You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1103: It turned out that she was Mo Xicheng's girlfriend! (19)

From an early age, he has always been a docile character, this is the first time such a fierce resistance, which directly surprised a few people present.

Yao Lili was frightened, and Mo Zhi took a few steps back, hiding behind Mo's father.

Li Shu looked at Mo Zhi, and the disappointment in his eyes became more apparent.

Father Mo's face was somber, "Mo Xicheng, what are you doing? Are you trying to rebel ?!"

Mo Xicheng didn't look at any of them, just stared at the broken mobile phone on the ground, and slowly said, "Things at home have nothing to do with Shi Nianyao."

After saying a word, he raised his head, looked at Yao Lili with vigilance, and raised his lips after half a ring. "If you let me know, you call the Yao family and say anything, don't blame me for not thinking about mother and child ! "

Yao Lili trembled suddenly. She was like a vixen, and she took a step forward. "Mo Xicheng! What do you mean?"

"Tell you, you were born to me! I gave birth to you to support you, and you are so filial to me? What can you do? Can you still beat me?"

Moses moved his lips and tried to speak.

At this moment, a clear calendar drinking, suddenly came, "Enough!"

Everyone froze slightly, looked up and looked at Li Shu.

Li Shu looked at everything in front of us tiredly, pointed to the doorway, and said, "Get out."

Yao Lili frowned, and a look of resentment flashed in her eyes. When she looked at Dad Mo, she saw that Dad Mo was frightened, and said directly to Yao Lili and Mo Xicheng: "Not yet fast! Roll! "

Mo Zhi said, "Mom, what about Shi Nian Yao ..."

"I said, get out! You guys, get out of me!"

Li Shu screamed out such a sentence, terrified Morpheus.

Mo Zhi closed his mouth directly, Dad Mo stepped forward, "Li Shu, you ..."


Father Mo can only take a step back, "Okay, don't be angry, I'll go, I'll just go."

A group of people walked towards the door, and when they reached the door, they heard Li Shu's voice again, "Mo Xicheng."

Moses stood still and turned back.

Li Shu looked at him as if he was ten years old.

She was a little disappointed, and again with a loss.

Li Shu looked at him, "I hope that you promised me something and never forget it."

Mo Xicheng's eyes narrowed and he opened his mouth after half a ring. "As long as I don't touch my bottom line, I won't reach out to the Mo family!"

Li Shu nodded, then looked at Mo's father and Mo Zhi, "This matter, so far!"

Having said that, regardless of the perseverance, go straight upstairs.


Out of Mo's house, Mo Xicheng drove away without paying attention to Yao Lili.

Dad Mo sighed while looking at the car that was leaving.

Morchi looked at Yao Lili, his eyes rolled, and then he said, "I'll take you back."

Yao Lili immediately rejoiced.

Mo's father wanted to stop, but Mo Zhi had already driven and Yao Lili rushed in.

Dad Mo was so devoted to coaxing Li Shu to be happy, he ignored them.

The car started, left Mo's villa and stopped by the road.

Mo Zhi turned his head and looked at Yao Lili, who was sitting in the front passenger seat. "You once told me that you are my mother-in-law, and I have never believed .... Now, the opportunity to prove this thing is here!"

Yao Lili's eyes flashed.

PS: See you at eleven o'clock ~

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