You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1087: It turned out that she was Mo Xicheng's girlfriend! (3)

Shi Nianyao also heard Mo Xicheng's meaning, and felt relieved.

Then she lay on the bed, looking at the ceiling and asking, "I'm celebrating my birthday tomorrow, and I will be hosting a paty at home at night. Will you come over?"

Mo Xicheng laughed, "I want to go, but ..."


Shi Nianyao was immediately disappointed.

However, Mo Xicheng is busy with work and excuses!

She must not delay Mo Xicheng's work!

Thinking of this, she said directly: "Well, birthdays, can be celebrated every year, or your business is important, it doesn't matter! In fact, tomorrow's paty is not big, that is, people in the family, come to gather a meal! "

"It's not that big!" Moxi Cheng slowly said, "That's it, you don't plan to invite me?"

Shi Nianyao was hesitated by these words and reacted after a while, "How could I not invite you! Didn't you just say, but something, isn't it?"

The other person smiled directly. "But I didn't have an invitation letter. Is the security of your house strict? Do you need me to jump in?"

Shi Nianyao: "..."

Shi Nianyao held the cell phone directly and hit the bed!

The voice of the male **** passed into her ear from the mobile phone, coupled with his low laughter, and the kind of humorous tone, it was ... too girlish.

Shi Nianyao's heart bounced up, and a touch of bright red flew on his cheeks.

She smiled stupidly, and then said to the mobile phone: "Well, the security of our house is very strict, but there is a dog hole in our house to drill in ~"

The other side was silent for a moment before he said, "To see my girlfriend, let's go doghole. Where is the specific location?"



Shi Nianyao felt that his heart was going to be crisp!

She couldn't help but giggled, "How could you get a dog hole! The invitation letter tomorrow must be sent to Mo's."

"Well. I'm a little bit distressed now."

Shi Nianyao continued to ask, "What's the trouble?"

"Which gift will you give me in distress?"

Shi Nian Yao Lima's eyes brightened, yes, what gift will Mo Xicheng give her tomorrow?

in fact!

Do n’t want any gifts!

Just send him in, just fine ~

But this seems to stop talking, hold on, as a girl, hold on!

Shi Nianya coughed, "I want to be surprised!"

Mosi Cheng sighed, "I try."

Shi Nianyao rolled over, lying on the bed, shaking his legs there, holding his mobile phone, and yawning.

"Are you sleepy? Would you like to take a nap?"


With that said, he yawned again.

Mosi saw that she was so trapped, but she persisted, and immediately said, "Have you not removed your makeup yet?"

When Shi Nianyao heard these words, he yawned and froze.

Then I remembered my face, it was terrible!

Then she thought of another question.


Mo Xicheng actually saw such an ugly self!

She drew a corner of her mouth and sat up quickly, explaining anxiously: "I, my makeup today ..."


Shi Nianya coughed and asked quietly, "How?"

"... very different."

Mo Xicheng was just racking his brains and thinking of these three words!

Shi Nian Yao fluttered and laughed.

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