Zhang Yueying is a big man in the industry. She has always been high above the world, as if she had never failed. She has always been a God on the road.

Shen Yin, who had never seen such a fragile Zhang Yueying at the moment, saw her lying on the white hospital bed, but she was silent.

Her face was peaceful and calm, and she fell into a deep sleep.

When the doctor told Shen Yin that she had been rescued, Shen Yin's heart was not happy. Although the doctor gave a bad answer at the beginning, it seemed to be Zhang Yueying's additional instruction in the rescue room.

Shen Yin doesn't know what Zhang Yueying's purpose is, but for her, those are no longer important.

The heavy stone in her heart finally fell to the ground. When Shen Yin looked up, she finally saw Tang Shengrui. Tang Shengrui's eyes were sincere. He walked to Shen Yin step by step and looked at Shen Yin.

"How is she?"

Tang Shengrui has learned about Zhang Yueying from the doctor, but he still wants to hear Shen Yin say it himself. Shen Yin's eyes are fixed on Tang Shengrui's cold face. I don't know why. Just now she seems to feel a sense of loss that she has never felt before. The contrast between before and after makes Shen Yin uncomfortable.

Zhang Yueying was originally a big man in the industry. When she saw her fragile or ordinary side like a drop in the ocean, Shen Yin thoroughly understood all this. Why?

It also seemed that she understood the reason why Zhang Yueying took the poison.

For Zhang Yueying, the new world represents too many things. Zhang Yueying can bear everything alone, or even bear it. In her long life, she has paid too much effort to the new world, so she can't be indifferent. This is Zhang Yueying.

Shen Yin stares at Tang Shengrui. At this time, she hopes Tang Shengrui can give herself a hug, but Tang Shengrui doesn't. Tang Shengrui just stands in place and looks at her motionless.

Let the past pass. It seems that Tang Shengrui wants to tell Shen Yin.

But how could it be so easy? How could it be so simple?

Shen Yin feels guilty about Zhang Yueying. Maybe Tang Shengrui already knows all this. He is used to seeing all this before others, so he can be indifferent now.

"Tang Shengrui, why didn't you tell me earlier? You already knew that he would take poison to kill himself? You already knew that?"

In Shen Yin's tone, Tang Shengrui didn't answer Shen Yin's question. His silence further verified Shen Yin's idea. It turned out that she was really hidden in the drum.

"Shen Yin, cheer up. Isn't Zhang Yueying rescued? In that case, just wait for the other party to wake up."

Tang Shengrui's words reminded Shen Yin. Now there is really no better way except to wait for Zhang Yueying to wake up, but Shen Yin feels like she has done something wrong in her heart. Tang Shengrui knows what Shen Yin is thinking. He stares at Shen Yin with a bitter smile and asks, "what's the matter? Sad?"

Yes, if Shen Yin was sad in the past, he would be thousands of times better, but I don't know when to change the concept. Shen Yin is sad when she is sad. When Shen Yin is not sad, he will find a way to make Shen Yin sad, and then he will be sad.

"If it's okay, come and see her more. I think she probably needs it. Since she has handed over the new world to you, it's better to cheer up and rebuild the new world into a business Kingdom than to be sad here. Isn't that what Zhang Yueying has always wanted?"

Tang Shengrui spoke a lot of words in one breath. Shen Yin stared at Tang Shengrui as if she were looking at a stranger. It was really strange, very strange.

Now Tang Shengrui is like a person who has nothing to do with herself. Shen Yin retreats two steps. She knows that Tang Shengrui has bad intentions and what Tang Shengrui thinks in her heart, but she has no choice but to watch it happen.

"I will return to the new world. I will not let Zhang Yueying down. I will not let Zhang Yueying down. I owe her this."

Shen Yin's voice was choking. This woman who always pretended to be strong had suffered a lot of trauma in her heart, but Tang Shengrui didn't know what to do or how to protect Shen Yin.

"If you have time, spend more time with Zhang Yueying. Although you took it back from the hell palace, it's estimated that the time you can survive is probably not very long."

Tang Shengrui said these words meaningfully. He thought Shen Yin understood. Yes, Shen Yin did understand. Shen Yin just felt something strange and couldn't look at it with an ordinary person's attitude.

"I will."

Shen Yinming knows Tang Shengrui's purpose, but she can't help it. She really wants to visit Zhang Yueying, not only because Zhang Yueying took care of her before, but also because she wants to repay what she owes Zhang Yueying now.

Shen Yin's will is very depressed. When she comes out of the hospital, she is also out of her mind. It is not just because of Zhang Yueying, but also because Shen Yin knows that no matter who dominates the market, there will always be a day when she will be defeated, and when the day of defeat comes, She completely lost her original dignity and pride.

It was she who destroyed Zhang Yueying's pride and self-esteem. After that, what about her own?

Who will come and destroy her pride and self-esteem?

Shen Yin raised her head. For the first time, she was so confused that she didn't know where she was going or in which direction she was going.

Shen Yin asked the driver to drive to the new world.

Zhang Yueying's story did give her some stimulation. After Shen Yin returned to the new world, she was almost full of fighting spirit.

Every time Shen Yin goes to the hospital, she can see Tang Shengrui in the hospital. Sometimes Shen Yin feels that Tang Shengrui is intentional, but whether Shen Yin admits it or refuses to admit it, she has entered Tang Shengrui's trap.

Although Shen Yin takes more precautions against Tang Shengrui, Tang Shengrui always has an urgent desire in his eyes, which can only be seen when staring at Shen Yin.

On the other hand, Xu enqi accidentally learned that Tang Shengrui was injured, and people in the company talked about it one after another. This matter has been on the news and has become a social hot spot. It's not strange to be discussed by people. After all, Tang Shengrui is also a public figure.

Xu enqi gets up from her chair. She's hard to sit and stand now. She picks up the bag on the table and wants to find Tang Shengrui. She wants to see how Tang Shengrui is now.

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