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