You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1163: He even liked her so much ... (19)

Qiao Lian was taken aback by this sudden change.

She returned to God, only to see that Lu Nanze actually nibbled her!

Qiao Lian opened her eyes wide, and said fiercely, "Lu Nanze, what are you doing?"

Lu Nanze laughed. "Every time I discuss something with you, you don't agree, so I have to be strong. Don't worry, I don't do anything, just send you home."

"You ... Lu Nanze, you are simply too much!"

Qiao Lian forced to push him away, "Can you not be so naive!"


Qiao Lian: ... she can't use Lu Nanze to martial arts, after all, she is pregnant. Therefore, this matter can only be compromised.

"Then you let go, I'll send a text message to Shen Liangchuan, right?"

Lu Nanze then sneered, "No hair."

When Qiao Lian frowned suddenly, he heard Lu Nanze say, "I'll call him."

After saying this, he picked up the phone and made a call directly to Shen Liangchuan.

The phone was quickly connected, Lu Nanze said in a wicked manner: "I sent Qiao Lian home."

Then hung up the phone handsomely.

Qiao Lian: ...

Can this person speak well?

She twitched her lips and thought Lu Nanze was arrogant and naive!

She was irritated with pain.

She took a deep breath. "Now, can you always let me go?"

Lu Nanze then tickled his lips. "But I think it's fine."

Qiao Lian: ...

Qiao Lian held out his hand and pushed him away. "You're enough!"

Then, the elevator has reached the second basement parking lot.

There are few people in this parking lot, and at this moment, there is no one.

When the elevator opened, Qiao Lian walked out first.

But after just two steps, I suddenly saw six or seven big men in black suits standing in line in front of them!

Qiao Lian frowned suddenly, twitched her lips, and looked back at Lu Nanze: "Lu Nanze, isn't it just sending me home? Do you need to watch with so many people? Are you afraid of any flood beast in our house?"

A word fell, but her wrist was suddenly dragged by Lu Nanze, and immediately she was brought into the elevator by Lu Nanze.

Qiao Lian's eyes widened stupidly, and as soon as she was about to rebel, she heard Lu Nanze say, "Be careful, they are not mine!"

In a word, Qiao Lian was terrified for a moment!

Not his people ... but those few people stared hard at them ...

So are they?

While in doubt, I saw one of them step forward: "Take her away!"

When this word came down, there were several other people who rushed up!

Qiao Lian: ...

Qiao Lian and Lu Nanze tried to escape, but were stuck in the elevator and wanted to press and hold to shut down, but those people had already come to the two of them.

Qiao Lian's two hands always held her belly, and Lu Nanze also kept her behind, "Who are you? Do you know what this is? Do you know who I am? Tell you, I am It is Lu Nanze! You leave now, I promise not to hold you accountable! "

As soon as the sentence fell, one of them laughed, "It's a joke, we are not afraid to hold you accountable for what we do!"

With that said, a fierce hand fell from the knife!

Qiao Lian just felt a pain in his neck, and immediately he was dark before passing out.

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