You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1192: Second Brother, goodbye (12)

Qiao Yiyi stood at the door, staring at the two people.

Until the end, Lu Nanze issued a frosty order of persuasion: "Not yet!"

"Second Brother, Second Brother, you can't do this to me!"

"Come here, take Miss Joe away."

A bodyguard came in at the door.

After seeing it, Qiao Yiyi took a step back in shock, she looked desperately at Lu Nanze and Lu Lu, "You can't do this to me, you can't do this ..."

Before these words were finished, they were blocked by bodyguards, dragged out, and then dropped directly on the ground, "Go!"

Qiao Yiyi stood up in tears, her throat cried.

She cried, "Second Brother, Second Brother ... You can't treat me like this, you can't treat me like this ..."

She cried like a teardrop.

After eight years of hard work, she was finally able to marry Lu Nanze.

But how can Lu Nanze do this!

How could the child in her stomach be Zhao Yang's!

She knelt down in pain, stretched out her hand, and covered her face.

However, no matter how she cried, the people in the ward did not move.

Qiao Yiyi sat there, staring blankly forward, crying tears were gone.

She felt like a big joke.

I thought I would get it, but never got it.

Even now, Dad is in jail and his account book is gone ... even the children are fake.

Everything is fake.

All this is made by the second brother!

His words echoed in his ears: "I feel sick when I see you."

In a word, it made her feel like her heart was being held tight by an invisible big hand! !!


What she said was how she felt at the moment.

She pressed her own hand with one hand, her hand digging up tightly, staring at the ward's eyes, she instantly became resentful.

Brother, since you are not kind to me, don't blame me for being unjust to you! !! !!

She is not reconciled! !!


In the ward.

Qiao Yiyi was taken away.

Father Lu couldn't help but sit in front of Lu Nanze's bed.

He stared at Landing Nanze, and then spoke after half a whisper: "Actually, Qiao Yiyi is okay. Why don't you touch her?"

Lu Nanze slowly looked down and said, "I'm not you."

In a word, Dad Lu froze.

Then he said, "You still remember your mom!"

Lu Nanze did not speak.

Father Lu lowered his head, and Nono said, "I was a little sensible at that time and killed your mother alive. I know you hate me, but today, Dad still wants to say thank you."

Lu Nanze looked up and looked at him in disbelief. "Thank you for helping Dad and ruining that script. After that, I can finally be carefree."

When Lu Nanze heard this, his heart was stung again.

The cost of destroying the ledger was his own hands, which cut off the possibility of his love with Joe.

He smiled bitterly and lowered his head.

"Son, Dad knows that you don't like me very much, but in fact, Dad already knows it is wrong."

"After your mother died, I didn't find any other woman. After that, I died and went underground to meet your mother."

"Man, I can't control my third leg, but now, I don't think I can't control it, but I don't want to control it."

"Nanze, Dad knows that you are the best, and the company's affairs will be left to you ..."

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