You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1097: It turned out that she was Mo Xicheng's girlfriend! (13)

In a word, Dad Mo's face suddenly cooled down.

He stared at Mo Zhi, then tightened his brow after half a ring, without saying a word, but sighed deeply.

Li Shu looked at the embarrassing son in front of him and stood in place, for a moment he couldn't believe what he saw.

She thought that just after the banquet, Si Jingyu called her to her side and reminded her that her son was frustrated. She had a problem. She also said that she should not always go around and escape her husband. The education of his son was left.

She thought it was okay.

Because even if she was outside, she always kept in touch with her son.

Every month, I live with my son for a few days.

But at this moment, she looked at Mo Zhi.

Because he was detained here, Mo Zhi was afraid and shocked at the moment, and the whole man was horrified.

He pulled his father's sleeve tightly, as if to ask his father to get him back.

Shouldn't this kind of person who is making trouble at a banquet be detained?

And ... Just keep him here without doing anything else, what is he nervous about?

These thoughts flashed through her mind.

Immediately, he saw Mo's overbearing opening: "Dad, you have to help me get Shi Nianyao back! That's mine, that's mine!"

Dad Mo patted his shoulder immediately, "Don't worry, Dad will take care of this."

Li Shu looked at the father and son and wondered why it suddenly felt quite boring.

She turned and walked out.

But Mo Zhi didn't notice the difference in her emotions and said directly: "Mom, this Mo Xicheng is simply too vicious! It's too bad!"

"To shut up!"

Li Shu turned back sharply and said.

Unsettled for a moment.

Mo's father then said: "Yes, you shut up first, after all, this is not home, everything, wait until we get home."

Morph nodded instantly.

When the three people came out, they saw Si Jingyu and Shi Jinyan standing at the door, planning to drop off passengers.

Li Shu saw Si Jingyu, and suddenly felt a bit unable to look up.

Think of how good they were at the beginning.

But now ... I didn't expect to face such an awkward situation because of my children's affairs.

Li Shu came to Si Jingyu, beckoned her, and then said, "Let's go first."

Si Jingyu nodded.

Mo Zhi immediately looked around, "What about Mo Xicheng?"

The tone is very unkind.

Si Jingyu frowned and ignored.

Li Shu turned his head and glared at Mo Zhi.

Mo Zhili closed his mouth immediately.

Li Shu sighed and looked at Si Jingyu, "I'm really inferior to you in raising children."

After hearing this, Si Jingyu shook her head. "In fact, it is still related to the family, not the individual."

At that time, Shi Ye was also taken away. If she was not with Shi Jinyan, she believed that her two children would not be so good today.

Mo Zhi's growing environment has created defects in his character today.

Li Shu nodded.

When she was about to go out, she heard Si Jingyu lower her voice and said, "Li Shu, as a friend, I have to remind you. Although he is the third child, he was also born in your parents. Some things, Don't go too far. "

Li Shu glanced slightly, looking at Si Jingyu.

Then she nodded again.

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