You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1058: Don't hurt my child! (twenty one)

Deep in the heart of Lu Nanze, there was a trace of sadness.

A sadness that was completely abandoned.

He was scared.

He was really scared ...

Seeing Qiao Lian bleed so much with her own eyes, she saw her face pale and sent to the operating room.

For the first time, he felt so panic!

His lover's love ... she can't die!

Thinking of this, his eye circles suddenly turned red, staring at the operating room.

A few hours later, the operating room door opened.

The doctor came out.

Lu Nanze stepped forward nervously, looking at the attending doctor.

He didn't know how to describe his mood, but only knew that heart was tight.

He stared at the doctor and didn't even dare to ask more ...

At this moment, I heard the doctor ’s words, "The patient is out of danger. Although the wound looks terrifying, thankfully you have a professional present to stop the bleeding in time. It ’s fine, even the baby in the stomach is safe . "

When this sentence fell down, Qiao Lian's operating bed was pushed out of the operating room.

She was lying there, lying flat with her eyes closed, quietly, with serenity.

The forehead was already bandaged. Although there was still blood on the gauze, it was not as scary as it was just now.

Lu Nanze stared at her, and heard a voice next to him, "Mr. Lu, Miss Qiao's body is not a big deal. Now if she takes the child off while she is unconscious, there is almost no danger. ... will Miss Qiao be pushed back to the operating room? "

Push back to the operating room?

Lu Nanze's sight fell on her again, on her arm.

Even with a coma, her two hands were still hard, guarding her belly tightly.

In front of Lu Nanze, the words she said before her coma appeared again ...

He lowered his head gradually, his fists loose and tight, and tight and loose.

It wasn't until the end that he suddenly took a deep breath.

He ordered: "Push her to the ward."


Lu Nanze watched Qiao Lian who had left the operating room and followed the bed.

His sight stayed with her.

Qiao Lian, this child, I will leave you.

Just ask me to give me a chance to forgive me, okay?

Lu Nanze thought of this, and lowered his eyes, deep in his heart, there was deep regret and sorrow.


At the same time, Beijing.

Senior VIP ward.

Shen Zihao sat nervously beside the bed, staring at Xia Nuan Nuan on the bed.

He was restless and unstable.

The palms of my hands were full of sweat.

Shen Liangchuan was standing next to Xia Yehua, watching Shen Zihao confused.

Time passes by every minute.

Every second that is lost takes away a sober opportunity.

Shen Zihao stared at the person in the hospital bed, took her hand, and said over and over again: "Warm, you wake up!"

"Wannuan, I love you. Open your eyes and look at your parents, okay?"

"Wanan, don't leave me alone ..."

His muffled voice made the atmosphere in the room very dull.

Xia Yehua's eyes were red.

Shen Liangchuan looked at her and was about to comfort her, but a sudden pain came from her heart.

He reached out his hand sharply and held the piece, his heart seemed to stop suddenly for half a beat, and soon returned to normal.

Then he was a little flustered somehow.

Shen Liangchuan was thinking what was happening, but there was light in the corner of his eyes, but he suddenly glanced at it, Xia Nuannan's hand moved ...

PS: Eight more finished.

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