You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1251: The End of Mei Feng (16)

When Mei Feng finished speaking, she lowered her head, reached out her hand, covered her eyes, and made a sad look.

Shen Zihao stared at her.

It's time to go. If she really feels sorry for her father, then he might not look down on her so much, but at this moment, she is still thinking to add a block between him and his mother ...

What does this woman do with her heart? Why can it be so abominable!

He narrowed his eyes and stared at her.

When I didn't know what to say, there was a voice beside me, "What are the five palm prints on your neck?"

In a word, Mei Feng panicked suddenly, lowered her head quickly, covered her neck with her collar, and dared not raise her head again.

She stared at the two people stupidly, then slowly spoke after half a ring: "What palm print, you read wrong ..."

When she said that, she looked at Shen Zihao again, "Zihao, come and sit at home more often. Your father left you a lot of things ..."

After speaking, you have to go out.

But just two steps later, she was stopped by Shen Liangchuan again. "Stop."

Mei Feng wanted to leave, but Shen Liangchuan's voice made people inexplicably afraid to move.

She swallowed a mouthful of saliva, then slowly turned her head to look at Shen Liangchuan.

I saw Shen Liangchuan came to her step by step, "This time, you are not in harmony with him, do you think we don't know?"

Mei Feng's face brushed, and she became pale.

"I don't like him, but he is my biological father anyway. Mei Feng, I tell you, you better pray that you have nothing to do with his death, otherwise ..."

The words were not fun, but Mei Feng shivered!

She lowered her head and whispered, "I don't know what you're talking about."

Then he hurriedly left the hospital.

Looking at Mei Feng's back, Shen Liangchuan narrowed his eyes.

After a while, he turned around and looked at Shen Zihao.

Shen Zihao's eyes didn't dare to confront him, and he looked around all the time.

Finally, Shen Liangchuan said, "Let's go home ..."

Before he finished speaking, Shen Zihao walked directly past him.

Shen Liangchuan thought about it, raised his footsteps, and followed.

Two people came to the parking lot.

Shen Liangchuan walked over and just wanted to open the door. Suddenly, Yu Guang in the corner of his eyes saw a dark shadow flashing. He turned his head sharply, and saw that a punch was thrown across his face, and he could not escape.

He frowned, and saw Shen Zihao staring at him, "Come and fight."

Shen Liangchuan paused, took off his jacket, and threw it on the car.

He knew that Shen Xiu's death was definitely inseparable from the Xiao Wang incident. Shen Zihao needed to vent this.

He couldn't blame himself, but couldn't forgive him. Shen Xiu was affected because of their revenge.

The two brothers stood next to the car. Just now they stood up and Shen Zihao punched him.

Shen Liangchuan did not evade, but resisted the punch stiffly, and immediately smashed it into Shen Zihao's shoulder.

You punched me, I punched, and neither of them chose to escape.

At this moment, they are not in a good mood.

Shen Xiu is a scumbag, and their father ... they don't want to see this end.

Until the end, both of them were sitting on the ground with a little body weakness, completely missing the usual image of a rich master.

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