You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1284: Epilogue (24)

The lower lane shooter nodded. "Yeah, I don't know what happened to me."

The two looked at each other and were silent for a while, and then spoke after half a ring: "Anyway, this game is all a loss. Don't play the opening game, let them play. Let's play well."

Everyone nodded in unison.

Someone is still whispering.

"It turns out that Shen Yingdi also plays Lot!"

"But before, didn't you say that Shen Yingdi hated playing games the most?"

"I remember there was a year when their stars held a game competition, and Shen Yingdi refused to participate!"

"So what is Shen Yingdi doing now?"

In the doubts of everyone, Qiao Lian's game with Shen Liangchuan began.

The other one in the middle of the single, want to catch Qiao Lian.

Qiao Lian cat couldn't go out under the tower.

It's too late for Qiao Lian to retreat. He just stepped forward, with a difficult wave of operations and a flexible position, to avoid the N's multiple injuries. In the end, although he died, he also killed the opponent A person!

at last!

On their side, they got today's opening blood.

The crowd stood behind them, only to see Qiao Lian's hand quickly clicking on the keyboard. The speed was dazzling, and then on the screen for a few seconds, in fact, they had already done several tricks!

In the end, Qiao Lian died with the other party, and they couldn't help crying out, "Okay!"

Being able to kill one person surrounded by several people is definitely a textbook-like operation!

And Qiao Lian's anti-kill, let them finally see a hint of hope.

But soon, that glimmer of hope was dashed.

Because two people on the road were arrested by four people and sent two more heads.

Qiao Lian: ...

Qiao Lian stared at the gap between the two sides and sighed, "This game is not good."

Because the teammates in the early stage sent too much, they raised the other side.

The equipment completely crushes them.

As a result, these people now, whoever they want to kill!

Totally unstoppable!

After hearing this, Shen Liangchuan was silent for a moment, and then spoke after half a ring: "Don't worry, give me some time for development."

The upper middle road and lower road have been arrested badly.

As a result, the core output position of the entire team was not developed at all.

So at this moment, Shen Liangchuan did not join the group at all.

Qiao Lian nodded when he heard what he said.

After the resurrection, she continued to go to the middle.

Just then, a field of vision, saw four people squatting in the grass in the middle!

Qiao Lian narrowed his eyes immediately. "There are four people here!"

When the rest of the teammates heard this, they said directly, "Hit a wave!"

Shen Liangchuan instructed to protect his assistant, "You go and help."

But he just didn't come there.

The assistant came to the middle.

Qiao Lian stared, four to four, they must not win now.

The only thing they can do now is to delay the time for Shen Liangchuan to let him develop, and he can deal the explosion damage.

So Qiao Lian squinted his eyes and stared at the middle. "Everyone listen to me."

The three were already convinced by her recent operation, so all nodded.

Qiao Lian said: "Assist to come forward and sell."

Assisting one step forward.

"come back!"

The assistant did not keep up with the operation and was directly controlled by the other party!

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