You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1106: Shen Liangchuan, I'm pregnant! (2)

She remembers those details.

At that time, the anime was broadcast to the most exciting place, so all day long on Tuesday, she never missed it. When she was studying next night, she was thinking of dragging the group of fox friends and dog friends together.

The idea was that even if they were found, a group of people would not take them in school.

When returning home, when parents ask a question, Sun Linan can also withdraw to serve as a shield.

But at night, the dormitory lights went out, but she couldn't get out. It was useless to grind the auntie downstairs downstairs for a long time. She simply jumped out of her dormitory and went down the stairs.

After she jumped down, she clearly remembered that Lu Nanze's complexion had changed.

Temper also became weird.

At the time, she still thought that this Lu Nanze was very difficult to do, but now she understands that ... he was bad-tempered at that time because he was worried about himself?

Joe stared at him stupidly.

I saw Lu Nanze taking a step forward. "That night, when we were out for a night, you kept rolling your eyes at me. Then the next day, during class, you fell asleep ... The teacher also called you up to answer questions. "

Lu Nanze said here, raised his lips and laughed.

Qiao Lian remembers that bridge.

She propped herself up in front of the book and lay on the table, sleeping heavily.

Later, Sun Linan poked her arm, awakened her, and whispered: "The teacher is asking you to answer the question, answer quickly, choose A!"

Behind him, Lu Nanze whispered, "Choose B!"

On the other side, a friend said, "Choose D."

The voices of the three people made her roll her eyes, then stood up directly, and said fragilely, "Teacher, I choose C!"

After saying a word, she was complacent.

It's too smart to think that you haven't been fooled.

But the next second, he was severely poked by reality.

The teacher said, "Qiao Lian! This is a judgment question!"

Qiao Lian: ...

Thinking of those things, she couldn't help pulling her lips back.

He shook his head slightly.

Lu Nanze took her and continued to walk forward to the playground. He pointed there and watched Qiao Lian lowered his voice and said, "I still remember that the third year ...

In a word, Qiao Lian shook his eyes.

She remembered.

At that time, the housekeeper of their family suddenly rushed into the classroom.

After calling out the teacher, he didn't know what to say, so the teacher walked in and said to Lu Nanze, "Lu Nanze, pack up and go home first."

With a doubt in his face, he stood up and packed up.

At that time, she felt cheered because she could not go to class, and gave him wink and envy.

Then he followed the butler.

That week, she didn't go home because she lived on campus.

It was five days after Lu Nanze returned to school.

The whole of him was like he was taken away from all souls, like a walking dead.

He sat in his seat, and everyone around him wanted to talk to him, and he ignored him.

Later, in a self-study class.

She suddenly noticed that Lu Nanze was out.

She followed and ran out.

Finally, he was found on the playground.

He was holding a bottle of beer in his hand, drinking pain.

At that time, a few of them went to school, but they were anonymous.

Others don't know their identity.

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