You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1229: Xia Yehua's Wedding (24)

Li Mao really can't help it, "Brother !! What the **** are you doing?"

"How? We just want to know how Yuan Yuan died! We just want to give Yuan Yuan a fair deal! If she is really **** off by you, then our Zhang family will never stop there!"

Li Mao tightened his chin. "You ..."

Before I finished speaking, I suddenly heard the person behind him say lightly: "Let's go, I and he will not get married."

A word fell, and a group of people in the room were shocked.

Everyone glanced at Xia Yehua, and saw her standing there lightly, "Let's go."

Brother Zhang Yuan took the lead in reacting, and he was excited all of a sudden, "You, you said, was Yuan Yuan **** off by you !!! So you are guilty now! Otherwise, why not get married?"

"Yes, that must be the case!"

Zhang Yuanzhang was also angry, and took two steps forward, "We were forced into this share, and finally have to admit it! The two of you are simply a scum of the society!"

"My bitter daughter, you are too bitter. Why did you meet two people like this! Thanks to you, you treat her as a good friend ... ohh ..." The old lady burst into tears.

Li Mao looked at Xia Yehua in shock.

Xia Yehua's eyes were determined, and he met him in mid-air.

In an instant, Li Mao understood Xia Yehua's idea.

He had been avoiding, and did not dare to mention why Zhang Yuan died.

Xia Yehua knew that there must be some reason for this.

Therefore, he would rather explain sentence by sentence, not what you think, but also reluctant to mention the real reason.

That reason must be his embarrassment.

Xia Yehua lowered his eyes.

There was a hint of sourness in my heart.

Zhang Yuan has been dead for so many years, but Li Mao still cares about her ...

Therefore, she suddenly felt that it was boring to marry Li Mao.

After all these years, haven't we got married yet?

In this case, why bother him?

Just don't get married, things can be covered up.

She wasn't talking, she just stepped back two steps, and apparently wanted to get out of the center of the storm.

She was a bit tired and didn't want to fight with this group of people.

Li Mao, however, felt that his heart was held up by an invisible big hand.

It hurts a lot.

She would rather let the Zhang family's people be wronged than want them to embarrass herself ...

Li Mao clenched his fists and suddenly felt that his insistence was a joke.

He fixedly looked at the man in front of him, cursing Xia Yehua, watching Xia Yehua's forbearance ... he tightened his chin.

Mrs. Zhang, who was already crying, "Xia Yehua, you are so mad at my daughter, I have to curse you and you have to die! I want you to die in **** and be born as a beast in the next life! Huh ..."

All kinds of unpleasant words were scolded by the old lady.

Xia Yehua did not speak from beginning to end.

Those words, word by word, poked into Li Mao's heart like a dagger.

Li Mao straightened his back straightly, raised his head, "Shut up!"

Three words, he growled.

The room was quiet for a moment, and everyone looked at him in unison.

I saw Li Mao grinning bitterly, "OK, you want to know how Yuan Yuan died, then I will tell you!"

PS: After updating ... for monthly tickets!

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