You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1215: Xia Yehua's Wedding (10)

"Your brother's bones were suffocated. It was really dying. There was no good piece of meat on his back. In that weather, it would be inflamed. I know that he was taking revenge. He was I'm sure it would be nice if he could be killed ... and then later, your brother was rescued, and I called an ambulance to take your brother to the hospital. Your dad stopped, but just called the family doctor. Did you know? I overheard his conversation with the family doctor. "

These things, Shen Zihao never knew, he suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Xia Yehua unbelievably.

Shen Liangchuan, who was beaten by his father, almost died?

Moreover, Xia Yehua said that after hearing the conversation between father and family doctor, what did their conversation say?

As soon as this idea came out, Xia Yehua said, "At that time, the family doctor said that your brother was too badly injured and must go to the hospital for treatment. Otherwise, the wound on the back may be purulent, which may be life-threatening. "

In a word, Shen Zihao shrank his eyes.

Xia Yehua continued to say, "I was panic when I heard this. I was about to rush over and called your father to take your brother to the hospital, but I heard ..."

Even after many years, Shen Xiu's calm and cruel voice echoed in her ears: "No, just treat it."

The family doctor was in a hurry. "But Mr. Shen, this will kill the patient!"

Shen Xiu was silent for a while, then spoke after half a ring: "What I want is his life."

Xia Yehua stood still and was dumbfounded.

She looked at the man in front of her stupidly and was shocked when she saw the family doctor.

Shen Xiu is trying to explain to himself, and also to the family doctor, "Well, that inverse boy, just know to please the old man, let the old man always compare me with him, the old man's mantra is, you even connect a three-year-old baby Not as good! You said, if I ruined his baby grandson, would I be in a firm position? "

Xia Yehua repeated Shen Xi's words one word at a time.

Shocking Shen Zihao, standing stupidly.

He stared at Xia Yehua in disbelief. "You, are you telling the truth?"

Xia Yehua lowered his eyes, he knew that this sentence was not doubting her meaning, but just too shocked.

She continued to slowly said, "I was terrified and wanted to take your brother out for medical treatment, but when your brother was 18, he was also a young man. I couldn't transfer him by myself. And ... ... your brother's condition can't stand the delay. So, when I was talking to Mei Feng through him, I rushed directly to him, scolded him directly, and then proposed to divorce! "

At that time, Shen Xiu disagreed and talked about the distribution of property.

However, Xia Yehua really has no time.

Shen Liangchuan's condition could not be delayed, so she took the only deposit she had. From the Shen family, she could almost be said to be leaving the house.

Xia Yehua's story is finished.

Inside the study was also quiet.

Shen Zihao was still shocked but could not return.

He never thought that there would be such a thing in the events of that year.

Xia Yehua saw that he was lost in thought, so he stood up and went out.

He walked to the door and was suddenly stopped by him: "Mom."

Xia Yehua turned around.

Shen Zihao looked up, "Do you like Li Mao at that time?"

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