You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1081: Two men fighting for a woman (13)

When Shi Nianyao heard Mo Zhi's words, he turned his head quietly and looked at Mo Xicheng, but saw that he looked dignified, staring at this side, but didn't step over.

This look ... apparently did not recognize her.

This idea made Shi Nianyao feel happy.

She blinked her eyes, and then suddenly a thought to tease Moses Cheng.

So she jumped up to Mo Xicheng, tilted her head, and deliberately squeaked: "This brother Mo, you look so handsome. Would you like to be my husband?"

Shi Nianyao's face was a little hot after he said this.

Emma ~

With this madness, I finally said what I hid in my heart ~

Hum, wait till tomorrow, tell her yourself, she has confessed to him again ~

Thinking of this, Shi Nianyao was excited, but did not expect the next second, she heard a reply that stunned her: "OK."

A low word makes the mind tickle.

Shi Nianyao paused and was stunned.

She looked at Mo Xicheng unbelievably.

What did he just say?

it is good?

Shi Nian Yao's eyes widened.

Then I heard Mo Zhi sneer next to him, "What did I say? What love is shit! When I saw Miss Shi Jia, I left my girlfriend behind me! I was so specific at first ... ... hmm! "

Shi Nianyao couldn't help but swallowed.

Nima, what exactly is going on here?

Pry yourself in the corner?

The male **** just said? But if the male **** is with him, his girlfriend, what about himself?

For a while, Shi Nianyao was confused.

That's not how the script works!

While she was in a daze, Dad Mo was back.

Morpheus is definitely impossible.

He was unwilling to do so, and Dad Mo felt sorry for him, unwilling to force him.

Then again, this Shi Nian Yao, since being able to dress up so scary, is definitely not a good match.

Dad Mo's selfishness, forget it!

Then let Mo Xicheng be with Shi Nianyao, big deal, look at Mo Xicheng for Mo himself!

But this marriage with Shi family must be done!

Thinking of this, Dad Mo stepped forward immediately, dragged Mo Xicheng over, and looked at Si Jingyu and Shi Jinyan: "The two may not have seen him, this is my illegitimate bastard, in fact, he is Somewhat capable, I don't know him ... "

Si Jingyu and Shi Jinyan stared at each other and frowned slightly when they heard the words "illegitimate child".

What was originally intended to refuse, but after seeing Mo Xicheng, he shut up again.

My daughter is obsessed with Mo Xicheng, a star, they are parents, of course!

Now ... as long as their daughters like it, in fact, they don't care about their status.

They only care about character.

Looking at this Mo Xicheng in this way, it is simply better than Mo Shou, how many times!

So, Si Jingyu and Shi Jinyan looked at each other, and finally said: "As long as Yao Yao likes ..."

At this time, Dad Mo hurried to Shi Nianyao, pointed at Mo Xicheng and asked, "Yao Yao, is he handsome?"

Shi Nianyao nodded.

"So, do you like him?"

Shi Nianyao nodded again.

Of course I like it, but I don't like it!

"That's it! The two children are engaged now! I've brought the engagement ring!"

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