You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1158: He even liked her so much ... (14)

Qiao Lian found a comfortable position, was sitting on the sofa, was eating strawberries, and suddenly heard a neat footsteps came from outside, immediately heard the secretary stood up and said, "Mr. Lu old! "

Joe loved to eat strawberries, his eyes narrowed sharply!

Mr. Lu old! !!

Lu Nanze's father!

He came here?

Qiao Lian clenched his fists tightly, stood up sharply, then walked to the door and looked out through the cat's eyes.

Father Lu is about sixty years old this year. He is in a good spirit. He stands there with a pair of eyes staring at the office.

This is Uncle Lu. At that time, she felt that the other party was very good and super good, but in the end, she overshadowed the Qiao family and killed the Qiao family!

Qiao Lian only felt that the undulations on his chest were so severe that the whole person couldn't control it. He could not wait to rush out and beat him up so that he would return his parents' lives!

But Reason told her not to be impulsive.

Qiao Lian stared at him vigorously.

After the secretary called him, he said solemnly: "What about Lu Nanze?"

The secretary left. "Sir is in a meeting."

"You go and see if the meeting is not important, call him over!"

The secretary took a tangled look at Lu Nanze's office, then lowered his head, "Yes."

Leave immediately.

Father Lu looked back, looked at the office, and pushed the door open.

The room was empty, except for a plate of strawberries on the coffee table in front of the sofa.

Father Lu didn't care, walked over and sat down on the sofa.

In the cubicle next to the office, Qiao Lian was standing at the door, breathing heavily.

She never thought that she would meet with him so unexpectedly.

After a while, I heard the rapid footsteps coming from outside, it should be Lu Nanze, trotting all the way.

He entered the room, his eyes moved around the office first, then he frowned, and looked at Father Lu, "Dad, what are you doing?"

"What am I doing? You've made a woman's belly bigger! I always have to come forward to get this done."

In a word, Lu Nanze frowned.

Father Lu said, "For so many years, I've been forcing you to get married and have children, and you don't even listen. Now you're ready to marry Qiao Yiyi home, everything is saved! We in Lu family finally have After! "

In a word, Lu Nanze hurriedly said, "I don't agree."

"Don't agree? Is this all you can do if you don't agree? Are you still thinking about that Qiaolian? I tell you, don't say she is married now, even if she is not married, according to your relationship, Do you think she will marry you? "

Lu Nanze froze.

Father Lu sneered, "How many years have you been so naive! With our relationship, you will never be together!"

A word fell, and Lu Nanze narrowed his eyes. "Dad, this is my business, and I don't need you to interfere."

"Disturb?" Father Lu stood up and sighed. "Do you know why I suddenly got involved in this matter? It's because Qiao Zhi just came to me!"

Lu Nanze suddenly said: "What is he looking for?"

"What? Of course it's about mentioning the book of the year!"

PS: Ahhhhhhhhhh! In the middle of the month, ask for a monthly pass! !! This month, our monthly ticket list is simply too bad ~ I know that I have less updates, sorry for everyone, and I will add more when I finish school! What is it ~~ Ask for a monthly pass! !!

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