You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1172: He and his first cooperation (8)

Qiao Lian saw the stick and knew that if the stick fell down, he would definitely not get well.

But the pain in the lower abdomen made her unable to stand up at all and could not even move.

Seeing that stick, he was about to fall on himself, and suddenly heard a voice: "Be careful!"

Immediately, Lu Nanze rushed over, and then, a "pu" with a stick falling on the human body came from her ear.

She raised her head stupidly, and saw Lu Nanze using her body to block the stick for her.

Qiao Lian's eyes widened in shock and looked at Lu Nanze in disbelief, but never thought that such a scene would happen.

Even if he stayed for her, he couldn't keep up with the shock at this moment.

For a moment, she seemed to forget the pain, and she seemed to forget the panic, so she looked at Lu Nanze indefinitely.

At the ear, there was the voice of the little braid, "Damn, kill this pair of bitches!"

So more fists came over.

Qiao Lian crouched on the ground, holding his head, and his body was protected by Lu Nanze.

She could hear a heavy blow and fell on Lu Nanze's body, and her tears couldn't help running down her cheeks.

She remembered ...

As a child, she played with Landing Nanze, skipped classes together, and arrogantly ransom at school.

Once, mom and dad were called to school by the teacher.

After returning home, my mother wanted to hit her. At that time, Lu Nanze also did the same. She hugged her and hit her.

Actually, they were really good, very good when they were little.

But why did we get here?

Qiao Lian couldn't help crying. She was crying and shouting to land Nanze's name: "Lu Nanze, let's go away, let them hit me ...

"Lu Nanze, you don't need to ..."

"Lu Nanze, you ..."

The crying voice became smaller and smaller, and her heart became more and more sad.

And it was in this chaos that she finally heard the sound of heaven, "Stop!"

She lifted her head sharply, and saw the doorway where the Liangliang River stood like a god.

He carried the light, said this, and hurried in, and came to the two. After seeing the situation in front of him, his pupils shrank, and he immediately extended his hand!

The group of bodyguards were already injured while pulling Qiao Lian and Lu Nanze.

At this moment, Shen Liangchuan alone pulled them away, which helped hold Qiao Lian's arm and asked anxiously: "What's wrong?"

At this moment, panic was on his face without even realizing it.

He was really scared.

From the discovery that Qiao Lian was abducted and found here all the way, in the meantime he was frightened by his thoughts!

But when he really saw Qiao Lian crying like a tear man, but Lu Nanze was like a blood man, he let go of the heart in the throat of Ti Zi.

But the next moment, those who worry and fear become endless anger!

He turned back sharply, staring at the group.

After Qiao Lian was supported by Shen Liangchuan, he stood upright, then looked at Lu Nanze and asked loudly, "Lu Nanze, how are you doing?"

When Lu Nanze saw Shen Liangchuan, his pupils shrank. After hearing Qiao Lian's words, he stood up.

He faced the ground and took a sip of blood.

Then, she heard Shen Liangchuan say, "Are you okay?"

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