You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1026: Qiao Lian is pregnant! (11)

On the other side, the lot is a promo crew.

After Qiao Lian was dressed up, she was a pretty little Joe alive.

Shen Liangchuan wore a wig and became Zhou Yu.

The film we are shooting today, in addition to re-shooting the film we originally met in the back garden, what we have to shoot is that two people met on a bridge later on the street.

Hengdian's bridge, the water below is not deep.

Because there were no sections to drop the bridge, no coercion was used on the site.

Shen Liangchuan and Qiao Lian stood together and were listening to the lecture: "... A while, Miss Qiao, you come over from the other side of the bridge, Mr. Shen, you go over this side of the bridge. I will arrange a few mass actors, in Take a walk on the bridge, and then the two of you suddenly meet. Take a slow motion here. Don't worry, walk slowly. I will add music here. "

Shen Liangchuan nodded in love with Qiao, this play is actually very simple.

They each walked to the other side of the bridge, and then, with the director's "start", Qiao Lian slowly stepped onto the bridge.

Because it is a propaganda film, most of the faces of the crowd actors will be blurred, so the cast simply did not find the crowd actors, but just let some of the female anchors and male anchors around to make a guest appearance.

Everyone feels fun and willing to cooperate!

The most important thing is that this is a play for Shen Yingdi. Who dares to say no?

So, after Joe fell in love, he looked at the scenery at this end of the bridge.

Then keep going up.

At this moment, Shui Chenxiang and Qiao Yiyi, wearing common people's clothes, holding their hands, walked on the bridge like girls shopping.

Step by step, they gradually approached Qiao Lian.

On the other side, Shen Liangchuan also got on the bridge.

He and Qiao Lian stopped at a distance of five meters and gazed at each other.

Qiao Lian showed a happy expression.

She tried to integrate herself into Xiao Qiao's feelings, but did not find out that something suddenly happened behind her!

One of Qiao Yiyi's feet was unstable, and he severely hit Shui Chenxiang, and Shui Xiangxiang's body accidentally hit a passerby next to him.

Passerby then crashed into Qiao Lian fiercely!

Right now! !!

Qiao Lian stood on the edge of the bridge, staring at the Liangliang River.

After a passer-by hits her, she will definitely fall towards the other side of the bridge!

At that time, even if you do not fall into the water, you will hit the railing of the bridge!

When Qiao Lian realized the strangeness next to her, her body tensed and she wanted to react, it was too late!

Her only instinct was to reach out her hand and protect her belly fiercely!

Just when she thought that when she was trying to escape, her arm was pulled, and she immediately took a step forward and stuffed it into Shen Liangchuan's arms!

At the same time, the passerby behind him hit the bridge rail and fell into the water.

"Quick, save people!"

The director shouted.

Qiao Lian widened her eyes in amazement and looked forward in shock.

If, if it weren't for Shen Liangchuan who grabbed her in time and protected her, then now it is her who has fallen into the water!

Such a cold day ... the water in the open air must be around zero, her child ...

When she thought about it, her face was pale as paper.

And beside, always staring at her Liangliang River, suddenly picked her up and went straight to the crew: "Xiao Qiao, how are you? Don't be afraid, I will take you to the hospital!"

PS: Today there are 9 more chapters ~~ Seeing everyone's monthly pass, it's like a flood, and I feel full of motivation! Every monthly ticket is a testimony of your support for me! I really, really appreciate it! What a collective, see you tomorrow!

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