You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1014: You sing me on the stage (9)

After bidding farewell to Mo Xicheng, Li Shu was alone, walking quietly on the street of Hengdian.

After walking about one hundred meters, a nanny car in front waited quietly for her.

When she saw her approaching, a middle-aged man got out of the car and opened the door for her. "Li Shu, frozen, right?"

This person is the father of Mo Zhi and Mo Xicheng, Mr. Mo.

Mr. Mo pleasedly looked at Li Shu, but Li Shu kept his face cold, nodded distantly to him, and got into the car.

Mr. Mo smiled bitterly, but did not get angry, but instead got into the car and sat in the front passenger seat.

In the back seat, Mo Zhi was sitting there. Before Li Li wrote, he bowed his head neatly, his pitiful appearance, and there was no arrogance outside.

He looked at Li Shu, "Mom, what did he say?"

Li Shu looked down, "He will not compete with you."

"But if you don't compete with me, why do you have such a gossip? Mom, don't be fooled by that wild seed! He is an actor, and he will pretend to be poor.

Li Shu frowned, turned to look at Mo Zhi, "Who told you, he is a wild species? If he is a wild species, what is your father?"

Unsettled for a moment.

Li Shu snorted coldly, "You are so ridiculous these days. I have taught you not to speak swear words since you were a kid. Look at you now, and your mouth is wild!"

Mo Zhima lowered his head, "Mom, I was wrong, I just can't breathe ..."

With that said, he reached out his hand and gently took Li Shu's arm.

Li Shu frowned, and pulled his arm back.

Immediately, she lowered her head. "In the future, you are not allowed to go to him for trouble!"

Mo Zhi's eyes flashed a few times before he nodded. "Oh, okay."

After saying this, he turned to look at Li Shu again, "Mom, have you seen his girlfriend?"

After leaving the crew, the more I missed the girl, the more I thought she was beautiful. Until now, I still remember it and think about it.

Li Shu frowned again.

Mo Zhi lowered his head and sighed, "I really like her. She looks so beautiful ..."

"To shut up!"

Mo Zhi obediently closed his mouth.

Several people in the car didn't talk anymore.

Entered the hotel.

Three people walked together to the floor of the presidential suite.

Li Shu entered a room, and the moment Mr. Mo followed him, he slammed the door and blocked Mr. Mo from the door.

Dejected, Mr. Mo hesitated at the door for a long time, and finally shouted at him, "Li Shu, you, take a good rest."

After saying this, he followed Morpheus and entered another presidential suite.

After Mo Zhi entered the door, he grabbed Mr. Mo's arm directly. "Dad, I don't care, I like that girl, you must let her and Mo Xicheng break up!"

Mr. Mo frowned. "You child, I've been spoiled!"

Ashamed of his wife, his wife ignored him.

After all these years, Mr. Mo gave all his love to him, and that's how he became what he is today.

Morchi sneered, "Isn't it just a woman? What happened to me? Besides, when you were young, didn't you play with many women?"

Mr Mo's face suddenly appeared uncomfortable.

After a while, he nodded. "But Mo Xicheng wants to mix with that girl, no."

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