You Are My Unforgettable Love

Chapter 1295: Epilogue (35)

"I depend! What's going on ?!"

It happened too fast, just between light and flint.

His uncle jumped up, turned his head and looked at his second grandfather.

The head of the corpse also looked up and looked at it in disbelief.

Qiao Lian and Shen Liangchuan both stared in wonder.

Yu Ji is too strong. Basically, whoever gets it, the winning percentage is 80%.

They are in the first lineup. They used to be very dominant, but now ...

His second grandfather raised his head in panic, looked at the people around him, and swallowed. "I, I accidentally pressed the wrong ..."

Accidentally pressed the wrong ...

This excuse made Qiao Lian's eyes and pupils shrink.

However, this is already the case, and it is impossible to recover.

Su Penghao directly cursed: "When can you shake your hands, you have to choose such a critical moment, his second grandfather, can you have a little brain! I already knew that the old bone bone ancestors got on!"

His second grandfather shrank his shoulders and lowered his head without speaking.

His uncle wanted to curse a few more words, and Shen Liangchuan said lightly. "Well, think about how we can get the lineup next."

The role locked by his second elder is a chicken rib role, basically has not been on the scene, can only be regarded as a small assistant, or the worst assistant.

When this is the first choice, their lineup will definitely have problems.

Shen Liangchuan tightened his brow, and then spoke after half a ring: "Let ’s adjust ..."

The final lineup is determined.

Su Penghao was a little impetuous: "How can this **** lineup win? This auxiliary is a chicken rib! Our game is exactly four to five!"

His impatient temper infected his uncle.

After all, he is a brother, and his uncle relentlessly said, "Second, have you gotten into your brain today? When will it be confusing? You must be confused today! If you lose this game, you will blame you!"

His second grandfather lowered his head, his eyes were red, his hands pressed on the mouse and keyboard, and he whispered, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry ... both blame me ..."

Qiao Lian looked at this picture, and his mentality was a little bit explosive.

The SX team was originally a hard-bone. Now winning such a lineup, their game is even more difficult to play!

When everyone couldn't calm down, Shen Liangchuan's faint voice flowed into their ears like clear spring water: "Okay, all are playing hard. In e-sports, there are infinite possibilities. Who said This auxiliary doesn't work. Since it was created, it has its own value. "

In a word, his second elder suddenly looked up and looked at Shen Liangchuan unbelievably.

Shen Liangchuan is like the team's peace of mind. Sitting there makes people feel very peaceful.

Yeah, even though I took the wrong role, who said that I would lose?

While thinking about it, I heard Shen Liangchuan say, "In this game, everyone will let go. We have three games and two wins. We lose one game and we still have a chance."

The impetuous mood just now calmed down with his calm tone.

Everyone calmed down, stopped talking, and played seriously.

Before entering the game interface, Qiao Lian and Shen Liangchuan looked at each other.

At that moment, listening to the familiar and exhilarating music, for a while, they seemed to be back to eight years ago, to those wanton times.

She suddenly opened her mouth and smiled slightly at him.

In response to her, it was his light smile.

PS: After the update, see you tomorrow ~

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