You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1143: She was pregnant with Lu Nanze's child! (19)

Lu Nanze's office, Qiao Lian is not the first time.

The room was so quiet, and the secretary at the door sat there respectfully, afraid to come in casually.

Qiao Lian flipped through the room and found the document that Lu Nanze put in the first drawer.

Then she looked up and looked at the secretary at the door. The little secretary seemed to have something to do, stood up and went out.

For a while, no one could see her.

This is simply **** help me too!

It's now!

Qiao Lian quickly opened the second drawer, flipped it inside, and didn't find it. He looked at the third drawer, opened it, and flipped inside, still couldn't find it.

There are some important documents in it, which have nothing to do with the ledger.

Qiao Lian stood up and looked around. Immediately, his eyes fixed on a painting.

She walked quietly to the door, closed the door, then turned around, looked around, and found that there was no camera in the office. Then she came to the picture, stretched out her hand, pushed the painting away, and just watched Arrived in a safe!

it is as expected.

This Lu Nanze, I do n’t know how to change it, it is too easy to be found.

But what about the password for the safe?

She stared at the safe, thought about it, and entered Lu Nanze's birthday.

Unfortunately, after typing, it prompts an error.

There are three more opportunities.

Qiao Lian bit her lip and entered Lu Nanze's mother's birthday again, which was still wrong.

Qiao Lian frowned and continued to enter Lu Nanze's father's birthday, but it was still wrong.

Last chance.

Qiao Lian knows that if you enter something wrong this time, then it is likely that this safe will call the police!

At this moment, she reached a dead end.

Continue to enter, you may lose, but if you do not enter, then the next opportunity to be alone in his office, there will be no more!

Qiao Lian thought of this, taking a deep breath.

She narrowed her eyes suddenly, looked into the safe code, and entered her birthday ... Result!


The safe is open!

Qiao Lian was shocked by this phenomenon and looked at the safe unbelievably.

The password for the safe ... is her birthday?

She felt a little hesitant and looked down at her hand.

Lu Nanze's password turned out to be her birthday! !!

That kind of shock made her linger there for a while.

I didn't know how long it had passed, and suddenly I heard a noise from the door.

Immediately, the voice of the secretary came at the door, "Miss Joe, you can't go in."

Qiao Yiyi's irresistible voice came and said, "Why? She can go in! Why can't I go in? Why do you know who I am? I have a second brother's child in my stomach! You give me away, you If you dare stop me! Push it against my belly first! "

After hearing this, Qiao Lian turned back suddenly, she never hesitated anymore, and started rummaging in the safe!


still none……

Don't worry, it must be hidden deeper.

Deeper ... Qiao Lian suddenly thought of something and saw a small box specially made inside the safe.

As soon as her eyes lighted, she picked up the box and immediately heard Qiao Yiyi's voice at the door, "Go away, let me in!"

Then, the door was pushed open!

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