You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1110: Shen Liangchuan, I'm pregnant! (6)

Immediately after sitting down, Shen Liangchuan immediately looked in the room, finally took a pillow, put it behind her waist, and then stood up, took a cushion and came over, "Is this bed hard? "

Qiao Lian: ...

She felt that her current self was like a porcelain doll, which seemed to be broken at the touch, so she was carefully guarded.

Suddenly a warm current rose in my heart.

She continued to stare at Shen Liangchuan ...

After going through so many things, she felt that some things might be the time for Shen Liangchuan to face them together.

If she hides Shen Liangchuan, pretends to have amnesia alone, and mixes in Lu Nanze's company, then she is irresponsible for the child in her belly ...

Half of this child is from Shen Liangchuan. She needs to discuss with Shen Liangchuan.

However, seeing how he cares so much ... Qiao Lian suddenly felt a little hesitant.

Pretending amnesia, mixing into Lu Nanze's company, and stealing books, this may be the only opportunity.

But this child ...

Think about yourself during this time, wrestling and bumping your head again, the body itself is not good enough, the child is indeed a bit dangerous ...

When she thought of it, she looked lonely and sat there, looking at Shen Liangchuan.

Shen Liangchuan turned her head and saw her look, and finally reason returned slowly.

He fixed her eyes.

About ten minutes later, he said again: "Little Joe ..."

Qiao Lian immediately looked up subconsciously and looked at him.

Then he heard him ask, "Did you remember?"

Remember it?

Qiao Lian bit her lip.

Was he concealed and continued to pretend to have amnesia? Still tell him?

She looked at Shen Liangchuan and was able to see a lost joy in his face.

It was like after she remembered everything, the first feeling was that, in fact, the things that had no intention before were really nothing.

They have missed it for eight years, which is already a punishment for Mo's unintentional incident.

How many years are there in life?

None of them was intentional, so ... why bother yourself again?

What they need to do is cherish the present, cherish the people in front of them ...

Qiao Lian bit her lip, then nodded.

She nodded so suddenly, Shen Liangchuan came together in excitement, grabbed her arm suddenly, very strong, as if afraid of losing something, immediately stared at her, "Little Joe, you ... "

Halfway through the discourse, I thought she was pregnant again, and quickly let go of my hand. "So, do you feel uncomfortable now? Like a headache? Or what's wrong? Shall we go to the hospital now?"

When he said that, he hurriedly picked her up. "I'll take you to the doctor now to see if your memory recovery is temporary or permanent ..."

Qiao Lian watched as he was about to take her out of the bedroom, hurriedly grabbed his hand, "Shen Liangchuan, don't go to the hospital first, listen to me!"

When Shen Liangchuan heard this, he stood still for a moment, lowered his head, and saw Qiao Lian staring at him seriously.

Shen Liangchuan frowned, and then she came back and put her down: "You say."

Qiao Lian bit his lip, told him about his parents, and asked: "I want to continue pretending to have amnesia, get close to him, and go and see, where is the ledger ... Do you agree?"

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