You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1201: Second Brother, goodbye (21)

The call was quickly answered, and Qiao Yi's voice came over. "Sister, what's wrong?"

The familiar voice made Qiao Lian burst into tears.

She didn't know what was going on with her emotions, but she just choked and said, "Xiao Yi ..."

The voice on the opposite side was immediately tense, "Sister, what's wrong? Is someone wronged for you? Or you have no money to spend? Calm down and tell me, I have money here, I will remit it to you now ..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Qiao Lian.

Qiao Lian said directly: "No, it's not like this ... Qiao Yi, Mom and Dad, now I'm innocent ..."

As soon as the sentence fell, the opposite voice paused for a moment, and the next second, Qiao Yi passed a little excited voice, "Sister, is this true?"

"it is true."



"You cry, I listen."

In a word, Qiao Lian could not help but suddenly cried again.

Yeah, cry.

She really has been wronged for eight years and has worked hard for eight years just for this day.

When Dad Lu died, she thought that she could let go of everything, but it wasn't until now that she understood that she hadn't let go at all.

She didn't have the kindness she imagined, and couldn't do anything about it.


Outside the door, Shen Liangchuan walked to the door and was about to reach out and knock on the door of the room. Then he heard Qiao Lian's excited voice coming out.

He stepped, and suddenly felt that at this moment, it was their sister's time. The joy should be enjoyed by both of them, and he should not bother them.

So he stood at the door, leaning on the wall behind him.

Suddenly, his cell phone vibrated.

As soon as he frowned, he lowered his head and saw a string of text messages from the phone number.

Although the string of phone numbers was just a string of numbers, the first time he saw the string of numbers, he recognized it, which was Lu Nanze's mobile phone number.

He froze slightly, and his eyes fell on the door of the master bedroom.

At this moment, there was a faint voice in the room, and Qiao Lian was crying with joy.

He turned his head again, turned on the phone, and looked at the contents of the text message.

The content of the text message is simple: [I do all the courier and takeaway things. 】

Shen Liangchuan narrowed her eyes and smiled.

Then, another message popped up:

[I think that Mo Wuxin pushed you away and kept you alive, not to make you fall in love with Qiao. He is your friend and would like you to be happy. 】

This sentence gave Shen Liangchuan a slight stun.

After a while, he exhaled deeply.


Mo Wuxin is his best friend with Qiao Lian.

That year, because Qiao Lian suddenly withdrew from the club, he was fascinated for a long time.

Mo Wuxin persuaded him so.

"A person can meet a few people who truly love each other in his life? How many years can a person spend a lifetime? No one knows what kind of accident will happen tomorrow, so it is most important to cherish the people in front of you."

Therefore, cherishing Qiao Lian is what he should do most, not push her away.

Deep in the heart of Shen Liangchuan, there was a feeling.

Just then, the third text message was sent again:

[Even if you win, but if you dare to do another thing I'm sorry for Qiao Lian, I won't let you go. 】

If warned, Shen Liangchuan narrowed his eyes. After half a ring, he picked up the phone and slowly responded with three words:

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