You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1138: She was pregnant with Lu Nanze's child! (14)

Qiao Lian turned his head slightly, looked around, and saw a middle-aged woman staring at this in doubt.

The moment she turned her head, the middle-aged woman's eyes flickered immediately, and she hurried to take two steps, came to her, grabbed her arm, "It's you, Joey!" Why are you back? Where have you been for so many years? "

After saying this, I looked back and waved to the middle-aged man behind him, "Qiao Zhigang, come on, this is your niece, Qiao Lian!"

The middle-aged man was already stunned. He looked at this side in an incredible way. The gentle appearance of the man, with a hint of intimacy, was similar to Qiao Yi. It was her uncle, Qiao Yiyi's father, Qiao Zhigang!

As Qiao Lian's eyes narrowed, the man rushed over and grabbed her arm. "Little love! It really is you! Little love! Where have you been for so many years ?! You Do you know if you let me find it! If you have something wrong, how can I explain it to your father! "

After saying these words, I looked up and down at her anxiously, "You have grown taller and thinner. Where have you been these years? How are you? How about Joe? How is he? Is his leg okay?"

A series of questions were asked to make Qiao Lian stand in place, her eyes a little red.

This is her closest relative in the world, except Joey.

It was also after the death of her parents that she and Qiao Yi depended most on the man.

But she never expected that Qiao Zhigang would go to Lu Nanze's bed in order to get on Lu Nanze!

At that time, she was just eighteen years old! !!

Her pride did not allow herself to be sent away like a gift.

Moreover, at that time, Joey's leg injury needed a lot of money to be optimistic.

Every time she asks Qiao Zhigang for money, he always looks awkward at home.

But she knew that although his uncle did not inherit the family property, his father gave him a lot of money every year!

In the beginning, when Qiao's business went bankrupt, only his uncle's house had received no shock!

They still live in a small villa with a small car.

Why can't you get the money to see Qiao Yi?

That's obviously shirk!

Therefore, she immediately took Qiao Yi and left without hesitation.

Anyway, even if they stay in their home, they won't pay for helping Joe easy to see a doctor.

At this moment, seeing this couple of conscience dogs, Qiao Lian can't wait to slap them on their faces!

But can't ...

She is now in amnesia and must pretend not to know them.

That breath suffocated on the chest, and she couldn't breathe any more. She took another deep breath and pressed down the anger, which made her try to leak out her clothes in doubt.

"We are your uncle and uncle!"

Qiao Zhigang said immediately, and grabbed her wrist with excitement. "Qiao Lian, these years, I can find you! You child, how did you run away from home then, run away from home, hey!"

The words, the tone, as if she was ignorant.

Qiao Lian narrowed her eyes, lowered her head, and looked at Qiao Zhigang and dragged her hand.

Immediately, she raised her head and looked at the two of them. "I don't remember you anymore. Would you please let go first?"

Qiao Zhigang could only release his hand awkwardly,

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