You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1257: The End of Mei Feng (22)

Mei Feng was taken aback by Shen Zihao's declaration.

She was shocked and stared at Shen Zihao in disbelief.

She swallowed and slowly said, "Zihao, you, you ..."

"see a visitor out!"

Shen Zihao yelled, and a babysitter came over, "Please."

Mei Feng wanted to say something, but Shen Zihao turned his head and entered the room, leaving her with a firm back. Mei Feng opened her mouth, and eventually closed her mouth.

She took a deep breath and returned to the Shen family.

But just after arriving at Shen's house, I saw the babysitters going out one by one.

Mei Feng froze and rushed forward, "What are you doing? May I let you go?"

The babysitters didn't look at her expression at all, and just bypassed her and went out.

Mei Feng was anxious and grabbed one of them. "You are gone. How can I eat tonight? You are not allowed to leave!"

"This family has no more owners. Should we still keep this group of people to take care of the empty house?" Suddenly, a majestic voice came out, making Mei Feng stiff.

She turned her head sharply, and saw Father Shen come out of the room.

He stood on crutches, was supported by others, stood there with a serious face, staring at Mei Feng's eyes, as if looking at garbage.

Mei Feng froze and lowered her head. "Dad, why are you here?"

Father Shen sneered, "Don't call my dad, I never admit it, you are such a daughter-in-law."

Mei Feng: ...

Mei Feng stepped forward. "Dad, whether you admit it or not, I'm Shen Xiu's wife. Shen Xiu hasn't been away for a few days. You can't do this to me."

"What's wrong with you?" Father Shen grinned, pointing at the manor of the Shen family. "This manor was built by Shen for me before you got married. It belongs to me, not Shen Xiu's personal property. Now he is dead. , I want to take back my house, don't you agree? "

Mei Feng froze, "But Dad, if so, where do I live?"

Father Shen looked down, "I don't know."

do not know……

Is he going to ignore her?

Mei Feng was anxious, "Dad, you can't ignore me, I'm Shen Xiu's wife!"

Father Shen sneered, "Wife? Did you have a child for him, or did you take care of him? When he died of illness, you were in the room and didn't hear anything. Where is a wife like you? Wife! "

Mr. Shen is very old. He had gray hair all night because of Shen Xiu's death, so Shen Liangchuan and Shen Zihao did not tell him about Mei Feng.

However, even so, Mr. Shen has already become angry with Mei Feng.

Mei Feng froze and froze.

Child or child ...

After all, it's because she has no children!

So after so many years, she will work hard to please Shen Zihao, only hope that if Shen Xiu takes another step one day, Shen Zihao will be nice to herself ...

But now, Shen Zihao has broken with her ...

Without Shen's house, who could give her an old age? !!

While Mei Feng was in a daze, someone had packed all her things, packed three boxes, and pulled them out.

Father Shen lowered his eyes, "Go."

With his words, all the people in the manor left. Until the end, Mei Feng was dragged out of the door by the security guard, and then the door of the manor was locked suddenly.

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