You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1195: Second Brother, goodbye (15)

"Dad, I know, you just fell asleep, you open your eyes ..."

However, that person never responded.

At this moment, Lu Nanze, I don't know why, a word popped out of his mind: the cycle of heavenly principles.

Dad killed Qiao Lian's parents. He did not want his father to go through legal procedures and burned the script just to save his life. However, at this moment, Dad is still dead ...

Lu Nanze bowed his head.

Staring at his hand, suddenly he couldn't help covering his face.

Just then, two policemen came to his side. "Mr. Lu, this is the case. Someone called the police and said there was a car accident here, so let's take a look. Could you cooperate with our inquiry? Was it a man-made accident or an accident? "

Artificial or accident?

How could it be an accident!

Lu Nanze looked up suddenly, staring at the policeman.

Dad is dead, so those who hurt him can't live well.

But he didn't want them to die, he wanted them to live in pain.

Lu Nanze narrowed his eyes and slowly said, "Of course it was artificial. Qiao Yiyi intentionally hurt someone and hit my father!"

He suddenly seemed to have recovered his strength and stood up little by little from the ground, "I want you, give my father a fairness!"


The news of Father Lu's death, Qiao Lian, was seen in the news the next day.

She cried all night until three o'clock in the middle of the night before finally falling asleep.

When I woke up the next day, I was dizzy, and the whole person was a little bit decadent and decadent, even a little discouraged.

When she woke up, Shen Liangchuan was not around, and it was estimated that she had gone down to exercise.

She didn't want to get up, so she simply picked up her phone, flipped it, and saw the news.

When he saw the news, Qiao Lian was stunned.

Lu's father is dead?

Father Lu ... dead!

how can that be!

She widened her eyes, stared at the news stupidly, and watched it over and over again, she couldn't believe her eyes.

She looked up blankly, and heard the sound of opening the door, followed the sound and saw Shen Liangchuan come in.

Qiao Lian handed him the phone and said directly: "This ..."

"it is true."

Shen Liangchuan pursed her lips, sat beside her, stretched out her hand, and touched her head: "Qiao Lian, in this world, there will always be heaven and earth, and it's not that time is not up! Bad people, always You will be punished. Even if your parents ’reputation is not washed out, but the murderer who killed your parents has now got its due. So you can let go of some things?”

Can you let go?

Everyone is dead, and talking about those, is it useless?

Qiao Lian started to look at the burned account book yesterday, and then his spirit was decadent.

It was as if the big rock clogged up in my heart was finally removed, and there was a feeling of sudden openness.

She laughed. "Yeah, why punish others for their mistakes?"

Shen Liangchuan nodded, he paused, and then said, "After three days, Lu Nanze will hold a funeral. Will you go?"

Qiao Lian was a little surprised.

After a while, she nodded. "I'll go."

Shen Liangchuan nodded.

As long as Qiao Lian dares to face these, then it shows that she really put down this knot.

The ledger has been burned. They have no way to create another ledger. The only thing they can do is accept the facts.

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