You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1136: She was pregnant with Lu Nanze's child! (12)

When Qiao Lian heard this voice, he slightly hesitated and stood up.

The take-out came in and passed her the food.

Qiao Lian wondered: "Are you sure this is mine? But I didn't order any food ~"

The take-away man said with a smile: "Miss Qiao, it is definitely yours, it was ordered by a Mr. Shen, and he also said that you can have a nutritious meal. Can I help you arrange the take-away?

Qiao Lian shook her head quickly, "No need to ..."

The takeaway put the takeaway on the table and went out.

Qiao Lian: ...

Qiao Lian stared at the takeaway and couldn't help laughing.

This Shenliang River is really jealous ...

She shook her head, took the food, walked to the lounge, and when the food was set, Lu Nanze came over.

People in the entire department looked at him and were afraid to speak.

Qiao Lian stared at Nanze, smiling silly and white.

What did Lu Nanze want to say, but after seeing the food on the table, he slightly hesitated, "Did you order takeaway?"

Qiao Lian immediately nodded.

She smiled awkwardly, and Lu Nanze instantly understood that look. It must have been sent by Shen.

It's simply too much!

After all, it's hard to get in touch with Qiao Lian at work, which is the time for lunch at noon, but the surnamed Shen even bothers them!

It is, it is tolerable, unbearable!

Lu Nanze frowned, and there was a rage between his eyebrows. He stared at Qiao Lian, and then narrowed his eyes after a while, suddenly stepped forward, and sat in the position of Qiao Lian with his buttocks. Yes, I'll eat it. "

Then he picked up the chopsticks and said nothing, and wiped out the food on the table.

After I finished eating, I stood up again and looked at Qiao Lian, "I ate your lunch, so now, let me compensate you for lunch, and go with me."

Then he grabbed Qiao Lian's wrist and took her out.

Qiao Lian: ...

Qiao Lian stared at the empty plate on the table, and looked at Lu Nanze again.

With so much food, it took him only five minutes to eat it all! Moreover, when he had just eaten, he gritted his teeth and looked like it wasn't eating at all, but like eating the meat of Shen Liangchuan.

Qiao Lian drew his lips.

The food was eaten, and she had no way to stay. She could only follow the landing Nanze.

Two people came to the underground parking lot and got on the car. Lu Nanze continued to take her to the private dining room.

When I got there, I went to the private room that I went to yesterday. The food came up. Although she changed her look, it was basically her favorite food.

Qiao Lian stared at the food on the table, then went to see Lu Nanze, and saw that he said softly, "Hurry up and eat."

Qiao Lian nodded, simply picked up chopsticks and ate.

While eating, Lu Nanze's cell phone rang.

He frowned, looked at the mobile phone, and then stood up, took the mobile phone, walked to the side, and after answering, he didn't know what to say, he showed impatientness, and interrupted the other person's words coldly "So much, don't you abandon your sore throat? Tell him, don't want to cooperate and get out of the way! Don't want to get one of the projects in Suzhou in the future! Tell the Suzhou companies directly, who dare to cooperate with him, just I am Lu Nanze right! "

After saying this, I hung up the phone and turned to look over.

PS: As you write ...

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