You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1100: It turned out that she was Mo Xicheng's girlfriend! (16)

Shi Yan nodded.

Just the attitude of being calm and relaxed, and the attitude that is not easily influenced by the outside world, are enough to show that this man's psychological quality is very powerful.

The problems that were originally worried were solved.

Su Penghao walked over and patted Mo Xicheng's shoulder, "Well, you brother, I recognize! But if you dare not read Yao to us in the future, don't blame my fist!"

Moses Cheng raised his lips and nodded at him.

Shi Nianyao pushed Su Penghao away, "Hey, aren't you about to start the national competition soon? Why not train? What are you doing here?"

Su Penghao suddenly showed a pitiful expression, "So, are you taking revenge for Moshi now? Did I just test this person? The younger sister of all of us finally has a boyfriend and is not allowed yet Shall we try it? "

Shi Nian Yao Leng snorted, but was like a proud princess, dragging Mo Xicheng, smiling sweetly.

The smile still looks like the sun, making Mo Xicheng feel like the world in front of him is a bit brighter.

After waiting for a while, Shi Ye came over and said to Shi Nianyao: "Fei Ye calls you."

Shi Nian Yao Yiyi, "Ah? Where is it? I'll go over it!"

When Shi Nianyao left, Mo Xicheng looked at Shi Zhe, "What advice does Mr. Shi have?"

Shi Yan looked at him, and then spoke after half a ring: "What do you think of Mo's house?"

Mo Xicheng lowered his eyes, "I just want to get rid of the relationship with them."

In a word, Shi Yan's eyes went deep, "The property of the Mo family ..."

"My mother is a junior, and Mo's property should have been stubborn. I don't want it, I don't want it, you can rest assured that I have little savings these years and won't let Nian Yao suffer with me."

Shi Yan heard this, stared at him for a long time, and then suddenly laughed after half a ring, "You have to remember that sometimes concealing concessions does not make your life better, on the contrary, it makes others more intrusive. . "

Moses Cheng frowned.

Shi Yan stared at him, "So, when are you going to retreat, when?"

"I have my own bottom line."

Shi Zhe didn't budge. "What's your bottom line?"

"I didn't know what it was before, but now I know it."

Shi Yan heard this, and smiled, "I hope you can say and do it. I will not agree to your wedding date until your family's affairs are handled clearly."

Moxie bowed his head: "I won't mention you until I figure it out."

He wants to give Nian Yao a pure land, a world without so many shadows.


They played with Shi Nianyao until they had dinner, and Mo Xicheng returned home.

On the way home, I received a call from Dad Mo, "You go home now."

Mo Xicheng heard this, and for a moment hesitated, but turned the car head and walked to Mo's villa.

At the villa, he pushed in.

At the moment he entered, a dark shadow rushed at him!

Immediately, a slap fell on his face fiercely!


Mo Xicheng's eyes narrowed and he looked up and saw Yao Lili cursing at him: "Well, you Mo Xicheng, dare to steal your brother's fiancee! You're so rotten! Now, you Immediately give Miss Shi Jia to your brother! "

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