You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1270: Epilogue (10)

Shen Liangchuan was stunned when he heard these words.

He knew that when Qiao Lian resisted with his family at that time, he certainly paid a lot of money to join the club.

He thought that as long as she was coquettish, her parents would agree.

But she did not expect that she would suffer so much.

But these things, she never told herself.

That ’s right, a girl who is good at playing e-sports. Her parents love her so much. If they can agree, they will be blamed.

He was thinking, Lu Nanze continued to speak, "At that time, she was awakened after being sent to the hospital for rescue. Mother Qiao stared at her and asked, are you really going? She answered, yes. Later, Her parents agreed. "

"Because Qiao Lian has been one since childhood, and has been passionate about everything for three minutes. His parents thought at first that she was just a little bit hot-headed, but did not expect that she would be so persistent in this matter."

Shen Liangchuan lowered her eyes, and when she heard these words, she couldn't help laughing, and her voice was filled with pride. "She was born a master of e-sports."

Lu Nanze did not answer this sentence, but just continued to say: "Later, I saw that I really couldn't stop her, so I looked for someone and hurt her hand."

Even though I had known about it for a long time, at this moment I heard Lu Nanze say so lightly that Shen Liangchuan was still very angry. He sneered and sneered: "Mr. Lu's love is really painful."

Lu Nanze smiled at himself, ignoring his satire, but continued to say, "In fact, her hand was not hurt at all."

In a word, let Shen Liangchuan froze slightly, turning his head to look at him puzzledly.

Lu Nanze said, "At that time, his father took her to find the best orthopedist in Suzhou. It was I who approached her and told the orthopedist to tell her that her hand would fall after the sequelae."

"Her hand, that's all right, there aren't so many problems. She now feels soft and trembles because of ... psychological hints."

In a word, Shen Liangchuan's eyes suddenly turned on.

He knows that many professional players actually have hand injuries.

Qiao Lian wants to participate in the e-sports competition. He is happy for the convenience, but also convenient, and also worried that her hand injury will recur.

I didn't expect to hear such an answer now!

This Lu Nanze, he was so irritating!

He frowned, his tone even worse, "Thank you very much, Mr. Lu, for telling us the truth!"

Lu Nanze hesitated when he heard this, and finally coughed, and continued to say, "If you just hear this, you are so angry, then I'm afraid you won't be able to listen even more."

Shen Liangchuan froze.

Without knowing why, he suddenly had a premonition of what Lu Nanze was about to say.

He stared at Nanze in disbelief, and slammed after a while, "that day ... is that you?"

Lu Nanze smiled, "It's not me, it's Qiao Yiyi."

"I do n’t know about Qiao Lian ’s game account, but after her computer is turned on, there will be an automatic login. After her hand was injured, she felt depressed for a while and did not play the game. Let Joe Yiyi do the things. "

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