You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1078: Two men fighting for a woman (10)

Back then, Li Shu grew up with Mo Zhi ’s father, Qing Mei Zhu Ma, and was the best pair in the eyes of everyone.

But I did not expect, but later Mo Zhi's father was derailed.

Li Shu had proposed a divorce at that time, and Mori's father always disagreed ...

The marriage of the two is also a major event for the two families. After the marriage, the industry has been inseparable for a long time, and it is impossible to completely break down.

So for so many years, Li Shu lived a life of formal marriage with his father.

Although they live in one home, they live in two villas.

Li Shu is a writer who goes out every year and collects his style everywhere.

And for many years, Mori's father has been waiting for her alone.

Si Jingyu thought of these and sighed.

Then he looked at the table, "Stop those, we met today for this pair of children ..."

With that said, everyone couldn't help looking at the other side.

Shi Nianyao's makeup was really terrible, but she didn't know it at all, and blinked hard at Mo Zhi.

When the meal came up, she picked up the chopsticks and politely clamped them.

When Mo Zhi saw her, he suddenly twitched.

When Shi Nianyao had been pestering him, he couldn't help it.

But Dad kept winking at him, and Mo Zhi knew that he must endure today.

Although I made up my mind, I won't be with her, but this meal must be eaten.

Forbearance, it's a big deal, he doesn't have to see her!

And at this moment, seeing her as if she hadn't eaten in a few years, she tried hard to eat vegetables and tried hard to eat. The rough look was like ...

Mo Zhi shook his head and quietly moved his chair aside to stay away from her.

Just then, the waiter served another plate of peppers.

Shi Nianyao clipped it with a chopstick, and then he turned his head, "Brother Mo Zhi, do you like to eat pepper, come, open your mouth, ah ..."

After speaking, I took the pepper and went to Mori's side.

Mo Zhi immediately waved her disgustingly and pushed her hand directly.

Unstoppable endurance has reached its limit!

"You walk away! What I hate most is spicy ..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw that Shi Nianyao was startled. The pepper that was supposed to be pushed away by him was suddenly thrown on his face!

Immediately, some chili juice got into my eyes!

A stimulating sensation that directly closed his eyes and never opened again.

Mo Zhi was angry.

He is an impatient person, otherwise he would not be so frizzy, so that everyone on the board of directors would have an opinion on him.

What's more, when I was young, most people went smoothly. What kind of people do I want, and when have I experienced such grievances?

Shi Nianyao seemed to know that he had been wronged, so he immediately took a step forward, "Brother Mo Zhi, are you okay?"

In fact, it is dark in my heart!

Let me tease me last time! This is your retribution!

Several adults were also anxious and stood up.

Li Shu even took two steps to Mo Zhi's side, frowning to explain that when the waiter went to get the water, Mo Zhi jumped angrily. He reached out his hand and pushed the person in front of him away, yelling: Fuck off! You ugly! I've endured you for a long time! You said, did you mean it? Ah? Who is your brother Brother Mori? I don't want to marry you, tell you, stay away from me! "

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