You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1085: It turned out that she was Mo Xicheng's girlfriend! (1)

The opposite side was silent immediately, and finally sighed and said, "The things of the year were done by the Lu family. Lu Nanze's parents did!"

That's it!

That said, the ledger should be in the Lu family.

Qiao Lian took a deep breath.

She had to get the books of the year to prove the innocence of her parents.

She thought about it and lowered her head.

"But, Miss Joe, you need to understand one thing."

Joe loved for a moment, "What's the matter?"

"The account book may also be destroyed! After all, such things are left, and it is a disaster. If there is no account book, then the events of the year really jumped into the Yellow River and could not be explained!

Qiao Lian's eyes narrowed, "No."


Qiao Lian looked out the window.

On the streets of Suzhou, Willow Branch began to teeth slowly.

The world is recovering and spring is coming.

It's like her spring with Shen Liangchuan, and it's coming soon.

She slowly said: "Lu Nanze once said that his father had a hobby, and did anything bad, and he liked to leave something to prove that he had been great. Moreover, what you said was probably no longer possible, or anything else?"

As long as there is a glimmer of hope, she will not give up!

After hanging up the phone, various thoughts flashed into her mind.

It is a very difficult job to go to the Lu family to get the books.

And now ...

She has a very suitable identity.

Amnesia, for Lu Nanze, there is no threat!

He would never watch out for her, so if she can rely on the identity of amnesia to disguise herself and enter his company ... take the opportunity to see where to find the ledger ...

Thinking of this, she lowered her head again.

If this is the case, then I really can't fall apart with Lu Nanze.

And how can you explain it to Shen Liangchuan?

The truth told him all, would he not risk himself for his children?

But if you do n’t tell him ...

Qiao Lian is in a tangle.


On the other side, in the hospital.

Lu Nanze stared at the doctor and was listening carefully to the doctor's account of Qiao Lian's illness: "Her amnesia was caused by an external impact that caused congestion in the brain. When the congestion cleared itself, her memory would be restored.

Lu Nanze hurriedly said, "How long will it take?"

The doctor shook his head. "This, maybe not, maybe a month, maybe a few days, maybe a year, a lifetime ... you know, the most amazing place in human beings is the brain, so many nerve wires, some things, No medical explanation. "

Lu Nanze frowned, and then stood up, "I know."

When he came out of the hospital, Lu Nanze stared into the distance.

He hoped that Qiao Lian would not restore his memory for a lifetime.

But he also knew that he would be too selfish.

Then, before Qiao Lian recovers her memory, she must capture her heart.

Thinking of this, Lu Nanze lowered his head, drove to the flower shop next to him, bought a bunch of flowers, took it in his hand, and drove to Qiao's villa.



Shi Nianyao returned home with a dismay, and then, after going upstairs, he took his mobile phone and waited for Mo Xicheng to send her a message.

She was very tangled.

Did Mo Xicheng recognize her?

Thinking, Mo Xicheng's phone call came.

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