You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1095: It turned out that she was Mo Xicheng's girlfriend! (11)

Unbelievable staring at the woman upstairs.

Shi Nianyao wore a long white dress slowly like a fairy.

Every step she took was very elegant, and at a glance, she knew that she was a girl with a good education since she was a child.

A face, against the background of this long skirt, looked even more delicate, with its own halo, so that everyone's eyes were fixed on her face.

Mo Zhi has been dumbfounded.

Shi Nianyao, why are you upstairs?

Is this the wrong light?

When he was shocked, he saw Shi Nianya slowly descend to the high platform, took the microphone in the host's hand, and her sweet voice passed through the microphone to the ears of everyone present. "Thank you, uncles and uncles, for coming here to cheer me up. Because I used to study, I rarely contacted everyone, and I hope you will be tolerant in the future."

In simple words, generous and decent.

Make people feel good.

Mo Zhi stood there, and there was an argument behind him:

"Let me go! Is this Miss Shi Jia?"

"It's so beautiful! There are hardly any girls who can match her?"

"Yes indeed!"

"Do you remember, Mo Zhi said she was an ugly monster?"

"Morse, your eyes are too high! These are all ugly and weird, what kind of person is the beauty in your eyes?"

"Haha, no, Mo Zhi's eyes are different from us ..."

All sorts of talking sounds, like a slap, hit his face, making his face flushed!

He was waiting for others to laugh at Mo Xicheng with him, but he did not expect that at this moment, he himself became the biggest joke! !! !!

Mo Zhi took a deep breath, and the whole person was bad.

Then he watched the host announce that Shi Nianyao could invite others to dance the first dance.

Shi Nianyao laughed, his eyes turned around in the crowd, and finally fell on the side of Mo Zhi.

Then, the people around them spontaneously gave way.

Mo Zhi looked at it foolishly, and he didn't know what he thought. He took a step forward, but at this moment, someone around him surpassed him and came to Shi Nianyao.

Mo Xicheng was wearing a black suit and a white shirt. He stood handsomely and elegantly in front of Shi Nianyao. "May I ask you to dance?"

Shi Nianya's eyes glowed, staring at him, the other hand, and touched her neck subconsciously.

There, a water-blue gem necklace hung.

The blue gem, in the shape of a drop of water, hung around her neck, reflecting her fairer skin.

It was a gift from Moshi.

The two looked at each other and smiled. Then, Shi Nianyao held out his hand, raised his head proudly, and put his hand in his palm.

Moses took her hand and slowly walked towards the dance floor.

The focus of the audience fell on them.

"This illegitimate child of the Mo family is really lucky!"

"The young lady of the Shi family, rich and handsome, I heard that her educational background is also very high! This kid is almost out of luck!"

"My gosh! Didn't you say that Shi's family had a marriage contract with Mo? How did it become Mo Xicheng?"

"I envy Mo Xicheng! When can I have such a beautiful girlfriend!"

With a sound, Mo Zhi was going crazy!

Originally, it was him who should be admired by everyone!

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